Diablo 4 Beta Review: A Disappointing Experience

Exactly, I don’t understand the obsession with some people of always wanting better graphics. D3 was not a disaster because of that. It was because of everything else.


All I read is “boring, bad graphics, bad talent trees etc”… it’s a friggin limited Beta, we didn’t even get the full taste yet. There is so much more then just 25 levels.

Of course the first 25 levels will feel easy… have they ever been hard and how much can you really tell about builds and such right now?

I personally really enjoyed the Beta and can’t wait for D4 to be released!


you sound like those people in wow
its just alpha
its just beta
its just pre patch
game just launched
next patch will fix it
next expac will fix it

are you new to blizzard games?
if you expect lots of changes after beta… oh boy


I am not even asking for changes, did you read what I said? I enjoyed the beta, I am happy where the game is at now.

Maybe you should leave blizzard games if you don’t like them :rofl:

you are complaining that people asking for changes because it is only beta.

beta in blizzards games mean that it is finalized and just get worse by launch not better.

i do not need to get any advise by some random forum troll that enjoys 2 button games.
anyways, game stays like this, will not play it. simple.
d3 was garbage and d4 looks like d3.1


Once again read back, I only said that I enjoyed the beta and that I honestly don’t get how people even think the 25 levels give a good picture of what the full game will be like.

Anyway, if you don’t like it… don’t play it, it’s that simple indeed :slight_smile:

Maybe just leave the forums while ur at it? Since the game is not gonna get any better anyway according to you. You seem to be complaining in a lot of topics, yet you don’t seem to want to play the game at all :upside_down_face:

I have played all iterations of Diablo to date…. Except immortal… I am playing from a PC and didn’t see the issue I’ve read on the graphics. It was properly dark and everything popped well imo. As for the skill issues noted above, yes, there isn’t much to work with on the trees presently. However, there are multiple trees that open up later as you level and spend the appropriate points. That is where one will find the customization it think many are finding to be absent. Concerning the bosses, I personally thought they were well done, dungeons included. And finally concerning higher level players invading an instance I may be in, that I don’t like. I want mine to be mine… mainly because I’m a murder hobo and I worked my butt off to get to wherever it was and want the satisfaction of finishing it. Out in the lovely open world however I feel it should be expected and it brings the game a bit more life I think. Finally, concerning the story, npc chatter and such…. I thoroughly enjoying that. Something I wished existed in previous versions…. But that’s just me I suppose. I’m very pleased and satisfied with my preorder and only complain bc it’s not available to play in full yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Addendum: concerning storage space… I mean, it’s Diablo, managing storage has always been a thing, doesn’t bother me one iota… I’ll tp out to dump as often as needed…. Also, don’t be a loot goblin? JS, that might help! :blush:

I disagree with OP and a few other comments. I enjoyed the Art style and gameplay. I felt the depth of customisation in builds was at a good level and am hopeful for launch.

D4 felt nice having the options to imprint from dungeon completion for those not lucky enough to get drops is great. And one legendary might totally change how you play, or one extra skill point in a skill passive gives you much more survivability to do a boss you struggled with before.

I even enjoyed how a boss that was hard for one class was easier on another and vice versa against a different dungeon boss. it means you need to learn your classes strengths and weaknesses and employ some tactics. and the scaling of content means you cant just brute force and out level content.

I cant wait to see the variety you can create with builds when we get the other skill points to flesh out passives and enter paragon.

IMO D3 is far more confined and grows stale at end game, with the constant rift farming, having to find set pieces and min max set pieces forced into a play style option 1 of 4 depending on the armour set you use and some being far less viable than others, even the legendary gems were limited in variety with many options being not viable. it got stale for me at end game.

i saw a comment. Someone was fighting a boss and had a random high level come 1 shot it. the dungeons are instanced, so that must have been open world, and there aren’t really many open world bosses outside of stronghold?. (no one was one shotting world bosses)

I very much enjoyed the Beta, though some classes do seem less rounded than others, I think that can be balanced out and can’t analyse until all classes have their specialisation and more play time to learn them. i was very pleased with the state of the game in the beta so glad it seems like it will be a finished game at launch and not full of bugs like some games.


youre very clearly not a long time fan of diablo if you have a problem with the colours

I was a fan of Diablo 1 & 2. For some reason 3 had me falling asleep. It felt more like Path of Exile style and that one too makes me fall asleep while trying to play because it feels super fast paced, constant repeat with nothing to grasp on to. But Im going to give 3 another try just to see if maybe my view of it the one time I played it was the same.

Diablo 4 on the other hand had me interested. The visuals were interesting and it felt so much darker, more gore detail wise and I loved it. Things that maybe some might of over looked but I wanted to take in everything I saw in this one. Including the weird skeletal looking bodies melting into the walls of hell when the demon dog was taking you through it. They would move too so it wasnt just all solid decorations.

