Season 22 (my first)

So, I’m not really a Diablo player but having a phase of playing nothing but RPGs so decided to give seasons in D3 a go. And I just want some advice as a first time season player. How do I prepare? Do I level in campaign or adventure mode? Do I need a 70 beforehand?

Can you just give me some general tips?


The current season is Season 21, which means the next one will be Season 22.

As long as you’ve completed the campaign once on the account, you don’t need to do it again.

If you want to level quickly on release day (still a few weeks away), you can follow this guide: (Apparently I can’t add links. Google: icyveins d3 seasonal levelling guide)

It’s hardly necessary though. Just join public games and start playing. You’ll be level 70 within 4 hours without any special effort.

After that, work your way through the journey challenges (little leaf icon in the top-right).

My Information For New Or Returning Players thread has that as the very first linked article.

2 suggestions from me:

a) Create seasonal characters when the season starts. You get free buffs, items and so many more stuff at no cost basically. Also more players around to group if you want.

b) The best stuff begin to happen after lvl 70 and in adventure mode. Do the campaign once, to see the story and get familiar with some basic concepts, npcs, and then you will probably want to spend 99% of your time in adventure mode.

Check what each class free set are in before you level you first character. You want something that are easy to play with for this first one and some of the free sets are, well not really effective unless you have had some luck and find other equipment to go with them.

Do not start to roll alts to early since you do not gain paragon levlels until level 70. Once you have some spare gear rasing an alt to 70 can be done in a few hours at the most but before that resit rolling alts.

My first HC barb died this morning at 88 paragon due to idiot windows dropped D3 on to taskbar for sticky keyboard(Pressed shift twice accidentally). By the time I have managed to get back to the game window I was dead (didn’t even witness the death of my hero). Frenzy gear has gone, season 22 is over for me…