Freeze, freeze, freeze crash

This freezes are killing me, litterally :frowning:

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No youre right, that was my bad. It used to just require a high end PC to play without problems. Just started the season and holy moly it is infested with issues.

I just crashed just by opening the map after killing bloodbishop… Hows that supposed to even happen since it has been working fine before… AMAZING WORK by the developers.
Im not saying my PC is high end, but its better than I had and for me the game has been running much better now than it was. Though as I say “now” I mean season 1 and pre-season. Season 2 has been so far awful.

I can’t even login now. I get connection lost after a crash


Same problem.
Probably a server issue thats happening ATM.

same just crashed out now carnt log back in, not pc and not internet conenct, please sort your crap out. yet another poor poor display by a billion doller company. last time i give them any cash


Me too. Half of the time the client will not even start. Then ijn character selection I click ‘play’ I get an error again. How would this ever be acceptable for a major title costing so much money?


Have the freeze issue too. Lowering stuff maybe helped a little bit but then I ended up the same.

Have Blizzard acknowledged the issue? Let us know it is being investigated at least. Haven’t been able to touch the game because it keeps freezing constantly when opening any menu.

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I have the same issue on my laptop. On my normal PC it runs without any problems.

Just to iterate the issue, since people are mixing things up here: The game runs smooth, there is no lag, the fps are absolutely fine.
But sometimes when you open a window the game freezes for 10-30 seconds. It might be because you talk to an NPC, or because you go into your inventory. It seems to be completely random, sometimes the game runs 15 minutes without this issue, and sometimes it just happens after opening the inventory screen that you literally had open seconds ago.

I tried repairing, reinstalling, and whatever ideas people had in the Reddit thread (like disabling hardware acceleration for the Blizzard Launcher). None of those “fixes” did anything.

The biggest difference between my laptop (Ryzen + 3080M) and my PC (I9 + 4080) is AMD vs. Intel. So is this an AMD only issue?

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I haven’t seen anything from them which is honestly kind of concerning. Feel like since it’s likely not affecting as many people as it seems, and no popular streamer has raised the issue it won’t get much attention. Hope I’m wrong though


I have the same. Fix, crash

This happens for me without fail whenever I open any window of any sort while in combat, and usually while in town but not always. Using Nvidia geforce 3060/16gb ram/i5 10400f cpu. I also get perma freezes/crashes tho in addition to what happens to you so who knows.

i never realy posted on a blizzard forum before

But i have to speak up now
i just lost another hardcore character from a crassh

i don’t know what cause those crash but i have freeze while opening any menu or when spawning too much moob.

My computer isn’t a low end pc i can make the game run on ultra but prefer low setting for stability.

I hope they find a solution because right now i can’t play i wish i could play softcore but that mean i should redo the entire renown quest for skill point and potion and i realy don’t want to do it

update : reinstal the game still have freeze but they are lasting only 2 3 second before it was up to 6-7

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Man… and here i thought i was alone with my problem by freezing out opening anything, the main freeze causes are: Opening inventory, opening seasonal menu (which also happens accidentally cause some genius thought it would be nice to put it next to the mount button on PC (well… if it would open in 1 sec and close in 1 sec instead of sticking the whole screen shut for minutes then yeah, this would be a great idea (still not)) so it is not frustrating, it is not a problem at all that you cannot open your stash in town, or your inventory to drink an elixir in mid of helltide, or just simply change zones without being forced to play Gamble your character’s life while you wait Simulator 2023) (not to mention using up all the available computer resources meanwhile to “catchup the lagspike” i mean… at this point this game eats more memory than Windows itself, which is a whole new level of low… I mean… c’mon… nobody told me this game was meant to be played on Linux to simulate the Worst Experience you could possibly get from a game…

I just wanted to tell you brothers and sisters and others that i feel you there and i cannot even imagine how could a hardcore player feel losing their hours of gameplay to this kind of stuff… Hope dies last, so let just hope Blizzard just fixes this or at least mitigates it with some kind of “hack” solution cause right now as above said, the game is pretty unplayable, and my disappointment is immeasurable, also my day is ruined…

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What fixed it for me was to change power settings to balanced under “Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options”
And set resolution scaling to default under Graphics in game.
Also disabled any overlays, like from discord and fps meeter provided from Geforce experience.

At least that stopped the 4-6 second freezes when opening inventory, vendors, crashes etc…

Might be worth a try for you guys. Now I just have a minor rubber band effect sometimes rarely after I have teleported into a city if there are a lot of players there.

Its nice if you found an fix for it for you, but this is not the way things should be. Blizzard is the one who should fix this, I reported this issue already in season 1 and nothing was done. It just got worse to season 2. Im just glad to have upgraded my PC so I dont have this issue anymore, sure the game seems to crash now randomly but thats once again on Blizzard, not on us players. They should work on a fix for it and fast.

crashing in nightmare, open world, open inventory, press spacebar, u, i , shift, pick my nose, scratch my junk, game crash or freeze or both, please fix the game, it started happening since the latest hotfix

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You tend to forget that infact they do not push out “Hotfixes” they push out “Hotmesses”

reinstall the game but still freeze in the vendor… diablo is finished for me …

I was having the issues of lag, freeze etc.

I was on AMD Ryzen 5500 with 16gig ram and 3060ti, but I added 16gig ram the other day and the problems have severely diminished (I’ve gone up from medium to high settings as well).

Bit wild that a game needs 32 gig ram to run tbh.