Public Group play - huge lag

So when i play in Group public, when we pulling packs it starts, everything stands still, huge lag. im not the only one cuz every Group talks about it.

something happend in S19, never seen it before.

Any info about it? fix coming ???
or u guys just sitting there drinking caffe!?

A quick look at your hero’s paragon points…
…shows that you have spent 50 points in Area Damage. Remove them and leave them un-spent. Auto-cast Rend doesn’t benefit from AD but it does cause a lot more server-side calculations to be needed and, if multiple heroes have lots of AD to calculate, it can cause lags.

If you’re playing WW/Rend in groups, you should have zero AD.

so you saying i cant use stuff thats in the game without lag ?

why do they even have it if ppl will lag With it. Nice job ^^

I agree, it’s advice that shouldn’t need to be given if they’d coded things differently, but they haven’t. Feel free to take the advice and reduce your occurrences of lag, or ignore it and see what blue response you get.

wont you lose like alot damage if u remove Area Damage ? anyway im not gonna remove something they have in the game, the game should handle it.

See what blue response i get? well thats not gonna happend.