The drop is absolutely sh*t

Another instant gratification generation post. Lmao keep farming.


Sorry my friend but this is totally nornal.
There is a site that calculates the drop chance of any item from any mob (dropcalc) and in your example a swirling crystal WHITE from Mephisto is 1 in 360 if you have 300 mf. That means that you roll a 360 sided dice each time and you need to hit what you want… trust me its not easy at all. You may do it in 100 rolls you may do it in 100000 rolls. For Occulus the odds are 1/1400 so you should consider yourself lucky that you found Occulus …Its all about math… and it sounds fine.


This game is farm-less and loot-less. Nothing drops on Hello beside Normal wise items(barely usbale in Normal…)
Can not understand the purpose of farming in Hell, is to get itmes to beat Normal faster?

Protip… you can solo chaos with an enigmadin and use the seal abuse trick to kill diablo faster than 7 people can wave clear and kill baal.

you wanted to say 7 years right, because indeed, you can farm 7 years for nothing in this game.

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The stupid shit some people are spreading here is getting out of control…


7 minutes, I think…

Though Occulus and Ormus are far from nothing. If farming seven hours and I get Occulus and Ormus I would say it was a good day.

All I got yesterday from playing on hell for three hours was a four socket Thresher and I am still content because it is the best Insight base I found since the release of D2:R.


The enemies at Chaos are the ones that drop the good stuff, usually not Diablo. I have found Lo, 2x Ber and a Mal at Chaos from the enemies. People that rush Diablo miss out on a lot of good stuff.

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Monsters killed by seal opening still drop their items, don’t they?

Yes but all other elites in Chaos Sanctuary do not. Killing the seals only is fast though which might make up for skipping elites, but you kill elites within a second when geared.

Travi is trash ? Ive never looted so much Mal there, WT this morning at 2nd attempt (but i assume it’s pure luck tbh), a lot of GC, jewels.

Got a ber rune strolling down to countess was on the 2 or rd level i think, didnt know they dropped untill you hit the countess.

Today i have found
1 Leviathan
1 Skulders Ire

Tested out the skulders and i think its bent. My upgraded viper gets me there faster and the drops seem to be about the same.

Long story short. If lady Luck is on your side, you cant loose

Don’t go to the casino, you will be disapointed.

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hello, welcome to d2 :slight_smile:

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So, only normal monsters drop items if killed by seal opening? Still looks much more effective.

uhm welcome to diablo 2?

Monsters do not drop loot if a gate is what killed them. It would have been fun if they did because it would be a big treasure map since you can open all gates within seconds.

anywhere from 250 - 300 I have about 360 on switch for bosses…

Right now I have 284 off switch and 359 on switch with Occulus and Rhyme ruin word, waiting to find a 2os trolls nest so I can roll a Splendor though to replace Rhyme.

I have Shako and Tals Plate with P. Topaz in them, garbage 33% war travelers, a bunch of small MF charms ranging from 6 to 7%.

I’m running, 2x Upped Mage Fist Gloves, 22% Mara’s, Raven Frost, SoJ, Hoto, Spirit Shield, Arachnid Mesh, Tals Armor and Harlequin Crest (Shako)… Pure lightning Sorc… Merc has Smoke armor, Insight Thresher and Vamp Gaze socketed with P. Topaz for now…

My kill speed is pretty good and the MF is almost right where it needs to be… I wanna get closer to 350% with normal gear but I need to find perfect 50% war travelers and more small mf charms.

You wanna be anywhere from 250 - 320 to get some decent yields though, if you’re under 250 you’ll notice a huge decline in unique / set drops.

Exactly, trolls like you, life-less people who tell us to farm 20 years to get some items.
Does anybody enjoy PvP? no! becuase very few got itmes to be able to compete in PvP!
PvP should be one of the end-game of D2 right?
Do you want us to farm 10 years to get gear for PvP? Thanks, no thanks, in few years there will be other games like Diablo 4, Loast Ark, POE 2… so we do not have 10 years to farm in D2.