10 Reasons why this game has broken to us

AAA Game Problems bro

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I have played since 2012. Still no wings.

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Last night my mate was complaining to me that he was doing nearly 40 GR100s and he only got 4 ancients. When I join him for about 5 runs and I got 2 ancients in each one.

He said he is cursed and decided to open some vault run to see if his luck improve, we run into big blue Gob and suddenly he swear in capital saying that he didnā€™t even get a single legendary apart from gems and bunch of yellows and blues. I said are you sure cause I got at least 2 legendary. He has a bit more paragon than me and on 2500+.

He said to me that he will not buy D4 ever. Really fed up and thinking of uninstalling. I said donā€™t try to think too much and otherwise you will get Piss off and in my case I will end up posting all the moan on the form to the public.

In the public game bounties, I saw a couple of them just turn 1000 paragon and they got the wing.

ā€¦ and here I thought you were the one complaining about the loot systemā€¦ To your friend: thatā€™s why the developers have made it possible to get what you want by other means than just drops in the game: Kadala (you get a lot of blood shards from 40 GRs) and the cube recipes.

Yes I know Jazz. It is not about he wants items, He wanted Souls, DB, Mats. We got everything we need. Just trying to get better version or collecting souls for reforge. We even have Sage set with Nemesis Bracer for DB farming. You are also missing the point that we are making. If you read my post correctly on point 6 and 7, the problem is in their random code and not consistent.

It is random within random. Too many bloody randoms. They should limit their random and give certain amount of random ancient item in the same way that they do for XP and gold. E.g. if you run GR100+, you should get at least 2 random ancient items. If you run GR80-100, you should get 1 ancient item as well as usual regular junks. Even if we get ancient, they are likely to be useless for us anyway and there are thousand of possibilities but at least we know there is some kind of reassurance or grantee with some kind of hope that it will be either useful or return for more souls.

Yesterday I tried to craft Ageils (canā€™t spell) the one that do more damage to elite for my impale DH and crafted over 88 times for just 1 item and I got 4 ancients and only 1 of them is useful enough to wear and it is not even primal or no where near good stat as I want. Its just too much farming and the game is focus on chores after chores.

The game should be focus on fun game play, variety of it and interesting set up. Everyone is different in their own way and we want to play in the way that we like. Not the developer way. Look us, everyone build the same thing over and over. All crusader playing heaven fury, All WD are on barrage, All DH on multi shot, All bab on WW. Very little variety.

When I see someone playing different style in public game, oh wow, very cool style, I like that, let me look at how you set up. Then I see another person, completely different. Oh this is also cool. But guess what when I see a DH or Bab, I donā€™t find them interesting because I know they probably have the same as my set up, higher paragon have better gears than mind and more damage and lower paragon have crap gears and probably die soon. You know what the game play is like. So just focus on completing the quest. Speed is become the focus and get it done and get out.

So we are becoming like a robot. I can play WW with 1 hand and the other hand eating or watching TV. I am like a mindless bot and become a some sort of evening routine. I have met a few newbies since my mate like to help them out in lower tier and he helps them carry in GR or farm. We are nice people. 3 of them becomes my new friends in my list and less than 1 month, they stop playing. When I see the again, I ask why and they said the game is boring. Interesting and a lot to learn at the start but once they know what the end game is like, they said what is the point? Everyone playing the same thing, same set up, I copy yours skills and get similar gear, then farming for junks and pushing GR after GR. They donā€™t care about getting on the leader board. They bought the game to have fun and not doing chore. I absolutely agree and they wonder how come I play this game so long. I replied cause I donā€™t have the time to play other games and lock down get me back to it.

Thatā€™s why I like LoD or LoN build cause they can combine with anything. I have so many LoD set up in all my chars but only a few of them work at higher GR. So we are force to use the set item again. This is the major problem with D3. They should remove all the set items or make all LoD build equally strong as set items for every class, most set up. I have LoD Multi shot, exact same skill, same gear, gems but I cannot complete the GR100 in the same way as my Unhallowed set. Took longer and die a couple of times.

At GR100, the guardian will drop around 12 legendaries. If your friend did 40 GR100s, that means they got around 480 legendaries. The chance for a legendary to be ancient is 1 in 10. The Expected Value of ancients would be 48. So, what are the chances of your friendā€™s claim actually being true? Letā€™s take a look with a Binomial Distribution Calculatorā€¦

Number of events = 480
Probability of success per event = 10%

Probability of 4 or more successes = 100%
Probability of 10 or more successes = 100%
Probability of 20 or more successes = 100%
Probability of 30 or more successes = 99.86%
Probability of 40 or more successes = 90.47%
Probability of 48 or more successes = 52.23%
Probability of 50 or more successes = 40.23%
Probability of 60 or more successes = 4.339%
Probability of 70 or more successes = 0.0946%

Probability of exactly 4 successes = 0.000000000000004%
Probability of exactly 48 successes = 6.059%

Basically, thereā€™s just no way what your claiming about your friend is true.

