Diablo 4's Camera is Too Zoomed In

It’s definitely too close. Diablo 2 had the perfect zoom level imho.

Please make it possible to do more zoom outish! Thank you, Blizzard!!!

We need zoom function abit more the mount zoom !

Trust me on this one bud, nearly the whole community have piped up about this and agree with it.

i just find it strange that mobs can see me off screen but i can not see them >_<

At least during World Boss fights it zooms out… So we know the functionality is already implemented, now it just has to be unlocked for the player to control.

If that is the case, why do they allow you to zoom in?

Because this does not give you a gameplay advantage based on range and all players can do it.

Meanwhile it allows you to take in more detail in beautiful environments or to admire a players appearance. :+1:

Zooming out allows you to take in the beautifully intricate design of the dungeons, and also scan ahead for enemy types and plan accordingly, which all players can also do. What you are saying that in a battlefield you should only have binoculars but not an overall satellite view of the current conditions.

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It breaks immersion, unbalances ranged abilities, detracts from character design, makes the game too easy, exposes map geometry that should not be visible, breaks balance for things like hunting treasure Goblins, defending PvP shrine events, finding any item from statues of Lilith to silent chests.

Fundamentally, ruining lots of balance and design choices, while creating a less immersive and visually beautiful viewpoint.


You can easily negate the imbalance of ranged caused to ranged abilities by nerfing them a little with distance. This is true in real life as well. If you wait to fire until you can see the whites of their eyes, then you do more damage. As far as beauty and immersion are concerned, those are subjective, Who is to say what level of zoom out looks more beautiful and immersive than other. You are defending the grind for Statues of Lilith and hunt for chests as the best thing the game has to offer, when most consider that to be the most boring chores. We are here for slaying demons, are we not.

I don’t play PvP in Diablo IV, so disregard my opinion if you want to. Isn’t melee Rogue the most dominant PvP class currently? I say the current too zoomed in view is putting low mobility and ranged classes at a disadvantage, and zooming out a bit more will allow better balance between the classes.

Oh, so just the simple task of ruining the aesthetics, and rebalancing every monster, class, item and ranged ability.
Oh and rework maps too

Sounds like, what… A 20 minute job?


Any official word on this?

The [close] camera distance truly ruins the experience.

Still waiting some feedback on this as it is game breaking for me.

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Opinion: I agree with the “too zoomed in”. Old diablo 1,2 and 3 fan, bought the ultimate edition of 4 but cant bring myself to play the season because I constantly trying to wheel out. Even the character menu is starts too zoomed in.

I am having trouble seeing charm in it, a bit of a bummer because the game felt awesome through the story, the story is one of the best so far (imho)

100% agree. I can’t wait for this to be finally fixed.

There is moment in game where game zooms out significantly, even more than next to tree of whisper location : this side quest where you got to revisit location where Lilith was brought to Sanctuary, that one from cinematic “by three they come” : I liked it :laughing:

100% agree. The game gives me eye strain with such a close camera. The lag does not help either. Would prefer cleaner graphics, fewer lighting effects and so on. With smooth fps and a zoomed out camera. Over the fancy graphics and zoomed in camera.

I’m sure they’ll add the option to the cash shop.

Increased Zoom distance! $19,99 (Before: $29,99)

I agree, I would love to be as zoomed out as with the horse at least. Perhaps even further, not perhaps the world boss level of a zoom but close to it.