Personal Loot OPTION needed

it’s not a REMASTER dingus its RESURRECTED! do u know what that means?

BLIZZ will call it D2 REMASTERED if it was a remaster but guess what it’s not.

that’s like saying FF7 Remake waz a REMASTER…

get over it or QUIT!

some QOL’s don’t just mean u get every change u see fit

D4 is around the corner, there’s the DOOR, don’t let it hit u on the way out

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Can we please leave out semantics ? Dont care how they call the game.

After having played intensively the last days Iam under the impression only Ninjalooter wants no PLoot.

I usually host my own TeleBaal-XX games with 2-3 of my friends and usually we do the most work and some people just stand around trying to grab items. This wouldnt be possible with PLoot. We switched therefore to private games yesterday, but thats sad for a Multiplayer Game.

Also you wouldnt need to hold down ALT all the times which is annoying and if you choose the option to see the loot all the time it gets very messy on screen.

I havent so far seen a good argument against PLoot, its usually the old same nonsense “It wasnt in the original…”.

Or the other case where people think items will be flooded to the market, how ? 8 people in ONE game MFing instead of 8 players in 8 games will result in less items and not more.


Hm. A change 20 years ago made about the loot is ok. But a change, when it is made now isn’t?

I, of course, talk about the telekinesis-skill of the sorceress. You could pick up EVERYTHING, with this skill. Why was it changed? Everbody wants puplic loot, why should the telekinsis-skill work like it was in the last patch of D2 original and not like it was at the beginnig?

So, if the puplic-looters want it, make the telekinsis-skill of the sorceress as it was at the launch of D2 original, so EVERYBODY can loot everything when he/she is fast enough… just BE QUICK!.

I’m definitly FOR the option of Ploot. And then, telekinesis can even more function like it was at launch of D2 original. So if there are Telekinsis-whiners again, you can say: just turn ploot on!. (or if that isn’t an option for puplic looters: “just BE QUICK!”)


Will not happen. Get over it.
D2 has always been that way - Baal runs have leechers that will not attack or ‘do less work’ and still have the same possibilty to grab an item.
If you wan’t gear - just make private mf runs with your ‘2-3’ friends and trade the stuff with eachother.

Glad all the kids will be gone in a month or two and play PoE, D3 or some other garbage game.
We, or who ever, don’t need any other ‘argument’ and the argument ‘is good enough’.
Its just your ‘opinion’ or ‘how you feel’.
But sorry, nobody cares what, or how you feel or about your opinion :slight_smile:

Diablo 2 has always been that way and thats why people like it - If we want some garbage ploot system we would be playing the boring D3 or some other game.
No ‘nonsense’ at all - The only ‘nonsense’ is people like you crying all day about a game mechanic thats part of the game.

So you have two choices: Get over it and learn how d2 is meant to be played, or stop playing at all. :>

Never, ever in the past 15+ years have i ever think about getting ‘good items’ in public games lmao.
You have to do mf runs by yourself or with at least ‘one friend’. thats good and more than enough.


I won’t play D2r with randoms. And I’m STILL for a Ploot-option.
Mainly, because I want to get my telekinsis back, where you can pick up EVERYTHING with it…

If it is an option, don’t turn it on, when you don’t want it. If you want Puplic loot forced to everyone, then play D2 original! This is still an option, by the way. (in comparisson with WC III, where this isn’t an option anymore.)

And if Ploot hinders trade, then so be it. More time to actually play the game, then… (But I don’t believe, that there is no trade in D3…)


So your only “argument” is “The game was always that way” and “You are a kid”, I hope you see the irony.

Still no real argument why it shouldnt be an OPTION in the game.

And I see only one crowd really crying and thats the non PLoot advocates who are probably the Ninjalooters in my games.

“Its not happening”, well good that you speak for Blizzard. They said they wouldnt do it on launch but are discussing such ideas as option.


I am not against a ploot option per game.
But if it is enabled, lower the drop rates for every char in game as if it was solo game.
So you end up with a monster dropping x8 more items, but each item has x8 less chance to drop or is x8 less rare. Trade economy is less impacted.

3 day old post over 30mil sold and only 30 people crying about Ploot

must be the vocal minority

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no. and here are some no´s, for all the other threads:


29.99 million playing in solo or passworded games. No community because of this. Almost as many ready to jump ship when a more socially friendly ARPG releases (cough… Last Epoch… cough).

It’s pretty sad that most people will play in private games or solo in a MUTIPLAYER game because of lack of a harmless OPTION that a huge number of players would like.

Adapt or die, as the law of the evolution says. Private loot is so 20 years ago, it has to go. PoE learned that lession and almost went bust due to lack of PLoot. Thankfully the devs saw sense and added the OPTION. Guess what? It caused no problems, and saved the game.



Basically it will have to be an option to keep players. Options never hurt anyone. Don’t be afraid. It’s alright. They will implement it properly. You will not get any extra loot entering the trade system, no need to panic. Clever people know how to program so that doesn’t happen. They do it all the time. Nothing to fear. Change is good. Adapt or die. The only people remotely harmed by a friendly loot OPTION are loot ninjas, and who cares about them?


Only an idiot would implement PLoot like that. Are you calling Blizzard an idiot?


you have an option for personal loot kill the mobs solo … oh its to hard for you ? hmm thats another topic
multiplayer make the game very easy but the loot is harder to get … only fair in my opinion

Again someone who didnt understand the point, probably on purpose just to gaslight like always.

EDIT: Whats up with the quote feature, it always disapears after posting :confused:

So your argument is that people want more afterwards, thats a weak point. This soloely depends on Blizzard whether they would do that or not. I havent seen yet people want more loot drops so thats only your implication and nothing else.

Of course, since they are obviously able to hand out a working game and proper working servers on launch day :roll_eyes:

oh i understand you want the game to be easy 8pl and personal loot
but i say no if you want personal loot play solo
lets be honest at this point most chars are not able to clear cs or baal with an acceptable speed especially ones that have to deal with immunities like sorc
so you go 8pl games where a hammadin or combination of all dmg types carries you and still expect personal loot ? personal loot destroyed d3 lets not destroy d2 too

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You talk such a nonsense, Iam already farming solo in Hell with my Sorc so no I dont need anyone to help me. But nice that you are implying that Iam noob because I want PLoot. Its the contrary, “noobs” are grabbing loot while you are busy dealing with mobs.

And thats exactly the point, the solution then is to play SOLO and THATS exactly the point. People also want to have the option to hop in into MULTIPLAYER games and have fun with others while getting here and there sometimes loot.

You act like people would be decked out in a week or something because there would be PLoot, what a nonsense. You still will MF MUCH faster in solo games, 8 players games never will be as good doesnt matter if PLoot or not. But right now only ninjalooters get loot in for example Baal Runs.


Even if you can solo Baal or CS hell with you sorc it will be much harder than in 8pl game and it will take a lot longer and for this you will be rewarded with personal loot.
If you go the easy way you have to deal with shared loot.
I do 8pl games too but only for xp i dont even try to loot there …

Baal Runs sure but I dont need to MF at Baal. Pindleskin for example is very easy and can drop everything in the game unless they have changed something.

MFing isnt hard in D2 but thats your implication, if you cant MF in 8 player games you wont get any items because you are not capable and thats nonsense.

Right now the people who just stand around (leechers) get the loot because you are busy killing mobs while they only grab items.

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