I was playing necro 41 lvl on nightmare since game release.
I’m starting the game this morning, and my character just disappeared from the menu.
All save files are still on the computer with the name of my character (in C:\Users\User_name\Saved Games\Diablo II Resurrected).
How can I get my character back?
I have the same problem, just reach level 40 yesterday or 41 and then today no char in my char list… what happened?
Just played for about 3-4 hours closed diablo 2 relogged and my character is gone lvl 44 sorc
how can i get my char back any bug fix for this
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Wann nimmt endlich ein Supporter zu den verschwundenen Charakter Stellung. Das kann doch nicht so schwer zu beheben sein!?
Oder schaltet wenigstens die Rückgabe des Spiels frei. Schliesslich wurde jede Sekunde die ich gespielt habe gelöscht.
I have no idea how it happened. No errors when logging into servers, no connection errors during the game.
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Hi all,
We continue to investigate reports of missing characters though at this point we haven’t identified any specific bugs and it may be that the characters were accidentally deleted.
We’re aware of the feedback that this can happen a little too easily with how it works currently and have passed it along to see if we can make some improvements there.
For now you may want to consider starting a new character and if we’re able to confirm any issues with other solutions or workarounds, we’ll be sure to share the updates.
Сharacters were accidentally deleted by whom?
I just closed the game through the main menu. If the character has been deleted, why do I still have save files on my computer?
I do not want to create a new character, I want to continue playing with the previously created one.
My 2 online characters disappeared two days ago. I am playing on PC and there is literally no way how those characters could have been deleted accidentally. One of the characters was deleted during the time when I was home alone and the game was not running.
The most probable scenario for me is that you don’t have full control of what your servers are doing thus you’re not able to fully explain what is going on.
I will not follow your recommendation of starting a new online character because there is not enough assurance this will not happen again.
Honestly I am quite disappointed and considering refund
My lvl 65 necro disappeared 1 hour ago. It seems that i am not the only one…
this is nonsense. the character was not accidentally deleted. I ended the game normally. 2 hours later he was gone.
i want a new lvl 75 character. I have neither time nor desire to start over. Switch at least the return from the game free again. all of my playing time has been deleted.
Damn. This is really concerning.
I was deco then my personal lvl 87 has disappeared no response from the moderator …
Same like me, 30lvl char is gone. I wrote for refund, but no answer 2nd day
this is ridiculous
You say accidentally delete. Not by use you mean Blizzard Deleted them that insane
A moderator could contact me it’s been 5 hours that I have no answer I no longer have my character lvl 87 …
As Tyrskorn said, it was maybe accidentally deleted. An intern probably accidentally pressed the delete button on random characters on the server.
My level 78 Blizz sorc is gone as well. It definitely wasn’t “accidentally deleted” This is absurd.
i have no idea what level i was but i would like to have my char back too… maybe i will delete something from blizzard accidentally 
what kind of reply is this do you consider us halfwits or something we dont accidently delete a character by pressing the tiny X square then ok on the warning message
those chars disappeared because u delivered a bug filled remaster and you have no solutions the usual