Why no retroactive changes on primals?

Again, you said…

…and I showed how, with a few affixes being different, you could improve your damage by 15% and mitigation by 38%, ably demonstrating that your gear is nowhere near being perfect. I literally showed you that having the right affixes on gear is more important than whether that gear is primal or not.

The best way to get replacement items with the affixes isn’t to snap your fingers, it’s to use the Cube’s reforging recipe, i.e. use the materials you’re just stockpiling.

Yes, because you think the affixes you have on your Wizard are “almost perfect” when they’re clearly anything but.

Yes, that’s your Crusader that you rolled CHC and CHD onto, i.e. not only did you not roll off those affixes that are useless to the build, you actively replaced other affixes to get them. You deliberately made your hero weaker. So…

Thorns cannot crit. You chose to apply affixes that improve how often crits happen and how much damage the crits do. Do you understand the concept that regardless of the value of X, multiplying X by zero results in zero? Your needs appears to have been to see how you could re-roll her gear to provide the biggest detriment to her power.

Here’s a very simple example of the difference that the “right” affixes can make.

My LeapQuake Barb is wearing Ancient Parthan Defenders. The ones she has equipped have STR, VIT, AllRes, 6% CHC and a 480 STR Caldesann’s Despair applied to them. Now, that’s not ideal so whilst I was farming some GR keys I spent bloodshards buying bracers from Kadala, some of which resulted in Ancient Parthan Defenders. I tried reforging until I ran out of Bounty materials (I only had enough for about 40 reforges). Thereafter I used the Cube’s “upgrade rare to legendary” recipe on the yellow bracers I’d gotten from Kadala. Within a couple of hours I had the ones shown in this screenshot…

The new ones have 71 STR less, 17 VIT more, same CHC, 20% fire rather than All Resist and no Caldesann’s Despair yet. (I’m working on a gem to place a 625 STR augment onto them).

She has the fire-based LeapQuake build, so what difference does having the “right” affixes make?

With her current gear…

  • Earthquake Damage: 38,597,862,044,795

With the new bracers…

  • Earthquake Damage: 45,559,935,228,916

With the new bracers and Caldesann’s Despair…

  • Earthquake Damage: 46,419,167,561,990

The affix change improves her damage by 45,559,935,228,916 / 38,597,862,044,795 = 1.1803 = 18%

A single affix is enough for more damage than needed to go up a GR level. This is why having the “right” affixes is more important than whether the gear’s red or not. Gambling for primals is only something you do after you’ve already got ancients with the “right” affixes but if you’ve got non-ancients and/or ancients with the “wrong” affixes, it can clearly be very beneficial to gamble for improvements.

I find that hard to believe. At a certain point in season or non season you get so strong that T16 rifts and bounties can be done easily without using “cookie cutter” builds and you can also run GRs up to a certain level with weaker, but perhaps funnier, builds and variations. Once you get to a certain level of GRs you’re simply getting into a world of pain and trouble trying to beat the timer. You will still have room for some variation; should I use an all damage build, or should I go more defensive, should I use Stricken or is Trapped (or another gem) still going to cut it? Etc, etc…
Wudijo made some funny videos showing how far he could push with a Blackthorne’s set. It can be quite entertaining to se what you can do with different sets and combinations - but nerfing a build intentionally is hard to believe anyone would do.

I never said they where perfect. I said “my gear is a near perfect as possible”.

My time is better spent either playing another character or upgrading legendary gems. Spending time looking for “that perfect rolled item” is not on the cards, because:

  1. Finding a Primal is hard enough. Find one with the exact attributes needed is next to impossible.
  2. Finding an ancient item with the right attributes is actually harder than finding a badly rolled primal item!
  3. Reforging doesn’t work, because attributes are rolled off in the process.
  4. If an item is dropped with the exact attributes needed, but with low values, there is no way to keep the attributes but increase their values.
  5. The list goes on…

In all 8 years of playing Diablo 3 and making use of whatever means available to me for acquiring items, I have to date never, repeat NEVER found any item of any quality will the precise attribute rolls I’ve wanted. I’ve gotten close. Some have even had nearly maxed-out stats.

My time is better spent playing Diablo III in the manner that defined the genre. Go out into the battlefield, slay monsters and demons, and use whatever use they drop.

Exactly. The challenge there is to see just how far one can go when doing this.

You are so obsessed about playing “the perfect build” that you fail to see the challenge in following a different route and thinking out-of-the box.

Are Hermione’s items sub-par? According to you, they are. But precisely as they are, I can easily run GR110 without any issues at all. Which is something is shouldn’t be capable of, if my items are as bad as claimed.

I can either spend hours upon hours of game time trying to find items that will allow me to go a few levels higher, or I can spend those same hours playing a different character and seeing how far my so-called “sub-par” builds can go.

That is because you lack imagination.

There are limits to my imagination, true :grinning:
But I have never seen anybody on the forum saying: “this season I achieved my personal best ever and I’m happy about it… and I did it with an intentionally nerfed build!”… never :smiley:

FYI, my Invoker Crusader “Catherine”, of which I long ago received lots of spiteful comments for my build choices, achieved a high of GR86 way back when in Season 13. At the that was indeed a personal best.

