Diablo 3 keeps crashing or freezes for 5-10 sec

Today runned some bounties and game crashed 2 times during 'em (in ~5-8 mins after entering game) =(

Why have we not seen a fix yet?
Season 24 is almost upon us and no fix yet?
Im not playing season 24 if the problem remains since Im only playing HC.

Bug still present on PTR as well, beyond a joke :frowning:

Hey Guys, is the bug only happening on AMD processors? Or anyone experiencing it on Intel too? I’ve only seen AMD reports, but i could be missing info, im just trying to discover the causing bug…Lowering video, sound turning down, fmodex dll replacing, nothing works it seems like…

Both Intel / AMD - same thing. Just upgraded rig to AMD (R9 5900X / RX6900XT/32GB RAM/M.2 SSD ) and no help for Diablo 3. Later gamer compu i7-10700K, nVidia RTX2080Ti,32GB RAM, M.2 SSD and - FREEZE happends.

With good net connection - only place the problem can be is the game / servers.

Please fix it!

I have been testing Windows 11 and the bug is not present after many hours of testing, shame I’m dual booting to play a 9year old game!

problem stays in s24. i would not care if playing sc but 10 sek freeze on hc means death

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I experienced this issue in season 24 more than any ever. I lost so many chars. One char managed to grow 42 hours old, most others only last 8 hours.

blizzard needs to fix stuff like this alot faster.

Constant lags and crashes, particularly in group play with high monster density GRs.
WTF are you doing Blizzard!!!

New patch due out to fix this, being tested on PTR ATM. Seems they have changed some FMOD configuration’s to reduce timeout issues.

Hey Blizzard please fix the fmodex64.dll located in x64 folder, this old sound dll, is the reason for screen freezes all the time til in Diablo 3, it has now been like this almost a year, when do you look into this file and fix it ?

Best regards

from a player that loves Diablo 3 :smiley:

You missed the party…

The fix will be introduced soon… PTR Pop-Up | Focus on Freezing Issue | Has Ended - #219 by FilthieRich - Bug Report - Diablo 3 Forums

Cheers !