Diablo 4 - hack and slash or mmorpg?

refund your purchase? what next… money will returned to battelnet acoun (prepayd card) and it will stay ther… i have no game to buy on battlenet i have all game i neded to have… and 100euro will be ther forever? since d5? 10-20 yers? i might not live long enought to use it…

world bosses might be dayly or weakli quests in multi…

i was fighting real word bosses :slight_smile: in Lineage 2 ther ware battels 2k people fiting each other to enter antaras/valakas layer real boss fight real PVP in real MMORPG :slight_smile:

no thx.

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No you get your money back. What are you talking?
Please just refund and get over it. This is embarassing to read…

Because you’re in a shared world with other players that you’ve not invited to a game.

What does this have to do with streamers? Everyone knows MMO is a broad stroke term used to describe games like this. I could be playing an MMO like WoW and have less than 12 people in my local world, you’re arguing semantics needlessly.

Diablo has been multiplayer since Diablo 1, I used to play it online all the time. The difference is they were single player games where you could do Co-Op. D3 was also like that, single player with the option to do Co-Op. D4 is an always online, always multiplayer world with players always around you, like an MMO.

Blizzard doesn’t call it an MMO, it isn’t officially an “MMO”, but people using that term to describe it aren’t wrong, the term is quite flexible.

The very idea of having a world boss event balanced around 12 people is very much like an MMO, there is no option to do this single player or even co-op, it’s a large scale event like a raid in the open world and you don’t get to choose who you play with.

D4 is a player farming MMO

Diablo 4 is dlc for diablo immortal with que simulator…


The game clearly is more like an mmorpg then hack and slash, your comment focus on the number of players comparing it to a cod deathmatch is so dumb, it really triggers me

Yeah I thought it wouldn’t bother me since I use to play GW2 and ESO, but it kinda destroys the enjoyment taking on a bunch of mobs to only have someone else come in and take them out. Or reach an area to have enemies already killed. Not a fan of the MMO-lite feature at all.


Most of us like the MMO aspect, personally I will never understand how can you enjoy single-player as we are not forced by that anymore.
Most of us also hate doing quests and so on so the actual events are a blessing.

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look like Lost Ark …i dont like korean hack and slash mmorg :confused:

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It’s a reskinned Lost Ark, nothing else. Enjoy gathering herbs, doing daily quests, worldbosses with fixed timers, upgrading boring items etc.

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i dont realy knew what d4 realy is naw… i wish it will be much better then d3… right naw it just can’t get any worse.

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Actually, quite funny that you mention it.

Just yesterday while testing the beta with a friend I said that I would love a Diablo-type of game in the Warcraft universe, full-scale PEGI 18 with all blood and gore we can get. Would be hella fun.

And you forget that Diablo 3 came out a decade ago (almost 10 years). Tech has improved since then and Studios want to make use of that new Tech.

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there are mmorpg lots of them… try some. i dont like WOW. i playd warcraft 1,2,3 and i liked it. but WOW is not for me… Diablo is diablo and WoW is WoW. dont cros human with rat… efect will be terible…

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Ok,good luck and have fun playing d2.

More room for those who actually want to play this kind of game.


it’s neither, it’s an adventure game from the 90s… walk to one side of the dungeon, pick up key. walk to center of the dungeon, use key on door. walk to other side of dungeon, pick up other key. walk to center of dungeon, use key on door. walk to bottom of dungeon, pull lever. push lever. push lever. walk back to door. open door. cross door. close door. talk to apparition of some dead guy. wait for dialogue to finish… you get the idea.

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Because they’ve added in several MMO aspects into a traditional game that is meant to be an ARPG? Hence, therefore, people are going to talk about it. And none of your wishful ignorance of what is in front of everyone’s face is going to stop people from talking about it.

D4 is going to have a massive MTX shop, battle passes to buy, “accelerated” battle passes.
D4 has daily quests and world bosses that, if you want to min/max and craft better/quicker equipment, you’ll have to log in daily.

It’s all designed to be a massive cash grab game.
This game is such a husk of what it once was…


I play World of Warcraft and I played Diablo 3. I don’t see much difference in both games. Diablo 4 just empathizes multiplayer more. Like most modern games they go for the “play with friends/strangers” and not with the “be the dark souls singleplayer guy”.

Well, that would be a Skaven then… From Warhammer.

Its barely a hack n slash imo, the mob density is absolutely pathetic even in dungeons.


Now, now. We haven’t seen the World Tiers III and higher. There might be still a chance we get more mobs thrown at us on those.