Thoughts On The New Queue System?

One would think that Blizzard would have plenty of experience managing servers for online games, but apparently not…

Why is the queue getting worse?

Remove that queue crap… seriously.

The games done, just chargeback via your bank/cc. Once a threshold is hit Visa/Mastercard will get involved in this shit show. Watch the Blizzard tune change then!

REMOVE THIS CRINGE QUEUE ALREADY!!! this is so damn lame and annoyng, stayng 10-30 mins waiting to get in game, same after crashes. what if my game crashes in the middle of ubers for fk sake?!

Today i hit the queue at 9 in the morning EU. Apparently one of the busy times… I did the only correct thing with limited play time; escape → start another game (new world this time). Im sorry, but a game that doesnt start when you want to play in 2021 is not good enough. Sure, ill play whenever its fixed, but dont expect me to sit down and spend my free time on waiting.

How much Money will we safe to destroy d2r?

Blizzard: yes

I was a blizzard fan since 1998 - Diablo 2:R brought back childhood memories + it was a welcomed distraction from a tough time I had over past months.

Putting a queue system on a Diablo 2 game is a stain on those memories, its disgusting. Its 9:30 in the morning, sunday, literally the only day during the week I can play, and I am already waiting to play the game solo (I do play in online mode just for trading).

This is a scam.

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Feels like another slap in the face tbh , but im sure the slap will return back to them once they release diablo4.

here we go again, queue already!
this devs are sad

fix your game already… seriously we all paid 40€ for remastered 20yr old game and this big company cant get it to run by any means. how incredibly incompetent can someone be? i run a company and i would go out of business in a matter of days if i treated costumers the way you do… pathetic

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thanks to blizz. they took me to good old days. knight online times !!! WTF is this !

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F*** this queue update , shut down the game. FIX the servers and then put them back on.

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I didn’t pay 40 euros to wait in queues!

Fix this, Blizzard!

I want a balon.

I wat Hell to be easier.
I want “gamble” to be easy.
I want ¨

My job, is IT management.
I see, I know. Server down.

I work 24/7 to bring it back. I feel you. I am “There”.

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Great way to start your weekend - position in queue 277

So i was waiting in queue for 1h just to get desktop crash and now im waiting again... And if i manage to log in im sure there will be error creating the game…

It really feels like a free-to-play game with this queue. Why did I pay 40€ for a texture upgrade and a not working auth server / waiting in a queue?

btw. I’m position 156…

horrible, especially with all those random crashes. either buy servers (i know it wont happen), or at least give us 1-2min to rejoin WITHOUT queue (thats how other games handle crashes - we all know crashes wont be fixed for a while)

Well about the lockout timer of 45 sec before joining a new game after quitting a game really fast. This game is played in such a way that you need to join and quit really fast so we can’t have a lockout timer.

that would force us to play the game in a different way. are you sure you want to be a communist state and force the population to obey rediculous rules. is this north korea?

Queue position 194 - 20+ minutes later, logged in.

Jeez, imagine if a major part of the playerbase of single region actually wanted to play the game at the same time lol…