Need advice on connection

So, I have an ISP that likes to derp out at random times (usually every couple days I get derp or two and then nothing for few days) where I lose internet connection for few seconds (usually less than 5 seconds)

As I see D3 HATES that.
It’s not fun loosing loot because of that.

Is there way to setup my game so that I don’t get kicked out (all the way where I need to restart entire game) of game because I lost internet for 3 seconds?

I play couple of MMO’s and they have grace period which waits for me to get back before kick.

That a game that requires connection even if solo has no option for short disconnects is beyond me. Have exploiters (biggest reason I could come up for not having that option I could come up with) been really THAT bad?

hello m8, i assume you are using cable to connect to your router and if that’s the case then your next step is changing the ISP in my opinion . good luck