That has long since been superseded by my achievements (and therefore no longer counts) with Hermione reaching GR110 with what Meteorblade calls “bad equipment”. As a side note, Hermione is my original Season 1 Wizard that I started playing again when we first got the Typhon’s Veil set.

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And you could have achieved so much more if only you would have used some common sense when making your own build. No need to copy anything, just use common sense.

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  1. Agreed. Getting primals with the “right” affixes is tough. And, yet, if you look at my heroes they’ve got lots of them. I reforge, you don’t.
  2. This is just patently false. Primals are 1 in 400 legendaries. Ancients are 1 in 10. So, on average, for every primal of an item you found, you would have found 40 ancients.
  3. Reforging works just fine. You re-forge a spare of the item you want, not the item you’re wearing. If the result is better than you’re wearing then you wear the new one, and the one you had been wearing becomes the spare for future reforging.
  4. That’s correct but, as demonstrated by my Ancient Parthan Defenders example above, I got an item with the right affixes, but with roughly 550STR less than the ones I had equipped, and they are still massively better than the ones I was wearing. The 20% fire damage massively trumps the equivalent of the bracers having no main stat (ancient bracers have 550-650 main stat).

And yet my heroes are covered in primals with the exact affixes I want.

No, I fail to see the point of deliberately making your hero worse than it could be. Hell, if you really wanted a challenge why are you even using legendaries at all? See how high a GR you can do just in blues, just in yellows, etc.

By very definition, if you’ve made the builds less effective than they could otherwise be (e.g. putting CHC / CHD onto an Invoker) they’re not so-called sub-par, they are sub-par.

If your equipment was “as near perfect as possible” how would changing a few affixes results in 15% more damage and 38% more toughness?

I think I’m beginning to understand who you are, Meteorblade. A man full of bluster, trying his utmost to appear important and clever.

I shall no longer take anything you say seriously, especially regarding character and build choices.

Of all your heroes on the EU Region, only three can be identified as having been created in season:

"Multishot"  Season 15, Highest Solo Greater Rift 100
"Thwang"     Season 10, Highest Solo Greater Rift 122
"Uliana"     Season 16, Highest Solo Greater Rift 110

All other are created and played in non-Season, with Greater Rift Solo highs between 60 and 129.

Now, I find it extremely difficult to believe (indeed impossible to believe) that you would claim to be as good a player as you are and then go off and delete your most recent Season heroes.

This is quite possibly the reason why you never accepted my challenge made in on of your earlier posts. You’re afraid of being found out as a fraud who cannot stand up to the challenges of Season.

Or is it because I have in non-season personally come within spitting distance of your GR 129 solo best (using a non-season hero) while using a non-standard build with “sub-par” equipment and the “wrong rolls”?

Don’t ever tell me again how to play this game, because you clearly do not have what it takes.

EDIT: Especially concerning Wizards, of which all your play time is only 1%!

Speaking of her, her follower, the Enchantress, is equipped with The Twisted Sword. Is that because you think that the legendary affix of that sword is beneficial? Or is it just for storage?

Take a quick look at this post from 13 days ago where I was discussing my Season 21 Demon Hunter called “TwentyOne”…

If you look at my armoury pages, you’ll notice that hero no longer exists. That’s because at the end of the season, I transferred all of the stuff from her inventory into my non-seasonal Stash, salvaged her gear, and deleted her. This isn’t the first time I’ve done that sort of thing, especially if the hero I play in the season is using the same class/build as I have one of non-seasonal. For example, my Season 19 hero was a WW/Rend Barb. Again, at the end of the season, he was deleted because I’ve already got one of those.

No, I offered you a challenge, of playing 100% solo from 1-70, doing Chapters I-IV of the Season Journey, doing a T16 Nephalem Rift and doing a GR70, all to prove how incredibly simple it was to unlock primals playing solo, because you’d said it was hard.

Instead you wanted me to play for an entire season 100% solo. Well, no, because I’ll be doing public bounties for materials / 40 extracts into the cube, and because I like to help other people during the season. I’m often found in chat, after a couple of days into the season, offering people level 1-70 boosts and/or giving them a GR run for some blood.

I’m more than willing to provide evidence of anything I claim.
You’ve been shown to have made claims that were provably false.

Ha, ha, ha! You think a GR110 is spitting distance of a GR129? Really? You know that mob HP increases by 17% per GR rank, and that’s exponential, right? So, going from a GR110 to a GR129 is 19 GR ranks. That means mobs have (1.17)^19 more health, which is 19.748 times more health. So, you’d need roughly twenty times more damage to complete a GR129 than a GR110.

Let me know when you’ve done a GR120, by all means.

If I don’t have what it takes, how come my best is a solo GR129 and yours is a solo GR110?

