Thoughts On The New Queue System?

they only want benefits and dont want to invest in servers…

nice solution !!! 10 min in queue for 1 min in game > crash > back at 10 min queue

D2D : diablo 2 downgraded

nice job ma dude, nice job

cant wait to see a diablo 1 remake : the trilogy of shame ( w3r d2r d1r) ahahah


400 queue, at 250 error conecting to servers. Login again, 400 queue, crash. Close to 2 hours waiting/trying to play.

Willkommen in der Warteschlange ging mir grad auch so 3 mal nun wieder in 334

ez 40E for a waiting game:)))

In World of Warcraft, the queue system is like, when you get disconnected, crash or just plain ALT-F4, you have a couple of minutes of grace time before you get thrown to the back of the queue. I.e, ALT-F4 and logging in again would let you get back instantly. In Diablo 2 Resurrected, apparently you didn’t adopt this feature, which is quite frankly a complete disgrace. Especially seeing the amount of forum posts where people still get random crashes. This is something you need to adopt.


40 € for not being able to play…
I remembered a time when blizzard was a serious developer.


Seriously no grace period? Shouldn’t people logged in who crash because of the software errors made by Blizzard have a 5-10 minute grace period to get back in? I logged back in 30 seconds after a crash and re-joined a 192 long queue…

Upgrade the servers is not a solution. Problem is in the software architecture, they have explained it in the patch notes.

Guess I will stay in queue for 2 years

259 here > 9 min later still 259
i guess they need more money

same here… I am wondering if the ppl frustrated by blizzard/activision incompetence became a large group can we unite and sue them?

Blizzard! You are a triple A company with billions in reveanue every year, and yet you can’t provide SIMPLE AND STABLE SERVERS!

What the hell is going on with this?

The constant introduction of new server bugs and limiting peoples creation/joining of games…
I litterally did THREE pindle runs, and now i am locked out of joining and creating games… because of THREE games fast in a row… it’s worse than on oldschool d2 servers…

Not to mention that if i try to join a game and it doesn’t exist, i also get locked out from joining and creating until after i restart…

And as always your create game bug still exists that when you create a game and game name already exists, you are also locked out from joining/creating…


Edit: And give us some god damn communication!!! We get nothing but the same copy/paste message every two hours…
Sometimes servers are down for one hour before anything is posted from you!


Hello, im the Blizzard Support Monkey. We dont fix Server. We got ur Money, this is all what we need.


aahhaha 100% true, money whores


It’s 2021… we have nano technology, 3d printed organs, people in outer space, but we can’t even keep a server up on a 20 year old game with a layover…
Yet we are one of the game markets biggest contestors… really???


I swear I won’t ever buy another game or refresh any subscription to this garbage


You have more chance of seeing the Queens corgis butt holes than they are getting the servers fixed for the weekend


Yeah… This situation is a pure definition of cringe.


It’s slowly becoming a joke… every day at 4pm cest servers go down… same time, same shit…