"Your connection has been interrupted"

I got the same issue ‘‘your connection has been interrupted.’’ when ı played online with my friend—EU server.

I get this all the time since yesterday. Literally cant log in for more then 1-5 minutes before i get dc’d again.

Its unplayable right now

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Same, and when a came back, I lost my last 2-3 hours progression

Same problem here. I keep getting “YOUR CONNECTION HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED” after 5-10 minutes of online gameplay. This needs to be looked into asap guys, come on!

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Same problem here still. It is unplayable. I tried to play 4-5 times, i got DC every 1-3 minutes. I’ll try again in a few hours.

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In case anyones wondering port forwarding has 0 effect on this.

same problem, i can’t finish any quest because the game kicks-me whith that message every 3 miuts or less.

Also i like how the only message we have from Blizzard regarding this issue so far is a mod who popped in to throw a standard “reset your router” message at us. When i then answered him it looks like he just deleted the topic

I’m having the same issue. Sigh. Everyday since launch

I have it a little better than you who falls for a few minutes it jumps at me after an hour or two and it doesn’t matter if I play alone or with someone it will pop up in 2 hours too

How to progress in the game when this problem is occurring every 10-15 minutes:

  1. …Say a prayer…
  2. Waypoint into your furthest waypoint location.
  3. Run to the edge of the map to hunt for the next zone.
  4. Enter the wrong zone that you already have a waypoint in, turn around.
  5. Continue to hunt for the next zone.
  6. Enter the next zone and hunt for the waypoint.
  7. Keep hunting…
  8. Keep hunting…
  9. Find waypoint and run towards it in an attempt to activate it before being kicked.

If you are kicked at any point before activating the next waypoint, then repeat from step one.



I have the same issue. My husband next to me is not having this issue at all. This is my first time playing the game ever and it’s really killing the experience.

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Same issue here today.

It 100% is getting out of hand. I’m able to play for a few minutes at a time. But like clock work I will always get the “YOUR CONNECTION HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED” message and get the boot… not cool


having the same issues, cant stay in the game more than 2-3 min


Same here, got kicked out every 10mins, so frustrated

Hello? Blizzard? we have paid for this game

I would check the cabels, unplug and plugin again to be sure, i have had similar thing happen in WoW, Cable (CAT5/6) seems to be connected but need’s to be a little bit more secure. check both ends.

Same issue… Alltough after a few days it has just now been replaced with “failed to enter game. This character could not be found on the server. Please try again.” :confused:

Now I also have the “character already in a server” issue, except I also get a black screen when I try to start a new character… lol.