Not registering to leaderboard -TEMPORARY FIX-

For me and my clan this has worked all week. Don’t know why it does not work for some :frowning:

Today i cleared a 129 on monk in a game where clan loot chat did not work. It did not register. Then later i cleared a 130 in a game where i checked for clan loot chat. It registered and showed up on the leaderboard. Same for our clan 4 man meta runs. We cleared a 150 in a game without clan loot chat and it didnt register. Since then we have been using this trick and we were able to consistently place us on the leaderboard untill we reached our current record (around 8 mins).

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It works, like healslaaf said, u need to see ur own items in clan chat, not from other clan members who are not in your party.

so start game, upgrade yellow if it shows go , if not uninstall this game and throw ur computer out of the window.

Again, we’ve already had someone who followed the method and it didn’t record their GR clearance…

Any method that doesn’t always work, isn’t a working method.

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I have tried today;
In Season If you register
In No Season Does not register

When I have tired of making contracts (bounties) , I have made a Gr and
yes I have registered it
By intuition I have tried No Season, and indeed as I feared, it has not registered
:ringer_planet: :sun_with_face:

lol that makes no sense at all. so if you don’t always win it’s not a lottery? if you car only starts sometimes it’s not a working car?

anyway, i wonder if the guy that claims it doesn’t work understood it correctly and/or is playing on non-seasonal

Like this you mean…

If you can do the clan chat thing and get a positive result, but also do the clan chat thing and get a negative result, that proves that doing the clan chat thing does not guarantee a positive result.

You might find this later post, in the main thread, more relevant…

So, absolutely nothing to do with clan chat, and everything to do with which of the servers in the EU farm your game happens to be hosted on. It seems only 2 of the 6 servers are recording.

This certainly sounds very plausible, especially as the Blizzard stated reason we had issues with the double-bounties buff not always being available was due to something not having propagated to all the servers in the EU farm.

In other words, some of the servers are busted, some aren’t. This would also possibly explain why sometimes your “retrieving hero list” is immediate, and sometimes takes 15-20 seconds, i.e. depending on whether you’re on a server in the farm that’s not working right or not.


I like that thinking… but that still needs to be tested out.

I only play solo and have been using the time needed to “retrieve the hero list” as a criterion to abort/not abort the launching of Diablo III. It’s not perfect… I do get false negative (ie, a long “retrieve the hero list” will successfully record a new grift record) but it shows some promises… more testing needed.

Also, I have no idea how that would work for a group… for the simple reason that I only play solo.

Finally, I will say that one of the player on the French forums said that he/she completed a level 92 gRift 4 times before it actually recorded as a personal record… all on the same server. @NotLikeThis said he did 2 records on the same server… the first one was correctly recorded, but not the second. I have a feeling I am missing something, but I do not know what.

I noticed from one of your Tech Support posts yesterday that you’d run out of GR keys for your testing. I’ve been farming a load of them on my non-seasonal Barb ready for when they fix the leaderboards. If some non-seasonal GR keys would be useful for your testing, give me a nudge, and you’d be welcome to tag along.

More examples of the clan chat thing NOT fixing things…

At this point, the clan chat advice is simply misleading and wasting people’s time.

Hello Meteorblade,

Thanks for the offer but I think I will decline… The 3rd conquest is all I have left to be done for the Journey on Europe and then… not sure what I’ll do. We’ll see.

Thanks again.

First of all for me and my clanmates there has been no negative results only positive results. If you want to to compare this with science you could say that our research has a way larger sample size and thus far has been confirming it works . Also i can not review the research method of the person that claims a negative result. It may well be a flaw in the research. 1 negative result may just as well be a error in the data.

Second that’s not what you said, you said if there is a negative result it is not working. And that makes no sense. You are basically claiming that if something has a probability to work it is always not working.

You really should look at the main thread. It has details of investigation carried out, which shows that whether your GR clearance will be recorded or not is entirely dependent upon which server within the EU farm your game is hosted on. That investigation has a 100% correlation. If you’re on a bad “IP” address, it’s not recorded. If you’re on a “good” IP addres, it’s recorded.

That correlation works whether you’re in a clan or not, whether you saw loot in clan chat or not, whether you’re playing solo or not.

