Proposed Quality of Life changes

Ok, primal gives more than 15 souls which is basically what I have asked before in my own post.

I also agree with reforge should give you back the same status but with random stat. Obviously you found Primal or Ancient item and then when you reforge it the current status has gone and downgrade to just regular legendary. WTF. It’s like when you own a Ferrari, you went to service and the dealer say “Oh I am sorry, we have lost your Ferrari and take our Fiat instead”. It seriously make you p*** off. Blizzard can decide the suitable cost (gold, bounties, mats, DB etc) for this to happen.

Also I have mentioned this idea of pet collecting other stuff but maybe not everything like keystones as well. Otherwise you have nothing left to click or make decision for yourself. The rest I have no clue what people are talking about. You can look at my own post and see for yourself.