Can someone inform us whats happening with this game ? while everything works fine fps,temperatures everything is fine, suddenly the game totally freezes for 10 seconds sometimes even more up to 30 seconds. I m not talking about spikes or low fps . it completely freezes at a single frame for the whole duration. After that everything works normal again. This is so frustrating cant do any high Grifts or play with friends. This happens on both single and multi player. Dont know what to do. I have zero issues with every other game on my PC like wow,warzone,dota2,fortnite,witcher3, everything runs fine except d3.
lowering/increasing the graphics changed nothing.
everything is set for maximum performance and power.
its not my internet because every other online game has no issues.
my specs:
16gb ram
windows 10 pro Version 2004 Build 1904.388
Open your D3Debug.txt file with Notepad; it’s located in the same folder as your Diablo III64.exe executable (C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III\x64 by default).
See if the D3Debug.txt file contains a lot of FMOD errors… such as : FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms
If it does… you aren’t alone… and you should have a read through:
The good news is the devs are already working on it… think they may have found what’s wrong… but there is still a lot of work to be done before a hotfix comes out.
wow… thanks for the answer boubou you are 100% right i just checked the d3debug.txt right after the game freezed and yes i got this exact error like you said FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms x 3… 3 rows with the same error… So its a windows 10 version 2004 thing but only bugs out with diablo thats strange…
OK - well… not much for me to add. Blizzard has mentioned two workarounds in this post:
“Disabling sound outputs on your PC” doesn’t seem to work for everyone however.
Finally… there is no ETA for a fix… it could be days or weeks… or longer I guess (let’s hope not). The last post by Blizzard outlines the process.
Hang tight & let’s hope for a solution in the very near future !
Thanks again.disabling sound outputs ingame? Or disabling every sound device on pc from device manager? I tried the .dll replacement method and it seems to work so I can at least have some YouTube music on or something.
Read the post from the us forums that Boubou linked. I will mark it as solution so it stays on top. In that post if you scroll down a bit someone said that there is a fmodex.dll file at x64 diablo folder that is causing those errors and if you replace that .dll with another fmodex which you can find online or from other games the issue seems to go away. But this will make the game have no sound and also you will have to launch the game without launching battlenet because when battlenet starts up it will download the new fmodex again. To launch d3 without bnet you will have to go to d3 x64 directory and make a shortcut of the exe and then you select the shortcut hit right click properties and add the -launch command at the pathing field. Also after you launch the game manually you will have to login at diablo screen but before that make sure to change your server options from the in game options - account- select region because the default will be at America’s. Here is a link to the answer. I m sorry i cant add the exact details because I’m watching this from my phone right now [Main Thread] Windows 19041 - Freezing for 5-10 seconds - #16 by foureight84-1430 - Technical Support - Diablo 3 Forums