The skill tree and some of the classes either felt far to over powered or way too under powered. I tried the Sorceress, Necromancer, Druid and Barbarian. Sorceress was my go to in D1 & D2. I loved that the first skills you can learn are ranged magic. Super disappointed in D4 for this because not all first level skills were ranged. My favorite which was fire I had to come into contact with a enemy in order to cause fire damage and same with the new Arc. Super super disappointing. The whole reason to play a magic class is to be able to “Cast” not to beat someone with a spicy stick. I don’t remember how the skill tree was in D3 but I was more of a fan of the options we had in D2 where you had the option to pick from three different skill trees from the get go and build from there. Also I enjoyed building my own specs, which isnt even a thing in this one. I miss being able to build my own build of how much mana, life, defense and so on was put into my character. This I feel is hurting more than helping in this version. Where people could fix where they felt they were lacking, they could adjust points into that and make the class better where they felt it was weak. But sadly that option is gone entirely.

The two classes I enjoyed the most was Necromancer and Barbarian. If i were to play solo id probably go with either of these two. The necro felt so over powered, which Im sure they will probably nerf. My boyfriend and I played both necromancers and we melted everything no matter the level we were at. Yet when we played in a group of four, two sorcs and two barbarians, it took longer to kill things and that was between anywhere between level 10-25. We were all leveling together so we all we the same levels. We werent just melting through things like with just a group of two Necromancer.

My main reason for wanting D4 in the first place was for the Druid class which was the most disappointing one of all. I got to level 12 and was just disgusted with it. Druid was my favorite in D2. D3 didnt have it added yet when I had played. I believe it came with a dlc later. But the best Druid I did play was in D2. Again you had three trees to pick from. Both the boyfriend and I did druid together. The male character looked fine but the female character was a whole other story. She looked like Feona when she was in ogre form without the green skin. Having different body types is not really a problem in my eyes but at least giving us the options which to chose from from all the character body types would be nice. People said the Druid derived from the Barbarian family line or some mess. Please someone pull up an image of both classes from the character create shots and tell me “they look similar” cause they definitely don’t look anything alike. Druid had triple chins while barbarian had a 12 pack. This in itself is not the biggest problem but the class felt like nothing. I got up to level 12 and was done. The other classes I wanted to continue till i hit 25 but this class felt weak with no muscle. The vine creeper was a sad pathetic thing too. Its one of my favorites to use in D2 because it fights alongside you and if you upgrade it to the next level vine it will consume corpses and turn it into life for you. The creeper vine I invested in in D4 did nothing. I had it out and it was moving but it hurt no one and did nothing at all but move through the ground. Unless I activated its immobilize hot key, it was useless. Once you activated it you had a wait a good minute before you could even use it again. Boyfriend invested in crows and never saw them active whether he hit the key for them or not. He never saw a single crow. So my guess is either the class in general was just broken with glitches or its a class not even worth touching, which is heart breaking because it was the main class I wanted. The Druid seemed to be much weaker in Werewolf form which seemed silly to me compared to when attacking with a weapon in human form. Also if they were going to add in cosmetics you can buy im happy to invest 2,000 (not all at once) in cosmetics for my characters. I have in other games because A-I want my character looking good cause I personally like that and B-I know I am still investing into a company I am thankful gave me a game that entertains me. So if buyable cosmetics is a thing, I was more than happy to splurge on my Druid, but when your druid looks like one of the passengers from Wall-E, there is no way of making that body style look cute in anything. Sorry to say but its the truth. If buyable cosmetics is a thing, i probably wont spend a dime since they did my favorite class so wrong.

Not going to say Necromancer looked any better. Playing a character who looks extremely emaciated isnt great either. But at least at some point the armor you get looks better and fills in where those bones are poking out. For the druid it ends up looking like a huge block of mess and metal.

Visually I loved the game and found myself enjoying it all with the right class. But my main issue was the skill tree itself. It felt very limited and lacking. If they brought back the customizable specs for damage, defense, mana and life then we wouldnt have to waste points in “some” of the passive skills. The passive skills felt like bread crumbs with what they gave back for the point investment and the active skills felt like small entrees. Just a taste of what a class could do with no umph a lot of the times.

Yes I know that increasing stats through armor pieces is a thing, but in D2 you had both. You could invest in to your specs and have the added bonus with extra specs from gear. It felt far more rewarding when you worked hard to get the perfect armor set fit for what you liked to then be able to respec your specs for your character to fit it just where you like it. That made the work for everything far more satisfying.


watching there dev stream and saying we can play our way
playing the close alpha and beta giving 100 hours of feed back
then destroy the game and custom build on day one