10 Reasons why this game has broken to us

There are a few things I want to mention here in this form to the developer and if you have experience the similar thing, you can also mention it.

1 - Random is a biggest issue here due to the fact that too many useless items that nobody care about. If you have 100 items, chance of getting the item you need is 1 in 100. If you have a pool of over 1000 items, chance of getting is 1 in 1000. It’s common sense. I mean who wear Blackthorn set? Name one DH in the world that wear Fletcher Pride off hand. I mean come on US and Asia server as well. So why do we have them in the game that nobody give a damn about.

2 - There are some items has way less choice than others even if they are exact same item. Not very consistent, is it? E.g. follower item, some has all 3 choices (16% block chance, 100% CD, 22k life on hit) and some has only 1.

3 - When you upgrade the gem, it said 90%. Why failed 4 times out of 5? It should be 90% chance of success but instead exact opposite sometime.

4 - Never find this bloody Princess in Rainbow Gob to get this stupid wing. Not that I care too much about it but it is just unrealistic about finding it ever. I am not a newbie and have been playing since D3 came out even before RoS for many years. I have run into at least a thousand times out of 9957. I am not saying that it doesn’t exist because a friend of mine got his wing and he got even less paragon than me.

5 - Too many botters in public bounties. Run into the same guy with over 9900 paragons a few times and at one point he broke his quest some how. Kill the succulent in act V tidal cave. The rest of the team went in to look at his map and couldn’t find that boss at all and cleared the whole floor 1 and 2. I googled it and it should spawn in floor 1 but there is nothing left. So we all gave up and left without Act V. Then there he was, shooting at empty space.
Nobody at Blizzard do anything about it even though I have reported him several times using report spam, report harassment since there is no option in game. Now when I met him this month, he was at 9000. I play nearly everyday and only manage to get extra 200 paragons. How the hell he can pull nearly 800 paragons in less than one months.

6 - Why Bab Waste set is so difficult to drop? I have been doing speed GR 90 as well as a few rift and bounties with Bab for over a month now. Not a few days, the whole month, everyday for 2 to 8 hours. I have used up over 400 keys for this and had 1 head and 2 chests. That’s it. Even using Kadala and cube upgrading from yellow to legendary. Update: for the first time in a month, I now got a few Waste sets drop tonight but they are no better than what I am wearing now.

7 - Spend over 5000 souls to reforged the Bab Waste set helm using Page 2 and only got 2 ancients. That is over 100 re-roll and only 2 ancients? WTF. Also why set items drop rate is a lot lower than regular one recently.

8 - Too many chore to pick up all the crafting Mats as mentioned in my previous posts. This part is not technically broken but it is a pain (QoL).

9 - Randomly dying for no reason after elite fight. My mates also have notice this. We just die and the message didn’t say anything either. KKWIN was slain. But by what? The screen is pretty much clear. Only notice in DH though. The rest seem to be fine.

10 - Sometime the joining buttons disable. Have to come out completely and sign in again. Sometime the cannot change other chars and seem a bit of lag.

11 - Also how come I get Necro or other class gear when I play Bab? I want to get Bab related items and Strength based items, not Intel or Dex. I was even getting necro items and I didn’t even have necro at that time.

12 - Also why we have items that has special bonus like HAUNT OF VAXO - Summons shadow clones to your aid when you Stun an enemy. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds. 30 seconds wait time to get 2 shadow clones and do they do any damage? Not really. So what is the point of having this kind of items in the game. Such a waste of space. You might argue that it is for fun. Yeah? Then let put this on the follower, they don’t get those benefit either. What??

13 - Pylon, why do they spawn sometime at the end of the floor. The loading time to the next floor and usually at the start of the floor has no mob unless you are in the particular map (forget the name now). My point is by the time when you encounter the mob, your pylon effect has gone even though you speed through with WW and Charge.

I said the title is 10 reasons and now 13 reasons. Sorry for the long post but I am so annoyed at those reasons with this game as well as my mates. I understand that no game is perfect and they can have technical issue but this is such a bad design and ruin the game play experience. Game developers aka Blizzard hasn’t actually thought about in such detail or can’t be bother is another word.


have you checked the secondary affixes? An item can only have 1 resistance affix so if it already has a secondary res it cant also get a primary resistance not even through enchanting at the mystic


if an item has secondaire resistance you never get all resis. and the slain part is usually with sand dwellers and dune dervishes they have missile reflect

This far into the season, GR90s should be taking you no more than 3 minutes per run. Even taking into account spending blood / salvaging every couple of runs, let’s say 4 minutes per run on average. That means 400 runs is 1600 minutes, which equates to under 27 hours total. You claimed 2-8 hours a day for a month, which is 60-240 hours. So, what happened to the other 33-213 hours?

I completed Guardian by day 3 of the season, with about 26 hours played, and I used the Wastes set to do the Boss Mode and Curses! conquests, i.e. I not only got the full Wastes set in less time played than you’re claiming to have spent, but I also finished the whole season journey.

The chance isn´t higher bc it failed ones. If it says 90% it´s always 90%. U could still loose 10 out of 10 times.

Yes Maths man. I know that . That 2-8 hours a day doesn’t mean just GR, also rift, bounties, tweaking, chatting with friend, helping other lower players etc.

And @ Zwiebel, We die just by standing there. And I know those mob has damage reflex. I replied back to someone on this form before about his Impale DH die with those mob.

