blibli s’en cogne ils ont gagner du pognon maintenant c’est “démerdez vous” un jeu de 20 ans et tjs pas foutu de régler les problèmes de connexion. de vrais tanches ces dév
hopefully half of the company gets fired, how is it even possible that the “big player of gaming” is not able to keep a 20 year old game running on their servers. i dont know if i should cry or laugh. like wtf happened to this f***** bullshit company?
You have not been onlin in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements.’ i cannot launch the game. why ???
Actually is just another shity solve, it dosen’t work, your position in queue is the same for hours… so they are just ignoring all that happen with us…instead they stopped one more server to appear this queue :)))))))))))))))))) (and for some electricity economy)
i’m agree with all coments and injury about this Company who dont respect customers.If samthing went rong why dont stop server 1 week, fix ,and new start whit nooooooo problems.Btw Blizzard is weekend and we want to play with no queue, no crashes, no dc…just play!
PS: 2 crushes and 3 time queue: 290
I just came in and my daughters pulled the cable on the router. I’m going to blow my brains out
I’d argue it’s not out of question that it was the result of underinvestment in what was assumed to be easy money due to no creative budget. Executives limited the budget to ensure profits. In such a case, their current efforts to repair are irrelevant in terms of culpability.
Like, did they turn on the old servers in a warehouse for the original D2 and think it would support the modern world? Just kidding but conceptually the “architecture + legacy code” description is literally the definition of technical goals in remastering a decades old game isn’t it? Not sure that’s worth giving them a break after $60 preorders and a very short beta that could have been extended to fix the game before taking advantage of their consumer base.
So the description of “an architecture + legacy code issue” is quite simply jargon for “we failed on R&D because we thought it was a simpler problem than it was”. Such a budgetary responsibility always rolls up the corporate hierarchy IMO.
I’m still talking hypothetically but I think this is a more accurate description of the failures we’re witnessing. Currently at 8th place in my queue so logging off until it crashes in 15 minutes then back in the queue as I hear… Peace!
This is the worst Blizzard game launch ever since Diablo 3, I’m gonna keep it because it will be and is a good game, but to release it in this mess, is just stupid.
UPDATE: Ok sorry for the rant the game works fine now. Its to bad the launch went this way because the remastered is been done just as my dreams would it to be. Great job overal. Please make act 6 ty
I paid for this game…seriously. Wife is gone…I think hell it’s a great time to jump on. Then suddenly, like gandalf the grey…
“YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!” -blizzard and their 20 year old game with new make up.
super sache spiel 2 mal gekauft laptop funktioniert nicht gpu einstellungen für das spiel schlecht gemacht obwohl ich auch ruckelfrei wow spielen kann switch gekauft online modus schrott sehr nice dazu kommen noch die ständigen server abstürze eins meiner lieblings spiele vor 20 jahre in einen absoluten alptraum verwandelt danke blizzard
achja nicht zu vergessen das es eine frechheit ist auf konsole den gleichen preis zu nehmen obwohl es nicht komplett ist sprich lobby und ihr euch nur darum kümmert das es hauptsache auf PC läuft
Ja ist schon traurig was Blizzard da veranstaltet hat. Eins meiner Lieblingsspiele von früher und jetzt einfach nur ne Alptraum oder gar Hölle.
10 min gaming.
Queue 30 min.
10 min gaming.
Nice farm.
einfach traurig !!!
Hab jedes Blizzardspiel und es waren immer Probleme aber sowas hier ist schon sehr heftig
The problem is that we bought a FINAL release not a crap BETA. Or are we still BETA testers? So why they sell PROD-RELEASE, when it is totally not? Game still crashes for many ppl. I am HC player, luckilly all my crash didnt kill my char. MY friend has not too much of luck they died many times coz game crash… this is not what I will call PROD-RELEASE mate.
Few ppl wanted to REFUND, their support center refuses that, they force banks to do this.
Maybe the problem is that almost all companies needs money earlier even if they dont have fully tested product…
Regards your “selected beta tester for Diablo 2” - I have tested over dial-up connection before 20yrs… and I played it last year too…
I am still weiting for the game h…S… Blizzard
25min in 2021 year hahahahha B…S…
Hi ,
Can somebody tell me how or where can I make a tiket straight to blizzard ? and get a answer from a game admin ? (not forum)
I realy have a bad experience with this game and they need to tell peauple hows this shit go…u have some hour at day or every 2 , 3 days and u cant play…because server shuts down…becaus u have to weit for 400 players to can join…wtf game is this ? I paid 40 euros to see videos on youtube or lisen music ?
On the others post from this forum I dont see non admin answer to nobody…
Wtf blizzard ?
i was thinking they cant make it more sh, but HEY THEY CAN TY FOR WASTE TIME MR GREEDY
I try to log in waiting list 282 … that free game or what ?
they just want to ours money without spending for extra servers