Impossible to join or request invite

The topic says it all really. If someone invites me the invite is insta declined without me doing anything, and i cant request invites because none season heroes cant play with seasonals.

So i deleted my none season hero in hope for the bug to go away as a season player wants to play with my seasonal playing friends. Didnt work.
Im stuck with playing public games, please help fast.

This is a long-standing bug (over three months) that occurs because the game clients don’t recognise each other as having a seasonal hero being played. However, there’s a simple workaround…

  1. Each player exits their game so they’re at the hero selection screen
  2. Each player switches to a non-seasonal hero
  3. Each player switches back to their seasonal hero
  4. Invites / grouping will now function correctly

This works because the issue is being causes by clients not recognising that the hero being played is seasonal. Switching away from and back to a seasonal hero refreshes this mode / presence indicator.