Queue - Never Ending Story

I try to play since 5h… allways queue
do something

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I am waiting 1,5 hours (queue 365) for getting into the game, after 20 minutes disconnect to re enter the queue at 485? What the f. is wrong with you? i was very patient the last weeks but now i am pissed. get your fricking work done!


Exactly the same for me, but I was only able to play for three minutes. Now in queue at 485. Blizzard has definitely lost me as a customer for any other and future games, but I was really hoping that I can at least enjoy D2R. But, as always, they succeed in screwing everything up. Good job, Blizzard!

I was 397 in queue. After 30 minutes got “Error connect to server”. Now I am 514… XD


queue 2 hours, play 15mins game crash, queue 2 hours againqueue 2 hours, play 15mins game crash, queue 2 hours again

Have same experince now, 480 in queue and after 15 mins game crashed…at least fix the crashes with the queue system…or keep my spot reserved for 1 min after game will crash so i can login again!

This doesn’t make any sense. Do something.


у меня уже 135, спустя 3 часа… “желание Игра в Diablo 2 уже нет” … просто интересно, когда очередь закончится, я зайду? или меня выкинет?

I am now really disguisted after this crashing and queue thing… this is NOT what i paid for… i paid for a good enjoyable time… and what i get… being angry all time when i wanna play…
after i wait for the queue for 1-2 hour i just dont wanna play anymore…



You guys shall be ashamed of yourself for the lack of technical support and sh*tty servers in D2. I am done with blizzard and cancelling my subscription to WOW as i do not want to give you anymore money


Thank you Blizzard for the opportunity to wait 2.5 hours in the queue to get this wonderfully worded error message (seriously what does it even mean, are these login agreements a disease, should I check with my doctor about them?):
“You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements.”
Proceeding to another exciting session of position in queue: 450.

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I can’t play… 453 in queue

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Started at 492 or so more than 1h ago (after a ctd, which shouldn’t put me back into the queue in the first place, assuming I re-log in within a grace period of say 5 min).

64 now, after about 1:05h.

Embarrassing is still a nice way to put it.

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The server power required to run Diablo 2 has not increased in the past 20 years. Your inability to provide instant access to Battle.net shows that you did not budget for people to actually play the game.

Pull out some goddamn money and scale your server infrastructure horizontally! It’s been a month like this already, this is embarrassing…

Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about the customers. They got their money from the majority of people who were looking forward to the game, the numbers were good and that’s that.
From now on, they couldn’t care less what happens. At some point, some of the people will be so annoyed that they’ll uninstall the game and never touch it again, and poof, the server problems will have solved themselves without Blizzard having to spend a single cent.

In the beginning I really thought that Blizzard would like to polish up the image a bit and will give everything to make D2R run smoothly, but I’ve said goodbye to that thought. It’s just another profit-hungry company that doesn’t care whether the customers are happy or unhappy.

The bigwigs at Blizzard are probably sitting there thinking that the next games that are released will still be bought by enough people anyway, no matter how it goes. And they’re probably right about that for the time being. I wish Blizzard that at some point the numbers will really crash.

Let’s see what time brings :slight_smile:

The mods here in the forum seem to be told to just delete a lot of the posts without comment, even if they don’t violate any forum rules. This shows quite well that Blizzard neither wants to admit the mistake nor does it want to do anything about it. Keep quiet and wait and see is their motto.


When this will end? i paid not to wait 1 or 2 hours!! WEEK you had week when it starts, you do nothing!!!


Just took me more than 1:10h to re-log in after a ctd (starting at 492).

Why on Earth they didn’t implement a grace period of say 5 min for people who ctd (or erroneously log off) that would allow you to skip the queue is beyond me. Knowing how big corporations work, I’d say in all likelihood it’s cost saving.

What a bunch of absolute amateurs that have lost me forever as a previously loyal customer.

Is this even being addressed by @Blizzard, the queue times are approaching two hours in prime times.

This is beyond acceptable for any game. Wasn’t this supposed to be a more or less temporary fix until they where able to let more players play? I find this extremely frustrating not only can we not play the way we want farm a particular boss or area for maximum efficiency we also have to accept those unreal queue times, that seemingly only gets worse?

This cant be real for a game released in 2021, give the players some transparency to what’s going on at blizzard to fix this, or what is causing it ( I cant believe the game is growing in players by that rate… so are people botting or what’s happening?)

I hope you are not planning any Ladder soon, considering the state the game is in right now.

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why do i get into the offline character list after queueing, literally didnt have my hand on the keyboard so couldnt have pushed esc by mistake. Then you press the online tab and get put into the queue again… and after that its just a matter of luck how long you get to play before it crashes and you have the repeat to whole process. Isnt one queue enough?

This happens every time, not just once.

Edit: Oh and now on my third time i queue it said “cannot connect” when it was done :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Have had the same. These people are absolute amateurs, and have lost me as a loyal customer forever.