Witch Doctor Nerf not needed

This upcoming nerf to the Witch Doctor should NOT be implemented: instead every class should have one set build that does the same maximal optimal damage as all other classes maximal dps build.

The Witch Doctor has not been a part of the M.E.T.A. in such a distinguishably and awesome tanky destructive form. Much better than the Firebats build and more player friendly so noobs and the aged can feel awesome using it which is really important for future revenue!

We shall see how it performs but 200% loss sucks and if you use the new SoJ passive you will lose defence on solo from having to drop the Endless walk set. This can be solved by giving a helm that increases all classes skills efficiency by 1000% this is fair and will enable for fun build variance.


Also dont understand this 1 patch WD is good . Wizard was on top many patches , dont understand why WD gets such a big nerf and i hate blizzard for it. And im sure many others with me. I also don’t like this trend of nerfing things to sh*t every patch. Making builds unplayable.


I concur it makes no sense to have only one build worth playing for a season. People will still play other new builds as long as they are fun however: removing all previous optimal & fun builds also removes options which is not good for the community. Please stop doing this as we already have builds only playable for one season due to the very nature of seasonal mechanics recently.

Peace & Love!


In a blog regarding how they attempt to balance the game, Blizzard stated that their goals were the following…

  1. Heroes with 5K paragon should be capable of reaching around GR130 solo.
  2. Heroes with 10K paragon should be capable of reaching around GR141 solo.

WD were doing GR150 solo.

That’s clearly way beyond the power they intended to give them.
Any WD player that thought it wouldn’t be nerfed was kidding themselves.


Should focus on every build having one set build that does the same damage as all other classes optimal dps set build. After this is done and only then should they nerf. Right now we have no choice every season players are bullied into using new sets and items opposed to it been an option. Now tell me how is that fair play and is it even legal in the EU?

Regarding Blizzard aims they are unrealistic and unfair as again they force people to form groups opposed to play solo if it is not possible to g150 solo. Also practise should always raise the ceiling so even the average player after much practise with one specific build should be able to g150 solo. Whenever it becomes impossible to do this solo is the point at which Blizzard break EU rules on fair gaming and they will be fined and forced to relent!!!

Peace & Love!

Why we need to be stuck 141 solo makes no sense . Games like these about constant progression , if blizzard didnt want this they should not have gives us the power creep paragon system. With no paragon cap. On top of that if they didnt intended give us this power they should not have given it i the first place .

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WDs and Crusaders were doing GR150 solo.

Take a look at the world-wide top 200 clearances for Season 20…
199 of the 200 clearances were by Crusaders and WDs.

Take a look at the world-wide top 200 clearances for Era 2020-1…
…and you’ll see a WD doing a GR150 solo with 9134 paragon.

So that, with the benefits of group composition, you can progress further than you can solo.

There is no benefit at all , group play is still better , you got any idea how many keys people need for a 150 solo? Clearly not. I bet you got like 3k paragon and you play casual. I would not play solo 150 to level gems to 150 . I still need groups for that.

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Are you deliberately trying to reinforce the point I was making?

The intention is that groups should be able to do things that solo players cannot. If solo players are capable of GR150s, and you want all classes to be capable of this, then all that grouping up does is let you run them faster / more reliably. This is not what Blizzard want.

It’s all moot anyway. WDs and Crusaders will be nerfed in 2.6.9 and rightly so.

WDs were OP this season and needed a nerf. This change to Phantasms however could just be an overkill.

Yea i agree , they needed a nerf . But now its nerfed to the ground . A typical blizzard approach lately.


They did not need a nerf (maybe a little one shhhh) all classes should be boosted to same level. Also you should not make a game impossible to complete without being in a group when solo play is optional. It is indicative of a broken power scaling system. The grifts are supposed to be harder the more players you have in a game. Ergo the grift at 140 should feel the same in group or solo as it does not it indicates an imbalance and a design favoured to group play. Not everyone wants to play in groups and solo play was a big part of the game advertising packages you cannot do this in the EU mate!!!

We do not care about Blizzards plans for the game only our own so their g141 solo max will not stand as it does contravene fair play rules!!!

Blizzard gonna get fined mate hahahahaha!!!

Not much love for the WD or the Crusader there have you, I understand: these are difficult characters to play, it’s certainly not for everyone… But to nerf it into the ground it is a whole different bowl of wax…


Yeah, I’m sure that’s why I’ve got five Crusaders.

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Im curious what is your paragon? Meteorblade

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Darn, I stand corrected, and how many WD’s did you have…?


True what they say: “keep your friends close but your enemies closer” lol e.g. the crusaders that he does not love so much lol

Hes the kinda guy with 2 or 3k paragon at the most never cleared anything high. And looks at the leaderboard and screams OP. He doesn’t realise those 150 clears take so many tries. And so what if a class can clear 150 with 9k or 10k+ paragon. And a other not . Each class has their own leaderboard . And simple make other classes stronger too in the solo department. Don’t nerf things to the ground . WD been on top only one patch. People enjoy it. Let people enjoy themselfs a while longer at least.

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Softcore non-seasonal - 3720
Softcore seasonal - 2008
Combined - 3896
Career tab

Now, with that out of the way, none of that is relevant to whether WDs / Crusaders are currently over-powered or not, which they are, and whether Blizzard is right to reduce their power so they’re more similar to other classes.

Yea kinda what i imagined. And why you make it about blizzard it shouldnt be about what blizzard wants. But what the mejority of players want. I bet if we hold a vote the outcome is people do not want these drastic nerfs.

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