Thoughts On The New Queue System?

average time 4 me
17:06h 321
17:37 i am in

83 waiting until the game crashes again

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Indeed. This fucking queue + the crashes will be a nice cocktail.

They should invest more resources into giving their buyers the product they bought. I’ve been 5 minutes in a queue of 295 and my game crashed this morning anyway. It’s a lose/lose with you guys.

I play SP but when I start game I am getting a message that says “string missing”. I can hit esc and the game moves on to pick offline but the message repeats itself and again i hit esc and can start the game with no issues. Just curious what the missing string is so I can fix it.

I’m not shutting the game down now… like ever… LOL It’s going to run 24/7 so I never have to wait again.


Thanks Blizzard, you have not only fooled us with this remake, now you make it even more unplayable by adding a queue. You guys really dont give a **** about your players.

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here the same, not are doing in queue. Position 210, after 30min the same. Guys never clothing game, this is best option now. thx

363 in the queue 20 mins later 363 in queue lol…


the game dont works anyway… Queue is useless, like activisianblizzard workers


i cant believe i am writing this, but the company i loved since 2003 went to trash like in a very short period of time. how is it even possible that they are not able running a smooth experience of a 20 years old game…

like i dont know, one could say “dont play then”. but i dont think its that simple…
actiblizz workers have to be the most slacking people ever. again i cant believe i had to write this wtf…

wtf is this queue bs? I can’t believe their fix to most of the login issues and disconnects, etc… is to add a flipping queue, come on seriously, is 2021 almost 2022, progress not regress.

251 and 10 min after still 251.
It is the same on my wife pc. She is 323 and and 10 min after also 323.

Just wait to in and get a crash… thats gonna be insane.


wow, now 55 in queue. It suddenly fall.

after 30 minutes of queque the reponse is autentication failed ooook

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I’m waiting 2hours in queue to play. Finally loggin and i play like 10 minutes then Disconnected by Bnet >>> In queue again…

WTF even if we disconnected we should be able to reconnect without waiting in queue again…

Really… Brainless…

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welcome, same here… me 30min and then disco after 1st Andy run now I am 150 in line

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+1 This is a terrible system. Requested refund.


Consider yourself lucky. You are not crashing inbetween.