So, you can’t believe I’d have seasonal heroes that I’d just delete after the season was finished…

Season 10 - Crusader called ShieldMaiden, DH called Thwang

Season 11 - DH called MeteorDH

Season 12 - Barb called SeasonTwelve

Season 13 - Crusader called SeasonXIII

Season 14 - Crusader called SeasonXIV

Season 15 - DH called Multishot

Season 16 - Monk called Uliana

Season 17 - Was a HC Barb, but can’t see name as it died

Season 18 - DH called SeasonXVIII

Season 19 - Barb called SpinToWin (was the changes to WW/Rend patch)

Season 20 - Barb called SeasonTwenty

Season 21 - DH called TwentyOne

By the way, did you notice a little bit of a pattern to the naming convention I’ve mostly stuck to? Yeah, you’ll see the same thing on my non-seasonal heroes, where most of them are named after the build they’re using. Anyway…

Out of the 12 level 70 heroes, from 11 seasons, I’ve kept Thwang, Multishot and Uliana. All the rest, despite you being unable to believe it, were deleted after the season they were played in finished. In some instances, once the seasonally named heroes had been deleted, I’d create a new hero of the same class with a more appropriate name, have it levelled to 70, and then re-equip it with the gear from the seasonal hero. That’s where heroes like BlessShield came from (that’s where ShieldMaiden’s gear went), Marauder (from SeasonXVIII, I think) and so on.

So, as usual, you accuse me of not being able to back up my claims and then I go right ahead and prove them.

Here’s your Wizard Hermione with 1782 paragon…
You have 1082 points assigned to main stat.
This gives her a total of 23,408 INT and damage of 7,995,130.

Here’s my brand new Wizard ProveMyPoint
I have assigned 3375 points to main stat.
This gives her a total of 23,312 INT and damage of 2,696,478.

Your Wizard has approximately three times as much damage as mine does. A lot of this difference is because you have a primal weapon and I have a non-ancient but I also have some pretty awful affixes on the gear because it’s literally what I could throw together. Heck, there’s even a DEX ring in there because I couldn’t get hold of an INT-based CoE.

Here’s a screenshot to show that I do not have any Wizard GR clearances in the current era…

Here’s her 1st ever GR run - GR100 solo…

Here’s her 2nd ever GR run - GR110 solo…

Here’s her 3rd ever GR run - GR111 solo…

Seems that I’ve got enough of what it takes to beat your GR record, using a hero with awful gear and a third of the damage yours has got, within a couple of hours of creating the hero, on a class that accounts for 1% of my play-time.

What’s your next excuse going to be?

It doesn’t really matter much, now does it?

Followers serve no real purpose anyway other than as a distraction to keep monster away from the player.

The only real benefit I get from the Enchantress is her skill that turns enemies into Chickens, which give me a bit of breathing room where they cannot attack.

If all you do is delete them after, what then, is even the point of playing a Seasonal hero if not to continue taking it further?

Oh, nice reflection there, Meteorblade! If I recall, I was the one that issued the challenge to you, and you where the one that did not accept the terms of the challenge.

Your terms where too simple, as completing Chapters 1-4 and reaching GR70 is simple enough for anyone. Actually FINDING the right primals is what I said was hard. You should really learn to read with some more understanding.

The original challenge was to play the entire season, or at least long enough to beat personal bests, completely solo. Which you where unwilling to do.

Because I got to GR110 with only Paragon 1782 (Actually got to GR110 at around P1600 or thereabouts, but cannot be certain), while you had to go so far as Paragon 4154 to reach GR 129.

Now I dare you to tell me that paragon levels do not make a differences.

That was my original challenge. To beat all personal bests (even off-season ones) in a season without the benefits of previous heroes.

Seeing as you deleted previous heroes, there is no way to prove beyond doubt what your actual Season bests where with those heroes. Currently, the most recent of your Season Heroes is Uliana from Season 16, which reached 110.

You make claims, and expect everyone to take them as gospel without providing a shred of proof. I make claims and am called a liar or amateur.

You really should learn to take as much as you give out. But then again, I doubt that will ever happen.

Of course paragon levels make a difference but I’d also urge you to scroll up just a couple of posts. Pay attention to the fact that I did a GR111 on a Wizard with less INT and a third of the damage of yours. This on a hero class that even you admit I’ve almost never played. I did that within a couple of hours of creating the hero and on a set I’ve never used before.

Here’s the proof of what my seasonal bests were…

Season 13 - GR91

Season 14 - GR80

Season 15 - GR96

Season 16 - GR101

Season 17 - GR96 Hardcore / GR97 Softcore

Season 18 - GR75

Season 19 - GR128

Season 20 - GR122

Season 21 - GR106

No, I make claims that I can provide proof of. This thread is ample demonstration of that. Every time you say I can’t prove something, I show you the proof.

Hell, in this thread I’ve even proved I’m a better Wizard than you!

What you actually said…

What you’re now claiming you said…

And you come out with this…

I can only read what you actually write.
It’s not my fault if what you write isn’t what you mean.
That’s not a failing on the reader’s side of things.

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Within a couple of hours? I’m guessing had help first boosting your hero levels and paragon in a group game first, including help finding the right items.

Yes, your Solo best is claimed to be GR111 with a Wizard. That doesn’t count if you had group help to get there.