Silenced spam reporting

If some get so offended of what you are writing there is a Block player option in game so you cant write to them again……Stop that silence accounts, so peapol cant play the game at all…I dont know if it is kids or new players to game that spam report others for fun…There is chat filter and option to block players chat…almost all in my block list have used abusive words, and i didnt report them just blocked for further communication….When Silenced account, made so you cant play the game at all…STOP spam reporting, is actually punishing old legit players, from playing a game they have paid for.
Never used any cheat or other 3thrd party software.
Is it a fail that players that get silenced cant play the game in solo ???. Or if its with purpose then im out of this game forever……

A post was merged into an existing topic: Silenced/blocked game