I disagree with Diablo 2 fans

Regarding the skillpoints and stats in D2, the 110 skillpoints and 505stats is sort of base of the character and everyone playing d2 is having that by default. To get higher dps or increase efficiency, you need higher skill level , faster cast rate or attack speed to reach breakpoints, hit recovery to not get stun lock etc, some build requires inventory full of specific charms (skill charms, poison charms) and all of that is through farming and not leveling… best example of that is a level 99 paladin can be kill by level 70 paladin if his gears are sub-optimal…

For d3, if your paragon are 1000, your dps are worst than that of paragon 2000. Because you have 5k (5x1000) less main stats than them. So it the sense, you can get more powerful by just simply leveling even though you dont get any good loots from fighting.

Well atleast you would enjoy the ongoing Darkening of Tristram event. Its a pretty dark mix of d1&d3. You should try it let me share some gameplay for you :slight_smile:

I can agree, best spot in whole Diablo 3. Other places sucks.

Well for me personally it all comes down to the sentimental value.
I mean … I was like 16 and didn’t own a CD writer so I had to take the original Diablo 1 game discs a friend lent to me to my wealthy neighbour who owned a 4x CD writer to get my own cd copy. :wink:
So the preparatory work got me stoked already.
After that ordeal successfully installing it on my dad’s Pentium 90 pc which his work sponsored, 2 hours before bedtime … giving it a first go just minutes before my lights out moment … Never before having encountered such a original game/style/story on a PC before.
Instant hooked I was … And well honestly I have been craving that same experience for years … Each successive Diablo a little less because well times having changed, … hardware, software, gaming, my age …
I will give 4 a try but most likely the current zeitgeist in game design and profit ideas at Blizzard HQ will keep me from spending more hours then I spend on previous Diablo games.
Oh and getting older and having less time to be gaming like hours a day.
Not easy sharing your time to run a household and grind your way to success virtually …

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I dont care about your opinion,Diablo 1 was great game,Diablo 2 is the best,Diablo 3 is [expletive].

You dont like them bcs you are just another casual.

[This Post was Edited By Blizzard Entertainment]

I can see you are barely out of diapers: 480 Paragon? you haven’t even touched the game yet…

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I got started on Diablo 1 almost the same way, except I purchased my own copy to use at home after being introduced to it at one of the local Internet Cafes that where all the rage back then.

Oh, and not that it matters much now more than 20 years later, but you really shouldn’t advertise that you pirated your copy of Diablo 1… :neutral_face:

I remember my friend having a copy of D1 and he installed the demo on my PC. I played those 2 levels for ages, pretty sure I hit level 10 and couldn’t gain experience afterwards (might have been lv 8… this is 20+ years ago) cause of how weak the monsters were. Naturally had to get the game afterword and loved it ever since.

I also disagree with the expectation that remaking of a game should turn it into a whole different game. This is illogical. See On Diablo 2: Resurrected - Before it is too late

same here as 90’s kid played all of them D3 my favorite by mile

Diablo 2 hasn’t aged well… if d2r doesn’t bring some QoL changes… people are gonna play Project Diablo 2 again… or plugY or Path of Exile… nobody plays OG bnet D2… (only some bots)

The vocal minority wants no changes at all because they know their way… and they are afraid that if changes happen it would shatter them and that they will need to establish new strategies… which they are afraid off.

But the thing is that Barbarian is useless in Diablo 2 … balance changes to skills need to happen… instanced loot needs to happen… charm inventory needs to happen…stackable runes/gems needs to happen… more inventory stash tabs needs to happen…

if they don’t change anything it would be the same boring Hammerdin/Sorc meta all over again…

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Great thing about D2 is you can actually have a lot of fun without meta builds.
And imo Diablo 2 has aged extremely well, people (not only bots) play the normal game 21 after the game has been released.
If they don’t mess up the Resurrected I will go back to D2 (original doesn’t run well if you have a 4k screen, but even with that I still play it every once and a while).

No class is useless in D2, normal version can still become strong and I build a Wolfbarian when the Wolfhowl was new (1.10 patch) that could easily solo everything reasonably fast without a chance of dying (can go afk in the final wave of a baal run and come back unharmed due to armor/all res/regen).
So unless your definition of useless is less fast than the fastest it is not a useless class at all.

However that said, I do agree some changes would be great, but I am also very reluctant to ask for changes, not because I am afraid it will break strategies (hell I love theorycrafting, on that part changes are very welcome), but because I have to little confidence that blizzard can still make changes and not ruin the game.
I fear they will “improve” the game, the way they do with Diablo 3 and ruin D2 in the process, I don’t want premade builds or high speed action where the is goal not to see your enemies die by your hand but to kill them before they register on your visual cortex.
So basically not asking for to much changes because I lost faith in Blizzard, which is also why I haven’t pre-ordered it yet, want to see it done (or atleast nearly done) and still get the feeling they are making D2, not D2 with a flair of D3/WoW kindergarden action.
Now I don’t expect them to do so, think the current team is very promising, but eventually blizzard is still the company pulling the strings and Actiblizz is not Blizzard North.

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The people who think d3 is better than d2 also believe that Nathan Drake uncharted 7 is great game design.

They want their game spoon fed to them.
They aren’t looking to build a viable tri-class AD&D character; they want to play an off the shelf prebuilt changeable at any time.
Why would they want replayability? They EXPECT a throw away game title.

This reminds me of those who thought dungeon siege 3 was better than dungeon siege 2 (or 1.)

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why necro this turdthread?

Hello, now i play D3 crussader and that character is good i chose absolutly other way to play than with my WD alomst 4 years.

I find some diablo lore secrets before not.
there is some easter eggs on story and i not have complete journey as crusader.

I cant say what BUT only one i can say u change character and try listening.

I need D1 back i have it almost year ago from gog galaxy now is account deleted with all games.

Good luck on searching treasure.

Now i watch D4 demo on site and iam is tired from map system and design is similar as D3.
I play that a not year a years that atmospere is so toxic and boring for me.

If iam is one of that who play D2 longer than a some month i never say give me that again.

Never more D3 when i hear calling i drop !

let me agree too… i dunno why anyone would wanna play d2 when d3 is out and d4 is soon coming… i played yrs d2, had lev95+ hc characters etc etc, played low lvl pvp, high lvl, tried to trick ppl into portals in hc, etc etc… :wink: loved it back then BUT now i dont care at all… just gime d4… asap. :slight_smile: no point going back a level…

Diablo 3 is horrible game just like Diablo 4 likey will be!

The Necromancy is strong with this one…

This thread is from November 2019.


Diablo 2 is so slow and boring i almost fell asleep…
Ohh i just picked up few items time to go back since inventory is full again

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Yes i am a D2 fan and yes i understand you.

For me D3 was boring but round out boring the skill system the loot system hell atributes?
What is the point of getting 1000 unique items when none of them are worth something.
What for me made me almost cry was decard cain getting killed by a butterfly.
The story was pff not great not bad.

Reaper of souls was for me a step in the good direction

The moment i did a few rifts i complety lost interest i was like is this it?

I only booted the game up for the aniversary event that was fun still have the D1 disk should play it once some time.

but after that i removed D3 and actually never installed again.