The Friendly Tavern - Questions and Answers for Newbies about Diablo 3 and the Lore!

Good evening everyone :slight_smile:

I was thinking about paragon levels today and it seems to be no limit to how high they can go. So I wonder as a result.

What’s the highest paragon level you have been yourself, or alternatively what is the highest paragon level you’ve ever seen?

PS: This is meant as a fun question, not to make anyone feel bad for their own level. let’s have fun!

Iv’e seen one or two people with a paragon level within the 4k range. My own highest paragon level will ofc be in non-season. I’m hoping that after my seasonal paragon xp rolls over into non-season, i will reach 2k.
That’s without any actual dedicated paragon farming as well, just many many hours casually rifting since release. Almost all of my paragon xp was gained from rifts within the level range of 80-100, just the occasional rift over 100. My profile displays almost 10k rifts completed now…yes i know i have no life. :flushed:

In-game, open up the Leaderboards (Shift+L) and take a look at non-seasonal, softcore, 3 players, Rank 1 team, and look at the Wizard in that team. At the time the record was posted they were paragon 10281. They’re currently paragon 10813.

Hi all,

Last night I experienced my first decent loot find and I was quite chuffed.

I was ticking off the bounties and collecting my loot as you do. I had collected a few death breaths in the process so tried my hand at some cube gambling to try and get Vengeful Wind for my Monk. Successful? Nope.

Thought I’d call it a day when I decided to dive into my last rift. Got the boss done and boom, Kyoshiro’s Soul in my sky rocket. Not the greatest of finds but certainly my greatest so far and compliments my current build nicely. It means I don’t have to work up to 3 stacks of Swirling Wind and I’m always ready to dish out decent amount of damage. It’s meant I can go up to T6-7 quite comfortably.

Had me buzzing for a few minutes anyway :slight_smile:


That’s really nice. The hunt for better items can be a frustrating thing at times, so a good success story is great! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My only problem now is stash space. Am I right in thinking I should just salvage everything that isn’t on my ‘want’ list? I’ve kept hold of legendaries that have extractable powers for later use in the cube but room as quickly disappeared.

Should I craft all the lower level gems into better ones given that the inferior ones don’t seem to be dropping anymore?


On non-HC, I only keep Imperial and Royal Flawless gems in my stash (10 slots)… I keep Marquise in my inventory. You need 27 Imperial to craft a Royal Flawless.

The reason is the game as no use for Flawless Imperial and Royal gems… they’re not required by any recipe.

Old screenshot (used for other purposes) :

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At level 61 and above, the lowest gem that will drop any more is a marquise. Anything lower than that, don’t bother upgrading them, sell them to an in-town vendor. You’ll end up with huge numbers of marquise and above anyway just running rifts / bounties / GRs.

I tend to just keep marquise, imperial (level needed for re-rolling affixes on jewellery at the Mystic) and flawless royal (level needed for Caldesann’s Despair).

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Thanks for that. I was reading about how having them in your inventory means when they’re picked up they don’t mess about with the remaining space for items etc. I’ll do that from now on and get rid of the lesser ones in my stash.

Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate it.

Extracting a legie power only costs 1 of each bounty mat, so it won’t take many bounty runs to have enough to extract all the unextracted powers you’ve collected. This will free up lots of room if you have many of these items stashed.
Extracting all powers available to your class is also a very good early goal after reaching the endgame for the first time.
Good luck with your greater rift adventures, and check out the last recipe in the cube that’s used for augmenting ancient items, if you are not already aware of it.

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Hi all, managed to get my hands on Vengeful Wind (randon drop) and Gyana na Kashu last night. Now im farning for a Royal ring of Grandeur so i can ditch the Sunwuko helm.

A decent night of looting :slight_smile:

One question it has brought about though. When replacing my two handed weapon with Vengeful Wind my damage output took a huge drop. I realise i gain a huge boost in LTK and WoL damage. Is this usually the trade off with this particular build?


'Hi Chumpa. If you’re using the Sunwuko set you might get some inspiration by googling “diablo 3 sunwuko build season 17” especially icy veins for inspiration.


From looking at your profile, the weapons you have equipped have no sockets with emeralds in them. This would explain your large dps decrease if your previous weapon had a socketed emerald.
Go to the mystic and enchant one of the properties on each weapon into a socket, and combine some emeralds to get the highest critical damage bonus you can. Sockets are actually the highest priority affix that weapons can have.
Your helm and amulet can also be enchanted to gain critical chance, this will help to make use of your increased critical damage, giving you higher dps.
After that find some new rings, and keep an eye out for an upgrade to use as your off-hand. For WoL there is Kyoshiro’s Soul, and for LTK there is Scarbringer. There is also a helm that can be used for each of those skills. WoL also has the Pinto’s Pride bracers and Incense Torch of the Grand Temple 2-hand Daibo (which can be cubed) and LTK has the Rivera Dancers boots.
The WoL version of the Inna’s Mantra set build i believe is stronger, but the LTK version can also be a strong ranged build.
Good luck, whichever build you decide to play.


Cheers guys.

Jazz, im using the Icy Veins Sunwuko build as a bit of a guide and slowly trying to get together the gear. I’m new to D3 so it’s a lot to take in but I’m enjoying things!

Noodles, thanks for the info - very helpful.

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Thanks to Meteorblade for running me through a couple of GRs last night. Started off at Paragon 144 and now on 264 so not bad for about 15 minutes work (on his part)!

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If i have funerary pick power can i double the perk by having a funerary pick equipped


Nope - the legendary power from the cube cannot be stacked to the same legendary power from an item your hero is wearing.

If you try to do that, only the power of the equipped item is effective… the power from the cube is disregarded completely. Since the cube power is always the best value, you would be actually hurting yourself if you attempted to do that.

Best of luck in your games.

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I have collected 14 bardiches in the last week and and 12 puzzle rings, three of them ancient, no less. Around 6 months ago i had a primal bovine bardiche and can say on good authority that it brings nothing more to the cow level than even the most meagre normal equivalent. At least an ancient puzzle ring bestows untold goodies.

You know that post of mine you just replied to… it’s from July 2019.
I’m fairly sure I’ve used up the bardiches / puzzles since then. :wink:

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