No primals wtf?

7hrs non stop grinding not a single primal wtf

I was sort of lucky. Used the the primal from GR70 to unlock the potion node and got another primal shortly after that I salvaged. The next Primal was a UE glove which I hesitate to salvage. In the last couple of days I haven’t seen a primal drop. Not playing not stop but still doing a lot of speed 90s and visions where it’s raining legendaries.
So still in need for some primals to unlock double primals :grin:

During the last year I must have collected numerous sets of primals. Recently they’re not dropping at all apart from the occasional legendary with no affix

The whole primal drop chance is and has been ridiculous always. I do not understand how much those lifeless nerds grind to get so many primals in the first two weeks. Ive spent many seasons grinding weeks without getting anything multiple hours a day. The fact that you can only have one item upgraded to primal and wear it at the time is complete bs and players should be able to improve their gear into primal versions and wear them all.

It’s not just about how many hours you play but also what you do in those hours.

Let’s assume your hero can do a GR100 in an average of 3 minutes. Each of those runs will result in 10 legendaries and 2 other loots, which can be rares or legendaries, so let’s say an average of 11 legendaries per run. Okay, at 3 minute per run, that’s 20 runs per hour, and that’s 220 legendaries per hour. As primals are, on average, 1 in 400 legendaries, at that rate you’d expect to get one every couple of hours.

If you’re going weeks, with multiple hours per day, then it’s probably more to do with what you’re doing in those hours that isn’t something that drops lots of legendaries.

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All I do is grind 100+ rifts and exactly that below 3 minute time. Doesnt matter. The drop rates are so miniscule and its just all about luck, but then again I keep failing 4x times with 80-90% chances of upgrading gems so what do I know. Diablo games just suck these days, there has been one good Diablo and it wasnt 3 or 4.

The devs might have made primal drops more rare since introducing the ability to instantly reforge a legendary to a primal . I just dont know if this is the case


I’m also getting the impression that ancient drops have been re-adjusted (without any specific verifiable evidence)

Of the last 1700 or so legendaries I’ve collected, around 20 were ancient, and none primal.

Seems we have to rely more on re-forging our own ancients from ordinary legendaries, unless it’s purely the random chance the game puts us through.

You could try season with double primal drops?
Still. With bad luck the double of zero is zilch :frowning_face:

As someone always says in the us forum: “primals drop when they drop!”
In my experience nothing is really changed. If the drop rate is 0.25% everything will eventually even itself out.

I’m reflecting on this time perhaps 18 months ago. I was collecting entire sets after 1700 drops over several weeks, of ancients mixed with primals. Now, I’m collecting nothing over 1700 drops, over a similar time period with more or less the same play style. Edit: I wouldn’t enter seasons even if everything was handed on a plate.

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Chance that a legendary is primal = 1/400
Chance that a legendary is ancient = 1/10 = 40/400
Chance that a legendary is not (primal or ancient) = 359/400

Chance that none of 1680 legendaries are ancient or primal = (359/400)^1680 = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001252818565

Like I explained, around 20 were ancient, and none primal. It’s now over 2000, and certainly zero primal ,but 6 more ancient.

Edit: Is it possible that the devs have adjusted the primal drop rate recently without announcing it? Or could be be rather bad luck?

So, you had “20 or so” previously, and now another 6. Let’s say 30 then.
That means you’ve had 1970 legendaries which were not (ancient or primal)?

Chance that none of 1970 legendaries are ancient or primal = (359/400)^1970 = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000300525122

That’s roughly a 3.3 in 100 Novemvigintillions chance, i.e. 3.3 in 10^92.

To give an idea of how astronomically unlikely that is, there are approximately 1.33 x 10^50 atoms in the entire Earth.

Go buy a lottery ticket.

Yes. Around 30 + / - 2, and that doesn’t include those that were reforged from ordinary legendary items, where it did seem to even out as 1 in 10. Those 30 were uniquely from Neph and GR rifts & bounties.

Zero primals though. around 1/3 of bounties were in groups.

I don;t mind the ancients as they’re all worthless for characters, and serve well for salvaging, but why no primal items out of around 2000?

Edit: There are also occasions when re-forging : It is nominally 1 in 10 chance of an ancient, but I can get maybe 30 without an ancient. sometimes 2 ancients in a row thereafter.

Inverted joke by an inverted staff. Less drop chances due to the various never ending primal consumable shard and same or worse primal drops. BUT double primal drop. Lets see wat is double zero 0.
Way to take a good think, double primal drops and destroy it. No pot of gold with this rainbow.

Sorry, I can’t take this seriously.

There are between 10^78 and 10^82 atoms in the observable universe, so let’s go with 10^80. If I picked one of those atoms at random and asked you to guess which one I had picked you would have a 1 in 10^80 chance of being right and that’s still roughly a trillion times more likely than the loot streak you’re claiming (3.3 in 10^92).

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What happened to Shaolin is most likely that by some glitch in the code the primal access got un-unlocked and is now stuck in that state… :frowning_face:


What does that imply? Its around 2200 and climbing.

I wouldn’t even have bothered to draw any attention to it. But i stumbled across this forum.


I did a little investigation on the US forums, and this seemed the most interesting:

Season 28 - No More Primals Dropping - Bug Report - Diablo 3 Forums (

One comment seems pertinent, from Notwig:
" Ive seen 2000+ legendaries between primals and I have also seen true double primal drops in back to back rifts. "

The drop rate isn’t a certainty of 1/400. There is a chance that a primal will drop out of 400 legendaries. It’s a big distinction. That means a 40% chance of there not being a primal out of 400.

think of it this way and it makes sense that high numbers of drops yield no primals.

The solution is to grind on and on and on.

so I doubt it’s a glitch

I don’t want to be “that guy” but primal drops seem ok to me. I’ve found quite a lot this season. Quantity is ok but not the quality. Most of them (>90%) are either useless or they have too many bad stats and cannot be enchanted at the mystic. I’ve probably found 5-6 that I kept and fit my builds on top of the 11th cube recipe that usually goes to my weapons. Most of my drops come from GRs and from time to time I farm visions of enmity in the cow level. I’d still trade all my primals for a good ancient shield and gloves for my crusader.