Diablo 4 is not for casuals, Diablo 3 is

As a casual, after my first 10 levels on each class in World Tier 1 and viewing current reactions on youtube from the vocal minority, these are my personal impressions:

-Diablo 4, compared to Diablo 3, is a complex anti-casual/anti-arcade/anti-fun nightmare.
-All the classes feel underpowered and this does not improve alot; to improve this a bit there’s complex crafting, synergies etc to create a wrong puzzling challenge.
-In Diablo 3, all my builds were catered to be played with 2 mouse buttons, 2 passive keys (pressed once) and 2 active keys. In Diablo 4, ‘dodge’ and ‘hold’ and more active buttons makes handling way harder, creating another wrong challenge.

To illustrate my personal idea how Diablo 4 should be, just 1 example:
As a necro on World Tier 1, my skeletons should never die and they should be able to tank and almost kill the Butcher. Again, this is just a random example.


Right, so the necro you want is how it was in the march beta, it was OP delux! when 7/10 avatars one could see in towns was necro, you konw the class was OP and it was becouse minions could in practical terms NOT die. You summoned them at lv1 and never summoned them again unless you fought the world boss. That was the defination of OP, so that wont come back, but the subejct on how mutch durbility the minions should have will be a long term topic, and i expect it will take blizz a half year to figure out.

As for the rest, yea i kinda agree. Skill tree is complex and forcing you to hunt for synergys just like Outriders. If you cant find the synergy, you will suffer long kill times even on torment 1 when you get to lv40+.
The dodge button took me off guard too, but i guess “static” gameplay is simply too mutch 00/10`s, and dont fit in todays enviroment.

But, yea, casual the game is not, atleast not D3 levels of casual.

D3 had one of the most hardcore, sweaty endgames I’ve ever seen. It looked casual on the surface but had a lot of deeper mechanics for those who played beyond the campaign. I haven’t gotten to D4 endgame yet but we’ll see how it compares.

I don’t think the complaints against D4 are from casuals, frankly. They’re from people purchased early access, meaning they have more than average investment in the game. The slow, tedious combat is a problem - while leveling at least. It’s just not fun to dump all your resources for 2 seconds, then wait 10 more while you tickle enemies in the meantime.

Maybe it gets better in the endgame but the leveling is tedious for most, at least those of us who play WT2.

Diablo 3 was way, way, way harder than Diablo 4 on launch, you have no idea.


Agree, it’s not even close to what D3 was at launch. Those little swarm flies were the cause of many deaths. The struggle was real.

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Learn it and it will not be complex. They finally made diablo 4 more like diablo 2, it is amazing


Sry but dia 3 on normal was rly easy and not difficult. Dia 4 on World lvl 1 i cant easily „enjoy“ the Story without using the best builds and using uniques or creating them with aspects etc. Elites are hard on the easiest lvl. If a normal mob has the increased life spec i have to Hit it for too long etc. I think the lowest world Tier at least is too hard and the game itself is not for casuals. At least the story was easier to play through in dia 1-3 in the easy settings. In dia4 if i only warnt to play the story on „easy“ the diffculty is to high, higher than in any Diablo game before……

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I agree. T1 is not difficult per se (even if I managed to die 3/4 times already) but it’s really slow. Mobs have a lot of hp and mana starving is REAL.

I am happy I can’t clear the screen with just a couple of chain lightnings, but when they don’t die after 4/5 of them and i go oom (if there was an achievement for the times I heard my sorc saying “I’m out of precious mana… once again” I would have obtained it at level 10) it’s somehow an issue (and thanks god it’s not even T2).

Level 10 … you sound like a fully qualified Quality Control Manager … you were not pushing G Rifts in D3 with 2 keys and thus are just talking rubbish.

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Sorry, but as soon as you can unlock chain lightning you are constantly out of mana, not at around lv10…)
The damage of the chain was nerfed from the march beta but the mana cost was apparently not adjusted down to match the lower damage.

problems could have been temp solved by giving one of the gems mana regen when equipped on a wep.

All I hope is blizzard won’t hear ppl like you and turn this game as they did in D3.


indeed … in Diablo 3 you couldn’t enter to the game at launch and it was buggy like hell !!!

Please just go back to D3, do not ruin my game that I love.

Other option, change your binds for ease of use.

I found it best to bind

Skill 1 to numpad 1 and A
Skill 2 to numpad 2 and S
Skill 3 to numpad 3 and D
Skill 4 to numpad 4 and F
Force move to W
Force use to G
Change skill tree to “shift +t”

Now you can use NumLock for autocast on the appropriate skill
And use wasd w for moving to cursor, asdf for skills , hope you love it.

Oh this also lets me bind a s d f to my mouse thumb buttons .

As a necro in WT1, my skeletons do seldom die and they are able to tank, when i bring them between me and the enemy and they killed the Butcher, while i kited him around them.

Really, on WT1 i play only with both curses, the priest and here and there a pest pool (for +% pet damage). That’s it. I seldom do damage myself.

As a casual and lore fan (yes, i’m not very interested in the endgame) i can tell you, D4 is as easy as D3, you just have to learn how it works.

I can live going oom when low level.

But when you see that at level 10 you go oom after 4 CL and at level 40 you go oom after 6 CL, there’s surely something maybe not totally wrong but surely questionable, given that level 40 CL does not that MUCH more damage compared to level 10 CL.

I mean, of course I don’t expect to be able to cast 20 CL in a row before going oom, but 4->6 after 30 levels seems just a little to few of an upgrade.

You must be joking :joy:
Tier 1?

This game was made with casual player in mind as there’s no end game at the moment but content packed in story and early levels.

Yes, I guess when D3 was released was a long time ago. The game was a lot harder on first release - the ‘power creep’ with various builds being buffed was ongoing. Until “Loot 2.0” the item drops were not good. A Barb’s Mighty Weapon could roll with Int on it.

The problem I have with your statement is that I’m a casual player who is very much enjoying Diablo 4 the slower pace of leveling and having actual character builds make it better not worse from my perspective. I’m enjoying working various different character types through the campaign. I have a busy life so can play only 3 - 4 hours a week at best.

I’m loving it, because as a casual player I haven’t sprinted for an end game that will evolve over time as happened with diablo 2 and diablo 3.

Also being a casual player doesn’t mean I’m too stupid to handle a little complexity. IMO while D3 wasn’t an awful game and I had some fun with it it suffered from no real depth or complexity, from no builds giving you meaningful choices in which way to take your character, etc.

In Diablo 3 there weren’t real builds you just changed skills where you wanted, then they added the paragon stuff in an attempt to compensate.

Yea d4 is harder (skillwise ) then most games , requires the player to actually dodge , press most of his keys , do mechanics , agreed , but still you are trolling .
T1 is very simple even if u don’t have a big brain .