Random disconnects and lag spikes in Ladder

I hoped better from Blizzard due to latest changes in their company. But still this terrible service. Hard lag, constant disconnections so I cant play the game I paid for. I guess it is my fault again to trust them. You can do better than this because you did in the past. Do you choose not to? Why? If this is not fixed in a few days I swear this will be the last Blizzard purchase I will ever make.

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My HC just die because of disconnecting.
There are many lag spikes and strange behavior althought Ping under 70. I feel like ping is around 1000, action too delay

Hi, i have the same problem, in the act 2 , I do few steps and my game just close and ervey time I open the game and do again few steps i act 2, same shi* happend. I just cant play. Some person have a solutions or I just wait for a fix patch ?

Its now Monday morning 11.00 am MEST and I get 3 random disconnects while the servers are overloadet at last 2 hours.

Disconnect issues three days in a row in eu ladder… Do something Blizzard.


I’ve been lucky enough to have no disconnects anymore since day 1. However, the lag spikes, rubber banding and input delay (or straight up not getting the input as it happened during the lag) is pretty awful still unfortunately. Had skills not fire off, pots not being used, etc. simply because I tried to use them whilst the game was stuttering.

And I constantly have to use teleport with my sorc not just to get around, but because on my screen it looks like I’m ten meters away from a mob that somehow still manages to melee me until I teleport and it accurately shows my position again.

Sort of playable, I’m now level 72 on a blizzballer with semi-okay gear in Hell act IV, but the biggest challenge remains not getting killed by continuous lag…

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No matter what time of day, after about 5 to 10 minutes I’m thrown out of the game every time! Unplayable! :frowning_face: :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Same problem here … check connection and all is fine .
I keep on getting regularly disconnected between 5 to 20 min with high latency peaks …


There’s a constant spam of disconnections, and ping and latency–both–are all over the place. Rubberbanding, server delay, and just idle disconnects in town while playing by myself.

I think this is why I quit the game originally, and I don’t know if I should be surprised or not that it is now worse than before.

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Same here - disconnects every 5 to 10 mins… very frustrating and worrying my gears get lost while being disconnected :sweat:

me too. this one is extremely annoying. i had to do same quest over and over.

Cant play with these lag spikes. Stuff teleporting skill points only apply to the skill after clicking 16th time. Whats with these servers…


So, just got like 5 dc within 5 - 7 mins… and then I find my dead body in town lol Glad I am not HC player I would be done with this game already. EU servers are an absolute joke, run by incompetent staff we the players all paid for. Blizzard hitting new low or can you get any lower as you are already?

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Same dross today again at current state the game is absolutely unplayable. But Blizzard won’t forget to advertise 35% discount for this game with atrocious state of servers. You surely won’t be seeing any more money coming from me your way. You just made sure of that Blizzard.

yeah i have been playing ladder since day one and the servers are worse than they have ever been , never had a issue playing the game before until d2r came out. like the graphic overhaul is nice but apparently now the servers are unplayable and you cant loot at all bc you might never see it. would be nice if they fixed it but it doesn’t seem like anything is going to be fixed . half the time i half to play in solo just bc of this reason and even then still getting disconnects and rubberbanded all over the place . or the getting stuck in portals or teleing after u go into a portal just tons of bugs

Can we get any response? This is a joke guys. Did you rlly just throw ur oldest fan community under the bus? Go and get a decent server ffs. We should all sue them… It is in fact a complete scam! Completely unplayable! I hope blizz is going down FAST.

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Same problems for me, playing on EU servers. Disconnects… not to often, sometimes once a hour, sometimes once a 4 hours. BUT always rollbacks - and this is what I hate!

Losing: progress, exp, wps, items, follower exp and gear too, quests.
16.05.2022 ~ 3 weeks after release! :-1: :-1: :-1:

How to solve this? Ez more server power! How to get it? Ez invest more money.

Why do blizz don’t do it??
Ez… they want keep all money they get in their pockets.
:face_with_monocle: :face_vomiting: :money_mouth_face:

5dc within 15 sec after creating a game in a row! This is a definition of a *hit show the EU servers are…