Thanks blizzard

There are so many negative topics… Therefore i want to start one positive :slight_smile:
Just want to thanks blizz and the teams beyond.
D2 is as great as 20 years before with muchhhh better graphic and some good little changes.

Gl and hf


Agreed, thank you for giving us an awesome remaster, and please ignore the “change” small crowd, they are not here to stay.

I 2nd what the 1st poster said, and 2nd what the 2nd poster said which I guess would make my 2nd of the 1st a 3rd which would make my 2nd of the 2nd a 4th even though 1 2nd plus the 2nd 2nd plus a 1st 2nd of the 2nd poster’s 2nd would be a…

…oh dear I’ve gone cross-eyed.

Still. Great of revamp of a great game! :grinning:

Ich sag auch Danke, das was uns Spieler ankotzt ist die mechanic die von ausserhalb kommt, Bots oder handel in Jsp… Keine Sau interressiert sich doch für Ladder wen die da Handeln mit ihrem Scheissgold, Das is Cheat!

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Same. Thanks for resurrecting my favourite game “exactly like I remember it”.

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yes but please take the name out of the topic’s name. Normally it is not allowed to put Blizzard in the topic’s name.

But i like this game thought there are some downsides compared to the original one.

Thank you creatives, coders and everybody else contributing, very nicely finished project! I hope we will see more like this again + a more graceful and honest resolvement of your internal affairs.

Kind regards
A gamer & dev

P.S.: Please fix W3 (did not buy).

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These negative topics dont even matter tbh. Most of them are created by wow/hots/hearthstone players how to hooked to d3 for some reason and cant stand that in d2 not every boss poops out 20 uniques and you get your best in slot gear within 6 hours. Bless god thats just a minority that we just should ignore


Yup, D2R is perfect remake I have ever seen. To say thanks is not so difficult thing, but ppl doesn`t use this simple mechanics. Thank you, Blizzard!


Hmmm, yes it is great looking but.

  1. Always crashing (creating, staying in the Lobby, joining, opening a TP)
  2. Join is USELESS, very quick refresh, cant check names, cant check settings/players, Refresh is not working
  3. It is very laggy sometimes …
  4. Lobby is full of itemshop advertisement, and block is not working, among that Lobby is also useless.
  5. Loading/starting is very slow (not my computer)
    And Blizzard sold this game as a “new” game - based on its price - and I got a “repainted”, but “has many issues” game.

I’m not having big problems running the game and my pc is not a high-end one (ryzen 5 1600x, rx590) The game is still very good with high replayability.

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Me too. I have non-top pc (i7 4770, GFX1060, 16G RAM) and have no problems. My gfriend started the game on elder notebook (i4! GFX 760), it worked too (sweet God, I watched smoke, but D2R worked). There are a lot of gameplay videoes in youtube where those strange guys play D2R and say that it doesn’t work) So we live in postmodern world and are to watch very strange sht)

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Lots of amazing and kind words in this thread - thank you all so much! :heart_eyes:


I just want some simple(ish) Loot Filter… Horking items as a WW barb…it’s not pretty man I am telling you…almost unplayable…

Also I don’t know how many items i have lost due to screen being too crowded and cannot see good items :(…

Some Lootfilter For Miscs and gold threshold would be a good start.

And I am kinda 90% sure I will stay a long2 time.

Yes some of the graphics is bad but then some is good too…like tombs…great axe looks…some bad example is baal…bash icon skill… But The Audio Is Damn good man!!! Overall all audio is no bad at all, no complain there.

I don´t exactly concur 2 U regarding D2, but I apprieciate you looking at the bright side…

Letz hope, that D4 ´s gonna be a f…ing great game. :wink:

Greetz, HF

I know there’s a lot of negative topics and I can admit I have been negative about it. This game was my no1 to play when it was released originally because of how unique it was.
My negatives though along with a few others are the ones Blizzard need to hear in order to make this a completed game. There is no denying though that there a lot of moaners that will never be pleased, sadly you’ll find that with anything in life. Always remember, when someone loves, there is another who hates.
It is not perfect, YET. However, it will once they fix the bugs that came with this game. And for the record, this is a very decent remastered game imo, you don’t really see many games that are remastered done to these graphics. Keep it up Blizzard.

Agree wholeheartedly. My brother and me just started up again and this is an extremely good resurrection of D2. When I fire up the old D2 to compare my builds and take notes, the graphics in D2R becomes almost as if it had been in D2 all along - and now D2R is a must for me. The new subtle changes, bone pile sounds, other sounds, all in all the D2R experience is worthy of being crowned a proper remaster! (Undead Crown). :clinking_glasses: :fire:


You’re welcome! I assume my t-shirt is in the mail. :stuck_out_tongue:

While I believe that Blizzard should have avoided some initial technical bugs at release. I totally agree that Blizzard did the right job in D2R.

I played D2 since 2004, I think the developers wanted D2R to represent a patch that have some updates as a regular improvement to the gameplay, not an overhaul of the original game.

Some criticism that I see forget this fact that D2R is patch 1.16 to a 2001 game. They just want D2 to be a 2021 game (the endless stash and endless respecing…).

Online is trash fix ur server