Ok I just double checked with all my gears and I saw the pattern which mean you are right that All Resist only available when you have no elemental resist in the secondary affix. Silly me. Some how I didn’t notice that. I learn something new and so that part is not broken then. My fault.

I still do not agree with Bateman comment. I know that 10% chance of failing but they should change their Maths or formula or code. 90% should be almost guarantee to be successful upgrade. Now when I see 90% I am scare to risk it since it can still fail if I click too fast which is ridiculous and I just put it in the lower gem.

Cosmic wings are way too overrated imo. I got them during bounties one day, someone informed us he found a rainbow portal and we found them but I do not wear them on any of my characters they look ridiculous. I believe I ve opened somewhere around 100 rainbow portals in my life so I am lucky at that department. Necro wings look way cooler but that’s subjective.

So far I’ve no complain about the ancient drops although many times for some crucial items, like offhands and rings, ancients that drop are worse than legendaries.

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90% is almost a guaranteed success in my experience. When dealing with gems for augments I always continue upgrading untill success with 60% is reached.

Game is simply dead cause of the botting, which blizzard takes very little to zero action over. There is no more social activities, no more bounty runs, key farming, speed gr gem ups, etc…

You log on now, get a group and that have 5-6k+ paras in season, and they cant even do the basics.

I will start next season with my friends and clan, but will give up after 1-2 weeks when a 150 has been achieved

Shame on blizzard for letting botters ruin the game!!

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I forgot to mention your second paragraph. You should know that this game has way too many random and it is different from one person to another person. When we got the new patch for the last 3 sets, I was farming for WD set for nearly the whole months using all available resources as you know to get decent Ancient items. Finally got it all and took me at least 3-4 weeks. Of course if you are looking for regular items, then yes you will get it within a week, even faster if you play in a group since they might share. Once you get 5-6 pieces you are good to go.

But Wiz Hydra set, I got all ancient in less than 3 days. Maybe luck was on my side at that time. Not perfect stat (not even 600 Intel) for some part but Ancient and good enough for me to get started. But my mate still has 2 pieces not in ancient yet and he gave up farming with Wiz.

Tonight I got 1 ancient each for head and boot but the stats are total crap. Also get few regular one too. I counted about 7 items in total after 5 GR runs which is far more than what I was getting for the past 3 weeks. Because it is so rare to drop in GR, I use the cube to upgrade yellow to legendary, keep getting Immortal, Raekor, Frenzy, Earth but not the bloody Waste. Even got primal Earth pants yesterday by accident but not what I wanted.

When I find one, OMG, I have to keep that crap in my stash and do at least 4 bounties to reforge it and hoping to get Ancient. No luck? Well do it again. I have every gear in Ancient or Primal but now looking for better stat and replace with more useful items.

You do know there’s a Cube recipe for converting set pieces, i.e. if you have duplicate pieces of the Wastes set, put the duplicate in, and convert it to another piece of the Wastes set.

I´m not stating an personal opinion, it´s how chance and percentages works.

Yes boss. I do know that. Cube is my best mate in the game. I have used all available methods to get complete set. Getting it is not a problem, getting decent Ancient is the problem.

I don’t think reforging every slot is worth it. In torment 16 you get 22 materials per act so a full run should allow you 4 tries which is nothing. Maybe keep them for really hard to get items like amulets/gloves/weapons. Otherwise the recipe is very expensive. Of course it depends on the time you can invest in bounties. Doing GRs and spending kadala shards on armor slots should be enough most of the time to get at least ancients. Maybe play for a week, see what you can find the old fashioned way, and after that see what you are missing and start prioritizing that. Sometimes it feels like the game wants you to play a specific build and keeps dropping you good ancients items for that but not for the build that you really want to play. It is completely random. Last season i got 6 aegis-set ancient items by the time I was trying to build the Roland set which was the seasonal reward for crusaders. I found all ancient aegis pieces before I could even play at torment 13 or above, which is insane.

You can manipulate Pylon spawns, especially in GRs, and thereby prevent them from occuring in unfortunate places.

11… a certain percentage of the drops are intended to be for other classess. Just for the fun and variety of it I guess.

12… some items are just classic stuff. Sometimes they can be used or have been used in some fun builds. And there is always the possibility that the devs will put them to new use.

Massive Eu banwave… TY Ty but this should of been done sooner

What Princess is that ? No idea what you’re writing/complaining about…

Yeah… I know… I’m just showing off… I like to do that sometimes… blame it on my being over 60 !!

Yeah, I know… tell me about it… wait a sec… something’s coming in on the wire… here:

Oh great finally something happening to the botter. Yay. How would they know who is botting and who is not. I assume that they must have some kind of system to monitor active time.

As for the wing, if you read my post carefully I did say that it does exist and my mates has it and one of them was even less paragon than me.

As shown by Meteorblade many times playing time can be seen by anybody by looking at player profiles. Bans were not based on playing time. Blizzard has a Warden system that can check what’s running on your computer but I don’t know if that system has been used. There are discussions whether using such a tool is a violation of peoples’ privacy. I’m sure Blizzard can monitor and log player actions on their servers and thereby detect repetitive patterns that can only come from automatic game play. This is probably a time consuming process because each account has to be inspected individually -therefore ban waves don’t occur that often.

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Its also not very effective to ban players at the start of the season they just get a new account and start botting again. If you ban them all 1-3 days before the season ends they dont have the time left to get back on the LB. and you dont want to do it to often lest you give away your methods of detecting cheaters.

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