Error Code 317002 & Code 34200 [04/08]

There was a problem creating a game. The game servers for your game mode may be unavailable at this time. Please make sure you have the latest Diablo III client by restarting or try again later (Code 317002)

Diablo III game servers are not available. Please try again later. (Code 34200)

I have same issue today. Yesterday game was full of bugs & glitches and now this… just “great”

It seems to be ok now.

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Seems to still be happening cuz i’m getting the error now unfortunately :confused:

This started happening for me in SoCal in the last 15 minutes.

Happening to me now too in the last 15 or so. Was able to the Challenge Rift though but can’t get into anything else.

I’m having the same issue

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I have same issue today.

I was in a game, logged out and now can’t log back in.

i have the same problem

I have the same problem too.

Me too!!! Blizzard?: Anyone there?

Same problem right now.

same here i’m in the uk, was playing fine then logged off to refresh now error code.

FIX YOUR GAME asap please like wtf blizzard

same here now !!! realy blizzard

They said this problem was fixed like 8 hours ago in another post, but I still got it!!! Or just got it… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Me too… Same problem

TBH after all the years playing d2 & d3 this is the first time i have ever got an error code.

Same problem here…[quote=“Katafractos-2363, post:1, topic:3257, full:true”]

There was a problem creating a game. The game servers for your game mode may be unavailable at this time. Please make sure you have the latest Diablo III client by restarting or try again later (Code 317002)

Diablo III game servers are not available. Please try again later. (Code 34200)