The game is completely pointless

So i bought diablo 3 on my Nintendo switch based on the good reviews. People always say diablo is the king of hack n slash games. I have played a while now, and this game is just pointless or i am missing something. I am just walking around destroying any enemy with no effort. The game is just “push a button to kill them all and proceed to the next location”. How can this be fun to play? Am i missing something? Raising the difficulty is just useless. I keep killing anyone or be instakilled, i can’t find a good difficulty to play. Also the gameplay is just wrong. How can i manage the enemies if they 1shot me and i am a melee pg? Is there any tactics or the great diablo 3, that i have payed 60€, is just the cheapest nonsense careless button smashing game? I am so confused rn

The game’s really easy whilst you’re levelling 1-70. Once you’re 70 you can increase the difficulty for Rifts and Bounties to Torment 16. Greater Rifts go from GR1 to GR150, with GR75 being roughly equivalent to Torment 16. Rest assured, at 70 you’ll definitely find content that will be difficult for you. You might find this useful…