I have been banned and i didn't bot!

you should take your own advice

yet again u choose wrong side, when will u learn guy in red shirt(2018) was right…

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Can someone explain to me why is 13000 paragon guy still not banned ?

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bcs he is a smarter botter then you obviously .

as per my previous post you got banned for cheating by a company that is notoriously bad at detecting cheaters making you the No1 of the worlds dumbest cheaters :smiley:


dude let it go you got caught cheating . did you really think you could keep cheating without getting banned? you knew damn well what you were doing. just accept your ban.and considering the fact that you never played d3 yourself not much is changing for you

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i never botted, i shared my acc with my brother few times but he had to stop because of work… so i guess his pc was hacked , and at least what blizz should do to one of best players in history of diablo3 is to give another chance… not my fault for getting hacked …

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so now all of sudden you got hacked to?

just stop it bro no one is believing you and you wont get your account back

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cmon i never botted absolutely never i dont even use turbohud, and never accepted cookies, i am full LEGIT and ALWAYS WILL BE.

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A dog ate my keyboard and accidentally played diablo. True story.

Know when to raise your hand and own up to it.


why are u so toxic , instead of helping fellow legit player u are purposely undermining my truthful statements.

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im not being toxic and you arent being truthfull

If you want to appeal the correct bann imposed upon you by blizz submit a ticket or let that non existing advocate of yours go make a mess :smiley:

Just dont expect any sympathy from ppl here on the forums, cheaters tend not to be liked very much

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good for you bro

bcs only an insane person would hire a lawyer over a 40euro computer game


good for you

if d3 is such a bad game then why did you spend all that time to get to 10k para?

So, let me get this straight. Your minor brother (you know, the one who’s under 18 and therefore requires you to be his guardian) got so busy at work in America that he didn’t really have much time to play Diablo III on the account you shared with him and then you both got your PCs hacked?

If anyone believes that I’ve got a bridge to sell them…


who ever said hes minor or under 18 ? and who said i can’t be someones guardian over age of 18 ? it’s your problem that u don’t trust people u are being toxic to community and authority and u don’t have respect for veterans and legends like me … i feel ya mate, u are frustrated and now your little ego is going wild.

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you can only be someones guardian if that person is either a minor or is mentally/physically incapable of caring for themselves. If he is over 18 then he must be declared legally incapable to need a guardian and ofc that guardian needs to be in close proximity to his charge in order to take care of him. You therefore cant be his guardian if you live in a completly different time zone

so please stop lying


yep u never heard of principle… now you did congratulations, evermore u are insulting. Grow up.

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says the guy threathening to sue over a 40euro computer game

Here’s the relevant section of the EULA…

Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established by their parent or legal guardian. In the event that you permit your minor child or legal ward (collectively, your “Child”) to use an Account on the Platform, you hereby agree to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and your Child, and you understand and agree that you will be responsible for all uses of the Account by your Child whether or not such uses were authorized by you.

If your brother’s under 18, he’s a minor.
If your brother’s 18 or over, he’s not.

By the way, this section of the EULA makes provision for the parent / guardian to create the account that the minor child / ward will play on, not for them to both play on that account. At the point where the child / ward turns 18, the parent / guardian is supposed to notify Blizzard and get the account turned over to the child / ward.

nope , says the guy with high morality and principle. :D… go ahead google

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morality and principle are shown by actions not by words.

As a general rule (so it doesnt always apply) people that tell you they have high morality usually dont

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