Alt + tab crashing system

There’s a massive client bug that’s not allowing to change the settings from full screen and when I alt + tab out, the monitor is blacking out. Suffice it to say, this needs to be resolved immediately.

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Wow It’s always easy to blame something else…

Stupid and useless response about what is an obvious technical issue.

Indeed, don’t you think that if this was an issue with D3 the forums would be full of these posts?

Hi Tsukuyomi27!

Please try the following :

Ingame, go to Options, Graphics, and ensure that the maximum foreground and background options are ticked. Change Maximum Background FPS to something low such as 8fps. Ensure that your Maximum Foreground FPS is set to something relative to your monitors refresh rate. Typically, this will not be higher than 150.

Background fps is when you’re alt tabbed. You do not want this to be uncapped in a game.