Well ask the guy but I do know him for many years since RoS came out and I donā€™t think there is any reason why he has to lie to me about. As I said I got 2 ancients in each run. But I do notice there are times I actually get no ancient at GR90. If I run about 30 of them, I found like 5 or 6.

I know that your Maths theory might be correct but I did say that their code might be a problem. One thing for sure is my point 7. I remember vividly that I have just over 5000 souls and been reforging for this Bab Waste helm only got twice in ancient. Also the same for my Monk Sweeping wing weapon. I burnt so fast on my souls and only got 1 or 2 for each week and then finally I got given a primal. So I guess it was worth it. Something is not correct on their code and very inconsistent.

Update: For some reason I cannot reply to my own post and saying Please wait for other person to participate before replying. What is that even mean. Anyway, want to share something from last night game play about this Random. I got 4 primal in 2 hours. One of the rift almost every chest give me a legendary item. Another one I got 2 primal in the same rift but different floor. It must be my lucky day.

Weeks ago if I get 10 legendary in a single rift, that is good and within that if I get any ancient, great but now after the server glitch or whatever, I got suddenly 4 primal. Of course as usual, only 1 of them is usable and the rest are all for souls.

So even Meteorblade maths may be correct in theory but in real life with Blizzard coding, that is clearly not the case. So it is possible that my mates was saying he hasnā€™t seen very little amount of ancient although I was getting 2 per GR at that time. Also from Kadala, if I try to get my new DH boot in ancient, sometime I get like 5 legendary out of full stash. Sometime none, all bunch of yellow. Like I said it is very inconsistent.

Also whether you notice, in the map, if you get necklace or ring, pretty much on that floor, all the drops are related to rings or necklace, sometime even the same item with different stat. It feels like double chance of the same time. If I upgrade yellow to legendary, I get the same crap like Blackthorn set for at least 3-4 times before I see any other crap until my mats run out.

To be honest i ve never seen this thing happening with rings or amulets. But yeah blackthornes are everywhere when you upgrade yellows, it happens to every one. If you want to get letā€™s say a helm or a torso by upgrading rares, think of how many of these items are in the game, not just the 4-5 sets used by every class but other legendaries that are garbage and get insta salvaged. Thatā€™s a bad recipe to get ancients too cause it has to be the item that you want and you want it to be ancient or higher with good stats. The chances are not in your favor, although it still happens from time to time.

Think of rng this way. If you play for a year straight, in the course of this year you will have found thousands of legendaries. If the pool is that large then yes, the maths behind it should work, or at least be a close approximation to the supposed 1/10 ancients and 1/400 primals. But if you play for a day then you could be really lucky and get ancients or not at all and get nothing. The smaller the pool the harder it is to make assumptions about the percentages.

I can give you an example. Think of rolling the dice 6 times. Statistics dictate that one time you should roll 1 , one you should roll 2 , one you should roll 3 and so forth. However realistically this will probably wonā€™t happen. But if you roll the dice 100000 times then yes you should get 1,2,3,4,5,6 close to the 1/6 chances.


No attack but I think Meteorblade will come up with the numbers showing that getting six different results out of six consecutive rolls of a dice is very rare. :grinning:

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Oh, okayā€¦

1st roll
Can be any value (1-6).
Thatā€™s a 6 in 6 chance.

2nd roll
Has to be a value you havenā€™t had before.
Thatā€™s a 5 in 6 chance.

3rd roll
Has to be a value you havenā€™t had before.
Thatā€™s a 4 in 6 chance.

4th roll
Has to be a value you havenā€™t had before.
Thatā€™s a 3 in 6 chance.

5th roll
Has to be a value you havenā€™t had before.
Thatā€™s a 2 in 6 chance.

6th roll
Has to be a value you havenā€™t had before.
Thatā€™s a 1 in 6 chance.

So, the cumulative chance isā€¦

(6/6) * (5/6) * (4/6) * (3/6) * (2/6) * (1/6)

(6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) / (6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6 * 6)

720 / 46,656ā€¬


So, roughly 1.5% chance.


Yup i didnā€™t use the right words let me rephrase, i meant that if you roll the dice and you want 6 (1/6 =16.67%) , in theory you want to roll it 6 times to get it but in reallity that is not guaranteed. But if you roll the dice 1 million times then the number of sixes, should be approximating that 16.67%. So this is similar to getting ancients right? If the say 1/10 is ancient or whatever it is , farming 10 legendaries, will not guarantee you 1 drop. Even farming 100 legendaries will not guarantee you 1 if you are really unluckyā€¦ But if you play for 1 month straight, or 1 year and count every legendary that dropped (probably thousands) then it should be close to 10% chance.


Yeah, the more events, the closer the result will be to the expected value.


I love your responces :smiley:

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Seems your complaints just show how much you suck at the game and understanding itā€™s core mechanics and are not able to adjust yourself to how the game fundamentally works and not even able to memorize spawn patterns.

