Diablo 4's Camera is Too Zoomed In

i would like it to be zoomed out a little bit more too
as mobs off screen can see me and come runing to me but i can not see them

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The current camera position works great on small screens and probably would have on my 14 inch CRT back in 1997 but I seem to remember actually seeing further in Diablo 1 than now.

Visually it does the game no favors - in some areas the camera actually moves back quite a bit and I feel that visually the game really comes into its own. Actually moving the camera even closer in towns… to me just defies logic… it utterly blows my mind… I find myself looking much more at the minimap rather than taking in the atmosphere of the game.

If you state gameplay issues then I suppose you’d like the max view distance in CoD to be around 11 meters to balance shotguns with snipers - if you need to fix gameplay issues with non-gameplay remedies then you need to consider that something might be seriously wrong with your game design.

If the problem IS gameplay, melee vs. ranged, and this is the remedy then here’s my same-ballpark idea to fix it: lets allow the camera to be pulled back and, when using ranged abilities, the mouse will only work 30% of the time.

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Can we get any sort of acknowledgment, please?
And many of my friends that also play wow etc are having the same sort of complaint that the camera feels a bit too zoomed in.
I even know someone who didn’t buy the game at all because of the “Camera POV”

A slider would be a simple fix for everyone that wants to zoom in, or out.
Please blizzard, it’s such a simple problem but for many people we want it.
Other than that great work on the game :slight_smile:

+1. Camera is too close.

I agree the game camera zoom should be customized from mouse scroll or in game settings. I play on 43" monitor and is way too big for me for example, they should add more options for UHD monitors.

And where did Blizzard say they made the camera zoom that close, that makes it artificially harder? I don’t recall that mentioned anywhere in the video trailer?

Just thought I’d bump this thread because many people feel the same way.

No its too zoomed in. when monsters can see you to trigger attacking and you cant seem them its a problem

You are wrong… very wrong… stop being a fanboy / undercover blizzard employee stay off the forums

It is not an accident that camera view is exactly like it is.

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No, I mean actually “telling me”, not typing the words “you are wrong”.

As in provide evidence that is contrary to my stance. :+1:

I feel the same, it should be zoomed out a little more. Maybe 20-30%


I bet it’s this zoomed in because of couch co op :open_mouth: the price we all have to pay for the 100-500 using that function. They could zoom out by 20% or so right away and it would just feel better.

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It’s definitely too close. Diablo 2 had the perfect zoom level imho.

Please make it possible to do more zoom outish! Thank you, Blizzard!!!

We need zoom function abit more the mount zoom !

Trust me on this one bud, nearly the whole community have piped up about this and agree with it.

i just find it strange that mobs can see me off screen but i can not see them >_<

At least during World Boss fights it zooms out… So we know the functionality is already implemented, now it just has to be unlocked for the player to control.

If that is the case, why do they allow you to zoom in?