Goblins make no sound!

Goblins make no sound
All Goblins are silent

I noticed that after maintenance the goblins are silent, before I always heard them but recently there is no sound when I get near a goblin, I play on a desktop PC and I have bought 2 copies of Diablo III and the other is installed on a laptop so my mom can play Diablo III aswell and she seems to have the same issue, and neighter of us changed any ingame sound settings at all and no new devices have been installed eighter software or hardware to eighter the desktop or laptop, so what happened to the sound goblins make to warn the player there is a goblin nearby? It is really hard to notice them without the sound! Since this have simultaniously happened on both PCs I think it must be on server side since the chances of the same bug getting triggered on two separate systems is extremly slim!


Thank you for reporting the bugs you find, and helping the developers improve the game for us all. This is not the right place to report bugs though, post any bugs you find on the dedicated bug reporting forum instead.

Submissions posted there have the benefit of allowing a community discussion around high-impact bugs, which can occasionally help in prioritizing them. If you want to check on a bug, we also keep a list of known active issues at the top of that forum that all players can see.

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