S33 ended but I did not receive any mail

10 days ago when season ended prematurely I got a mail with items send, but I did not reroll afterwards and the seasonal characters were reinstalled. As Blizzard started season again, some non-season items which had sorted and collected over the years were on the seasonal char on which i sorted my stash. Now that season ended again, I did NOT receive ANY MAIL and some precious items were on season! I will be super SUPER upset and angry if I do not get any mail, as there were COE rings from non-season from many years!!! and many items on season.

Edit: If I do not receive a mail i will uninstall D3. That’s how upset I am. The

PS: The Paragon I farmed from scracth during the 10 days, around 2600 did not transfer too - Anyone with enough money and super bored wanna sue blizzard for some this major screw up?


I seem to have the same issue, 1k in paragon, lots of gems, ancient gear and Ramaladni’s Gift gone…

Hopefully they will handle this better than the eraly seasonal ending…

Same issue, first season I really invested in - first Jan5, then this - all paragon, gold, stashed items and resources are gone. Really hope they fix this tomorrow…

After season 33 ended you normally receive the season inventory via mail. THIS DID NOT OCCUR THIS TIME!!! AND MY XP WAS NOT ADDED TO MY NORMAL GAME.

Same issue. Lost paragon, gems, items, etc.


I have the same problem, my >1300 paragons made after season restart are gone :frowning:

The short answer is people should have used rollback option sooner, right after the “season finished” by mistake.

I have posted this on USA forums predicting something like this will happen if people don’t use rollback.

I used rollback and everything is perfect.

Nobody should have used rollback. The devs should have rolled back globally. It was their mistake not ours. And now they screwed people a 2nd time. and we are starting to get really angry.

I agree, i also asked for global rollback on forums, but people on forums didnt want it, so… this is what the community wanted.

And btw, i dont think anyone from blizzard is reading EU forums, try on USA forums.
Or write a ticket i guess

Mail and paragon finally arrived! Thank you very much Blizzard!

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