FYI goblins share spawns with exp 25% pools (like those health pools) and with some shrines, some shrines though exist always in one general place, same with some elites, and you get multiple rainbow goblins per game world but only one run of whimsydale (if they open the world that is), like with the goblin shrine. Basically first you have to find the rgoblin, if you do find it then you have a 50/50 chance to open world, and in there you have whatever shitty chance getting the right mob to spawn (was trying to optimistic with the 50/50 there) that guarantees the cosmic wing drop rate (also 50/50 chance getting the right world being wrong vs 50/50 opening the portal is basically still the same chance rate, and considering the spawn rate is so shitty the whole ordeal to get one is worse anyways, but my friend has them and we do play only little bit in seasons).

Itā€™s same like trying to complete the staff that grants you access to the rainbow land, one piece required you to spawn an event in act 2 oasis, pretty low chance, then you have to get lucky itā€™s the right dungeon inside that will spawn chest, and 50/50 if it drops the piece. In act 3 kinda the same, chance to spawn the right event, chance to spawn the right unique enemy, and maybe had a chance for it to drop the right item.

The only annoying thing that I can agree about the game is collecting mats, but itā€™s easier thanks to vacuuming, so itā€™s not as bad as before, and it could be even worse where every stack could be 1 piece and you would have to click each and every one of them.

Firstly, you can find multiple rainbow goblins in the same game. However, you can only have a single instance of Whimsydale. So, if you find a rainbow goblin and clear Whimsydale, you should close and re-make the game, as any subsequent rainbow goblins you find, their portals will lead to the existing Whimsydale instance.

Secondly, there is absolutely not a 50/50 chance of which instance a rainbow goblinā€™s portal will leave behind on death. They can only leave behind a portal to Whimsydale. There are no portals to Whimsyshire. The only way to access Whimsyshire is using the crafted Staff of Herding.

Thirdly, the spawn rate of the rare mob that drops the Cosmic Wings is nowhere near 50%. At best itā€™s in single digits. Some people have done hundreds of Whimsydale clearances and not found the mob.

Lastly, if the Whimsydale instance does spawn with the rare mob inside, and you kill it, the wings are a 100% drop chance.

Are you saying that I am suck at the game? You are on paragon 900 and we are on over 2000. Not sure you can see my profile since I hide it to public but if you can, you will see that every char has decent gears include all 3 of my followers for all chars. I do understand how this bloody game work which is why I am moaning about some of the issue which I think they can make the game play and quality of life a bit better. Been playing this game since it came out in what? 2012? Then I took 3 years break and then back to it and now just casual between D3 and SC2.

So in summary is this. If Blizzard can do half of what I suggested down here I am happy. It is better for everyone.

  1. Improve the quality of life by having pets picking up Mats and DB as well as gold.
  2. Make the better quality drops in higher GR with some guarantee of getting ancient.
  3. Primal should give more than just 15 souls.
  4. Remove all the useless items that nobody care or wear like Blackthorn set or Fletcher Pride DH off hand. Some item like Ouroboros necklace has no added value to it. Also Bow like Raven Wing, what is the use for this? Raven fly with you? For what purpose? Does it take 20% of my damage? Less items mean more chance of getting what you need.
  5. Legendary item should have some kind of bonus. If there is no bonus, it shouldnā€™t exist in the game. They donā€™t need to be the one in the cube. Some item like Wind Force bow which has up to 50% knock back, or Blind Faith has 40% chance to blind since some people wear them for Necro Krysbin ring.
  6. Donā€™t give item that has nothing to do with my current class. If I use Necro to farm Necro items, just give me Necro stuff or at least give me Intel base items, damn it.
  7. Make other gears equally good as set items to open up more option to LoN/LoD build. E.g DH chakram off hand and kridershot with some added damage instead of just giving hatred. Look at Hydra for Wiz. LoD Hydra is good as Typhoon set. I have tried it and it work really well.
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i dont agree with that. you need to have useless/bad items in the item pool.for me not finding every piece of gear on the first day of a new season is what keeps the game interesting for me. Better is to change all useless gear into useable LoD gear

diablo 4 its coming sooo why we need this thing here?

Because if they canā€™t even make this work, then we donā€™t have faith in D4 and not buying it. Simple as that.

I did say in my point 7 for open up for more option for LoD and move away from set items. Set will be powerful but LoD is almost or equally good as set items.

However, I donā€™t play season. Even if I do, I am pretty sure that we have plenty of other gears that are still useless and not what we need will still drop. What I am saying we have far too many items that we donā€™t use at the moment on top of all the stuff in the cube. The more items in the pool, the chance of getting what you need is a far less.

On top of that you got to remember that even if you get the correct item for you, the stat will still be a random and it will most likely to be useless. But in season, you donā€™t have choice and use whatever the game give you until you find the better items with better stat.

If you think about it, you only wear 2 weapons for Bab but you have how many weapons in the cube? On top of that, how many other useless weapons out there like Devil Tongue, WildWood, Monster Hunter, Server, Skycutter. This is just sword alone. We have Axe, Mace, Spear, Dagger, Mighty weapons, you want me to carry on?

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y but so far what i see blizzard is to lazy to do things in this game
the bail on this game along time ago
this is what i see and smell
grim down got auto lot 2 3 monts after thei make bot for it and then was addet in the game here ā€¦
i think its a klick to pay game more you klick more they get
and y we have to meny usles legos and skills we dont use

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