My character is gone

не переживай, такая же бойда

OMG All my characters is gone…

The same problem, my character is gone. Very funny blizzard, I can’t wright on this theme in your support.

All my characters are gone too… and so much time has been lost if can’t recover them.
Any solution?

My online characters are gone…why?

Пропало 3 персонажа - 2 друида и некромант.

After the last server crash, the Horadric cube disappeared from the character
Last normal play: October 10, GMT 18:00 PM;
Online character: Yes
Double checked the Online and Offline tab:YES
Character class: Paladin
Level: 31
The platform: PC
Character name: ZeNoweone
Server: EU

Here we go again. Third time in two days. Characters gone.

really blizzard?bring back the old developers and fire those pink ponies

My online character dissapeared 10 min ago after relog. Sorc 51 lvl.

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Logged in today. Saw my 2 character. Selected one and hit play. Character could not be found on this server error. Retried. Same error. Closed game. Reopened game.

Characters both gone. This has been an issue since a few days after release, why is this not being address properly?

Logged in today and my on-line char is gone. Closed the game through menu yesterday in the evenig. The saved game still existz on my computer under my user folder.

the same CHaractreers GONE

All Characters gone again, just like yesterday.
That is 3 days in a row with issues. Havent been able to play all weekend due to this.

This is truly starting to get annoying. Now what, just another warning telling us to check twitter for updates?

Are u kidding? Am i supposed to begin again a new char when I had a full mf sorc equipped? A lot of good items for trade?
Is it a Blizzard joke???

All my chars are gone too.

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My 47 Paladin is gone too. I’m guessing since others are reporting the same issue, the servers may be/going down.

  • The character was lost: on the morning of 11 October 2021 ;
  • Last Nightmare play: October 11, 3:25 AM;
  • Online character;
  • Double checked the Online and Offline tab;
  • Character class: Paladin
  • Level: 46/47
  • The platform: PC
  • Character name: MOTHMAN
  • Server: US

Will they come back?

I tried to play this morning, but unfotunatlly all my Chars are gone.
I allready managed to delete one at the very beginning, so I can confirm that this time it was not deleted by myslef.
How is it possible that all (not 1 but 3) are gone. I dont want to start all over.
If there is no work around how do I get my money back?

Character was lost: October 11
Last Normal Play: October 10
Online Character: Yes
Double checked Online and Offline tabs: YES
Character class: Necromancer
Level: 25 - 27
Platform: PC Win10
Character name: Freid
Server: Europe
I have not deleted the character! Exit the game using the “Save and Exit” buttoт
Is it possible to restore it?

It’s a joke bro…played about 200+ hours for a bowazon , have cool items, and restart? Pay back the price than , and maybe I don’t forget Blizzard forever. Angry again , after yesterday’s afternoon. Fcuk Blizzard !