So i played the free version of diablo 3 to see if i wanted to buy it and the game it ran completely fine but when i upgraded the game i couldnt play it anymore first i had the gray screen wich i fixed but now the menu goes at like 1 frame every 20 seconds and the buttons dont have textures so i can only find those with text in them and if i manage to start the game it just crashes and i have no idea why
Please help.
the error code that pops up when it crashes
That’s odd… upgrading the game from Starter Edition only unlocks various features… it doesn’t change the game at all.
Are you trying to play the game on the same PC that you used to play the free version ?
That long code can only be used by Blizzard… it may contain information on why you are crashing. It is not an error code per se, it is the ID of the crash report in Blizzard’s system.
There is some troubleshooting for Diablo 3 crashes here:
The words in blue are links to additional information; go through the suggested steps including those in Advanced Troubleshooting.
If that doesn’t solve the issue, we will need detailed information on your computer system; pls generate the MSInfo and DxDiag files as described here:
Then upload them to your cloud or to a website that will hosts text file such as
and put the link in your reply. Note that you need to convert the link into preformatted text… once you have copy-pasted the link in your reply, highlight the entire link and click the </> button on the formatting bar at the top of the reply window.
I am playing on the same PC as on the free version
The [Windows Felrapportering] section in the MSInfo file is incomplete and does not show Diablo III crashes.
The DxDiag file shows that you have a Razer keyboard and mouse; the MSInfo file confirms that the Razer SDK module is loaded. Some players have had some trouble with that SDK module… unless you need the module for something else, I would suggest that you uninstall the “Razer Chroma SDK Core Components” through the Windows Settings/Apps, then reboot the computer and try again.
If you need the SDK module… another workaround is to modify the D3Prefs.txt
file in your Documents/Diablo III
folder. Edit the file with Notepad and change the value of “DisableChromaEffects” from “0” to “1” and resave the file. That should disable the SDK in Diablo III only. Try to launch Diablo III.
An updated version that has something with diablo within the [Windows Error Reporting]
And aslo after getting rid of the Razer Chroma SDK it was loading server authentication for a long time
I don’t know CS03… you will need to wait until the Blizzard reps show up in the morning I suppose… unless one of them comes in during the evening/night. I’m sorry I can’t help you more than that.
That Diablo III crash was from almost 3 weeks ago… 6 Oct 2019.
Another option if you want to go that route would be to do a web ticket with Blizzard Support : Contact Support - Blizzard Support . They will want to have the DxDiag and MSInfo files; you should also list all the troubleshooting you’ve done and perhaps even refer to this conversation… so they don’t ask you to do it again.
Thanks anyway for the help!
Hello CS03 
Would you be so kind as to try the following?
- Completely uninstall ALL Razer software. Please make sure no trace is left of those programs for now
- Restart your system in a selective startup mode
- Make sure the Windows Game DVR feature is completely disabled
- Make sure the nVidia share option is disabled as well
- If you normally keep Discord open while you play, please also make sure the related Overlay option is disabled.
After completing all of the above, delete the D3Prefs.txt file (you’ll find it in the Documents\Diablo III folder in your pc) and try running the game again.
Should you wish to reinstall Razer software, please make sure you only install the core app, Synapse 3, without any additional module or program (so please avoid cortex, chroma sdk, game booster and so on).
I did as you asked and now i have the gray flickering screen again
Hi again, CS03 … just thought I’d pipe in and ask that you check that the following 3 files no longer exist on your system (the Razer uninstall programme is known to have “issues” sometimes) :
- C:\Windows\System32\RzChromaSDK64.dll
- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RzChromaSDK.dll
- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RzAPIChromaSDK.dll
If those files are still there… you should delete them or rename them (replace the .dll
extension by .old
for example).
Looking through my computer there dosnt seem to be any Razer Chroma SDK files i looked through my drives and did a full search in the This PC and couldnt find anything
also i tried lanching diablo 3 again and an error message pooped up
D3D Error
Diablo III was unable to initialize D3D. Click OK to Retry
I dont know what i changed but it works!!
i launch the game and its absolutely fine now!
Halloween special 
I’m glad you could solve this issue and can play again…
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