Did you see the explanation earlier in the week for why the double-bounties buff wasn’t reliably being applied to EU seasonal players? Blizzard actually said that something hadn’t propagated to all of the servers successfully. We also have the issue that sometimes “retrieving hero list” is instant, and sometimes takes 15-20 seconds. This all sounds like an issue where some of the servers in the farm have issues, and some do not.

Effectively, your clan chat thing is akin to a footballer’s lucky red socks, i.e. he thinks he’ll win the match if he wears them but the socks are actually irrelevant.

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Ok then let me ask you this. Does the server ip change when you make a new game? If your answer is no. Then explain to me how i got a record not registered in a game without clan loot showing and a couple games later i got a record registered without restarting the game or relogging. Following your methods the conclusion would be that your theory is flawed as well then.

If your answer is yes, it only confirms my fix and your theory.

Yes, the server ip changes when you make a new game. Unless you happen to connect to the same server again. Roughly 1/400 chance.


yes so everytime we open a new game and check for loot clan chat we are basically doing the same as checking for ip’s. it’s no news that it’s server related thats why we used this method to test the server we are on.

Dude i knew all this already 2 weeks ago when it started. But instead of grabbing a tracer prog i realised that there was a 100% correlation between clan loot chat not showing up when you identify/loot and it not registering. I figured some servers must not have been properly attached to the leaderboard (could be a seperate server for all i know). And so far i have seen only 2 people saying my method did not work for them and a lot more saying it did work for them. And yes there is always the possibility that it’s coincidence but the current data strongly suggests otherwise.


If it was a 100% correlation, why do you have multiple examples of people saying they saw loot in clan chat, and their GR clearances were not recorded, i.e. it’s not 100%.

I’ve given you links to three already.

I can do exactly the same:

Yet of 2 weeks pushing it has never failed me , nor my clanmates, not solo, not in 4 man. So yeh for us it is still standing on 100%. Thats 40 people for whom it’s working. The negative reports from others brings that number down a bit (0.11%). But they are sources without further explanation. Do they fully understand how the method works and have they carefully followed it. Are they saying it did not work by memory or have they carefully made notes. Im not saying you are 100% wrong or i am 100% right. I am just saying that for some (40 people) this seems to be working for 2 weeks straight now with no exceptions…

Neither am I. I am, however, suggesting that you’re not 100% right as we have counter indications. Hence why I used the Anchorman meme. So, we have 40 positive results and 3 negative results, that’s 93% success rate. So, would you be happier with…

“93% of the time, it works every time!”

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Don’t confuse number of subjects with number of attempts (results) please.

it is not 40 against 3… it is 40 x # of attempts against 3 x # of attempts.
It might as well be positive 6489 against negative 3. Depending on how much attempts every subject did.

So let’s say i have 40 people that pushed 14 days with let’s say 2 records broken a day then thats already 40x14x2=1120 attempts with a 100% succes rate versus maybe (worst case scenario) 3 attempts unsuccessful.

If your calculations and theory is correct it would take 159 tries to reach a 100% possibility for a game WITH working clan chat loot AND no working leaderboard. But you already meet a 99% change to have that happen after 65 attempts. Clearly some of the subjects, including myself, exceed those numbers.

Also on a side note, if certain subjects show a 100% probability consistently and others for example 75% but the conditions are the same then there is probably a deciding factor you are not including in your test setup/calculations. hence i noted; i don’t know what the conditions where of the people reporting negative results but there might be a unknown factor which would change the probability calculations because it is a extra event with a separate probability for that factor to occur.

That all being said, you claimed that “Any method that doesn’t always work, isn’t a working method.” and i said that that didn’t make sense (which it really doesn’t) because of something called probability. If something works 1 out of 10 tries, it works, just not all the time :wink: there might be a BETTER method that works BETTER tho (aka higher probability of desired outcome), maybe that is what you want to say?

So far, we have a method that shows a 100% success rate, i.e. the method detailed in the main thread where you look at which IP your game is hosted on, look up that IP and see if it’s a “bad” server, if so leave game and re-make until you land on an IP that’s a “good” server.

100% is better than less than 100%.