Thoughts On The New Queue System?

Thats nonsense, and you know that. Many,MANY Players have issues with D2R crashing for no reason atm. Me included. Running High End Rig with up 2 date drivers. Still crash. Sometimes with notification, sometimes the game will just close with no window or anything showing up.


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL again crash que 174 hahahahahaha lawl kekt

Same here with 1 week new computer, crash randomly and get 160 position queu, thx blizzard. Even if they dont care, i wont trust them anymore.

You are a useful morron. This game crashes frequently on a 24/7 stable PC on the latest 3080 drivers with AMD 5950X CPU and 64GB RAM. NO problems whatsoever doing work like rendering or playing other triple AAA games.

Now we waste our time with this ridiculous queue system, position 165 and waiting.


Learn english low subhuman ^^ I have R7 5800X and 1660 Ti, haven’t crashed at once after latest patch update, get good that’s all I can say.

Are you depressed or something? See you everyday here baiting

well been playing for 8 hours when I suddenly crashed.

:disappointed_relieved: :cold_sweat:

hahahahahaha i can’t fucking play the game now sitting in queue till i crash then back to start of queue again. gj blizzard you failed once again.

Yeah this is terrible I crash at least once per hour. I move through the game quick, and this system will make the game unplayable for me…I’m very disappointed. My pc is overkill for this game and I will still crash at least once per rush. not to mention i just noticed my queue go up not down LOL

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crash in 8 hours, seems way better than before I usually crashed every hour.

Sometimes game works whole day with 0 crashes, next day it can crash every hour, even playing from nuclear submarine won’t help. If you were lucky once to play few hours without crash it means nothing, stupid ape.

Sometimes? LOL you miserable trash, before update I crashed every hour, at this latest patch seems way more stable, know your shit, scum.

Jesus christ Ephixus, you are delusional.

Delusional, because I have more patience?

Zoomers first pass high school, before calling some one delusional.

Truly a mature move to just guess someones age and say “ok kid”, I was around during the Chernobyl disaster, I was around during the Vietnam War.

Just had a crash, spent 40 minutes in a queue to get in, played just over half an hour and I’m back in a longer queue, this isn’t good enough.

the week end game crashe even more frequently

This was BLiZZArDS intention from the start, they tried to manipulate the community to think they can be playing when they can’t.

They couldn’t take the servers down again for maint due to backlash so they came up with this instead. Oh blizz gonna make it seem like you can play, so you dont get mad. But theyll just d/c basically 99% of the players so they need to resit in the que while they address server issues again.

blizzard needs to be assure, everyone can play a little bit atleast…so if you keep on playing and playing, they need to kick you out and you need to start back in line again to have some joy.

Oh no, i can´t log in.
Well i will play the new Hearthstone Mode instead and buy some packs for cash to compete.

lol jk
That new merc mode is boring af. Gonna refund this shit and play some GTA instead.