Out of touch - D4 is Dead on Announcement

Why in the hell they add “Power Ranger transformation” again!??!

Keep that “transformations” in Druid… it make sence! But not in Mages or Barbarian!?! Why!!!
Why they keep this NON SENCE?! Remove this "#%$&% from Diablo 4. Don’t add POWER RANGER in this game. End that!!! Please!!!

i like a STRONG Barbarian\Mage or other… the Stronger, the better. But U DON’T have to use “transformations” on chars. Make one simple effect. Don’t DO THAT!!!
Every time i see the DIablo IV demo… i love it!!! Then i see “Power ranger’s again” and i hate it, i will HATE DIABLO again because of that.

This is amazing!!! It’scrazy.

This is NOT!!!

Don’t make this in Diablo IV! PLEASE!!!

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Hey I don’t disagree with that though I can’t say I agree with much if any of the tone of the original post. Just putting my two cents out there like everyone else. Hopefully in as constructive a way as possible :relaxed:


Yea, NP ! I just try to push people in the action and hope it´ll work somehow :rofl:


Yes this is one I didn’t like in D3. Transform only when it’s serious part of character. As D2 druid I transform to wolf just cause I wan’t to. I used full trang for D2 necromancer only for those looks. But I never asked to be red-hulk, horned-shadow-ninja or 3-eye-glowing… you get the point.
D4 berzerker is quite mild I think, but just some over dripping blood or some really faint red aura would be enough ( I dont like auras). At best it would change only animations and this increased speed would also include crazy strong moves with savage rage.
Man! I’m generating some mindstorm here again.

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and console players don’t want offline mode…we want ONLINE saves. Cos of rampant cheating with the primal reforge exploit, as well as 3rd party game save editors (save wizard) that RUIN the game for legit players…

Well “primal reforge” won’t exist in Diablo IV if they scrap their current plans and make a real Diablo game. You being afraid of cheating on consoles doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have an offline mode.

Wow you two. :smiley: Let me tell you, as someone who actually plays the game, most likely unlike you two who play on your browsers, how an ideal d4 would be for me. Open world like, not necessarily with other players, but definetly with zones opened to each other, and a much bigger world, with more stuff to do and more activities. The combat is same as d3, while itemization goes back a bit towards the no set era, or even mixes in d2 era, with more interesting lategame progression. Now for example, for me the d4 they showed is exactly this.
Would i be content with a d3 expansion instead of this? Surely i would love it. Would i prefer a d3 expansion, or a new d4 altogether, which actually is a similar game, that fixes all aspects of d3, while keeps its strengths and extends on the game? The answer seems pretty obvious to me, and they are doing exactly that.
Mount is a norm in a world this big, it is fine, and you do not even have to use them, nor you have to buy new mounts. You can walk if you want, and use the waypoints whenever you can. Thats the beauty of it. Freedom. It will not turn into gta5 or wow, this is the currently avaliable best way to create a great arpg in 2019, believe it or not. You people start to hate something new without even thinking. :smiley:
And for the online part. I would prefer a game where i do not have to get randomly oneshot by 40.000.000 strength ppl with full legendary gear because they modded the game. No thanks. You might like it. Surely lagg is annoying, but almsot every game made these days which are multiplayer requires an internet connection. And I am 99% sure the coding will be a lot better. It is not the baby steps early d3, where they had no idea how to do it. Better servers, better code, the lag will not be such a huge issue. But this is pretty much the only way to keep the game fair, and this slight mixing of mmo with arpg (which is normal, and it is an upgrade to a single player boxed game) is only really doable this way.
If you want a good boxed arpg, that you can play alone, then this is not your game anyway. Play the new god of war, i promise, that is exactly what you seek you two.


I write it here, so i can help you to make a useful post. This is how you should make it.
Add an option to the spells/effects that transform my characters to be hideable, that would be great.

See? easy. Not as dumb as it was, and it tries to solve your extreme minority problem, without negatively affecting something appealing to a lot of other people.

PoE has something for this. Customizable skill effects for price.
But yeah one checkbox to options could solve it.
Like I said, D4 has very mild transformations. We are truly talking about really minor issue.

why be this rude for no reason at all, I have solution for you, dont buy D4 then, it is that easy.


Dude I was watching the D3 announcement back in 2008 and was excited at first only to learn that they were completely ruining the game. Fast forward 11 years and they’re doing the same thing with D4 only it’s worse than the fricking mobile game they’ve just shown the other year… Then I go on the forums and have people defend corporate greed and it just gets too much. I don’t need idiots posting shiet in my thread.

you have no idea if the game is gona be worse or not, none can say that, just becuse you seen some footage of, doesnt meen the game will be bad, there is no need to judge a game before you try it your self. I am not gona say it is good or bad, it looks good atleast the graphics, will the gameplay be good, I have no idea, I also didnt like d3 that much, though got it later on console and liked it way better than on pc, but that was whit the expansion, though from what I have seen about D4 it seems it has pontential to be way better than D3 is.


I’m not judging it based on what I’ve seen. In fact, I have watched very little footage. I’m judging it based on what they’ve said about the games - their design philosophies are garbage, they’re not making a Diablo game at all.

How does busy and cluttered combat translate into cartoony? If I remember correctly, both Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 also had some very busy combat areas.

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Dude, “Diablo” 3 with just one player is more cluttered than 8 players in D2. It’s not great.

But cluttered still does not translate into cartoony.

(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy:

  • Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen.
  • My desk is covered in/full of clutter.

a drawing, especially in a newspaper or magazine, that tells a joke or makes a humorous political criticism

  • The cartoon showed a picture of a robber carrying a bag with ‘swag’ written on it.
  • Who’s the man who does the satirical cartoons in The Times?

I’m pretty sure, based on the linked image, that Pejntyd is referring to the vibrant and sometimes literally cartoony style (including but not limited to unicorns and teddies etc, something Blizz North was infuriated by Sierra trying to add in Hellfire according to Brevik in one of his interviews…So yeah…the “Diablo” 3 team was directly mocking the original Diablo teams)

I feel the same way. was addicted to 1 and 2. but with 3 it was a different story. shortly before diablo3 hit I levelled up a d2 character to get into diablo mood and I played right through the night, it was just like old times. then when d3 came out I noticed that something was wrong when I wanted to go to bed at 10pm not really interested in whats around that corner.

I missed out the year of the auction house and came back later when it was removed. d3 is now an ok game if it wasnt for the graphics and skills/character progression.

from what I see now with d4 pleases me very much. as you I have grown, horror is the way to go. a mature diablo.

I am exited about the world where you go from place a to b (not using a caravan and a loading screen).

it looks like a game I’d really want to play.

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I’m definitely liking this feature of D4.


too bright and cartoony

I´ve shoved you the brightest image of diablo 3 ever and you bull**** on me.
Wikipedia won´t help you should open book on human proportions and anatomy that´s meant by cartoon… WOW does that so much. You´ve stopped beiing objective. I stop now to write to you.