Freeze, freeze, freeze crash

I have a lot of crashes every once in a while when opening my character, inventory, paragon, skills or book of the dead. It just freezes my screen, than I have to manually quit the game with windows task manager. Sometimes it not crashes just freezes for a couple of seconds.


In the same boat- crashes aren’t as frequent if I just wait out the freezes for a couple of minutes but yes, stability has taken a severe hit since I played in season 1. Trying to farm Helltides is impossible when every 2-5 minutes your game freezes and you lose half your cinders each time.

I wish someone from Blizzard would at the very least acknowledge the issue, otherwise the season is dead for a fair amount of people already.


Fixes you can try that worked for some are;

  • Disable cross platform play and communication (from login screen, unable to do so while in-game)
  • Download/uninstall the high-res textures. (cog wheel next to PLAY button on the bnet launchers d4 page, modify install and press modify install again and select the texture pack)
  • Close PC peripherals software (logitech ghub, razer synapse, steelseries whateveritscalled)
  • Turn down settings to lowest possible and if that fixes it, try increasing them one by one until it freezes again and you’ll know what the issue is.
  • Update GPU drivers/windows update
  • Unsure of this one, but someone mentioned increasing font size and cursor size worked for them.

None of these have worked for me but you might have better luck :slight_smile:


it is happening to me too. From the beginning of season 2, whatever I open, it freezes and maybe will go through or crash. I do a scan of the installation now and I don’t know what else, I don’t know if it is a problem from my end or not.

Edit: after the scan it downloaded something like 10mb, started the game ERROR 30008, then I restarted and got in the game frozen at the vendor. I don’t know I really don’t know. It looks like it is trying to fetch some info and fails. Ended as I wrote this that the connection was lost.

Diablo 4 retail is not responding. Nice see you next week


Same, more same, repeating same repeating similar same.


S2 is a crap cant play fix your game blizzard


There are hundreds of players who cannot play because the game constantly freezes. It’s like a bad joke that they’re airing ads for the new season. Like a bus that continues on its way by throwing away its passengers


game freez , and i get disconnect all the time


The most stable to play is diablo2 . even in hc, Imagine i will play hc in d4… LOL.
Last season i manage to lvl to 100 and nm t70 or so…but didn’t FREEZE.
Now freeze the screen and …WAIT FOR PROGRAM TO RESPOND. bla bla bla.
All helltide farming gone due Freezing screen then Dead.
Why should i play ?


Done all all that and more, the problem is not with us. All the games run perfect. so why Diablo 4 not ?


Yea got the same.
This game is Fo#¤d.
No other games have so many problems.
The core is bugged, why come with SEASONS ???


Ta gra to porażka … kasę chcą doić a grać się nie da … żenada …

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The problem is that they didn’t fix the game Core. They are using all the game Core to Helltides,nm dungeons all in one. They have to split that wen some enter particular zones and or events , The game Core is and should be to give info for the servers who and what is going on.
The game CORE should then sent to another server Independent from.
To many multi tasking for the Core to handle all that.
Helltide=One server for example. New season one Server, and the split the most active events that the users are doing.
The Core is the game self who get the log and info about it and send to the diff Server or Servers regarding what is going on.
The Core get OVER Loaded with to many info at the same time… the is why the Screen Freeze and lag.
Well the DEVs maybe know a bit of programming i guess.
if not maybe they should start with Zx Spectrum 48k … in Assembler…i can teach them how to direct program it. or they all so can use the Amiga 1200/4040 etc.
And start training there.
Now is from Microsoft, so… HARDWARE and SOFTWARE must work together. BLizzard WAKE UP , Make us Proud of you !!!

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tonight more than 10 freezes. Countless blocks when I move from one city to another. Sometimes even the locksmith locks the screen. any legion event goes in spurts… I would say that having played from the beginning it seems that the problems, rather than being solved, continue to get worse.


No Freezes here
No connection loss

Smooth gameplay for hours with my old Xeon1230+RX7600 on Ultra settings 1440p on Windows10

Sometimes the Inventory takes a bit to load.

Ive said this before, I am going to say this again;
Old PC had the freeze issue. No matter what I did, could open an inventory, press ESC to open the settings, talk to trader to open shop, anything at all could trigger the screen to be frozen solid. The game itself functions in the background, how do I know? because pressing ESC when screen froze did make the sound of the settings etc. popping up. Only way to fix it is the force shut down of the game.
This had absolutely nothing to do with anything on my PC, its the game being poorly optimized and requiring high end PC to function properly.
After updating to a new PC, ive not encountered this freeze issue ever again. Not that Ive played d4 much but enough to notice there is no more freezing. So the game is just unoptimized garbage and needs more work thats all.

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yeah this is becoming unplayable


high end pc ? i run it at 144 fps but the inventory or menu freezes the game,its not the combat or low pc

bought the battle pass wish I never did now because crash freeze wish they fix it

don’t worry mate, they will fix it in season 17

It’s clear that the problem doesn’t concern us, 1 in 100 has no problems or doesn’t experience them… with my gaming PC I respect the requirements required by the game, they should seriously address the problem or there won’t be seasons to keep them up this game. Let’s say that up until the pre-season it was going fairly well, now it’s not.