All the "shadow damage in time" doesn't work and others bugs

I imagined that in 1.1.1 it would be solved.
Legend Stuff: Golem legend node not working.
All the “shadow damage in time” doesn’t work.
So with many things of the necromancer.
3 different aspects, darkness, shadow damage and shadow damage over time, are 3 different things, not 1. Then damage over time does not work, logically.
And I could go on with many things, but for now I’m only interested in that. Ha ha.

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Shadow dot works just fine for solo play, nothing wrong with it. You just gotta invest in shadow dot affixes+ aspects that buffs them, and max out the Whiter paragon board as the first board.

My 73 shadow dot triple sacrifice eternal is just as strong today as it was 5 days ago.