The game doesn't save Sound and Video settings

The game doesn’t save Sound and Video settings. In addition, each time I start the game it shows me an intro video like when you run the game the first time. However, it keeps my key bindings even after full game reinstallation.
I can not find d3prefs.txt on my system.
I found this problem after the latest update was installed.

UPD1: Found the next error in D3Debug.txt:
ERROR: Couldn’t create preferences directory. Path is locked or missing?

UPD2: Controlled Folder Access is off. I tried to enable it an gave access for Diablo III no results.
I tried to create Diablo III folder in my Documents. Copied there the D3Prefs.txt file from my laptop - no results. When I reset in-game settings from app it removes the copied file, but the game still can’t create preferences directory.

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I have the same problem, every time i open the game i must skip the cinematics and change all the video settings again and again
d3prefs.txt is in my documents but all the letters are with red underline