Freeze, freeze, freeze crash

I had the same and managed to fix it for me.

I had the same issues since yesterday, right after updating my graphics driver (I hadn’t updated in like 3 months). I had no issues at all before then, but right after updating the driver I had exactly these issues like OP: freezes when opening inv or world map, random 5 to 10 sec freezes and crashes having to force close the game etc.

I then went to a bit earlier driver, but still had the same problems. So I just went back to the earliest driver I could get from Nvidia (I have a RTX 2070 Super), and it completely fixed all the issues. I haven’t had a single freeze, crash or anything at all since then. The driver version I went back to is from 13 April 2023,, though it probably doesn’t need to be that far back.

Maybe this helps some of you too.

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STILL NOT fixed ??.
And yea Blizz is not my hardware FAULT,
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070,Intel Core i5-12400F,ssd,dd4 etc.
Just died again in Helltide at 250+ Aberrant Cinders for the 6th time since yesterday.
Now even due riding all just stop and froze the screen after 10 sec the DEAD.
Opening stash FREEZE, Pressing I FREEZE, Even pressing ESC Freeze.
I JUST TO MUTCH to can play… For those who play Hc i wish them good luck !!!
A questing in SEASON 1 didn’t crash of freeze, the game was just not funny. Now the game start to be funny then we have the crash and freeze problems… WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CHANGE FOR THIS HAPPEN ?
Do you scan all the users inv and stash on each zone for each player ?.
Continue like this and soon or later you have ZERO players playing this game !!!
Good luck fixing the crash issue and getting users back !
I give a week, if not fixed then i must say bye bye.
Is plenty of games out there that deserve my time to relax and NOT to get stressed.

I found this:
If you did not originally install the game with High-Resolution Assets try installing that data and then test the game again. In the app go to Options → Modify Install then tick the box for High-Resolution Assets.

So is more 40gig upgrade…lets see if it works.
I am not using a 4k monitor, so i don’t know.

I also had some crashes, like when Im going to helltide crest, 5sec crash and dead, afff its painful. Next thing are disconnects, in an hour I had 5 disconnects, it takes all joy from the game


Didn’t work the issues continues. :frowning:

This game doesnt need 32 gig ram. You people have shitty parts if you are encountering these issues or its AMD causing the issues.
Using Intel i7 with 16 physical cores and 8 virtual, combined with 16gb of GDDR5 4400Mhz and RTX 4080, so far I have encountered ONE crash. Nothing else. No lags, no rubber banding, nothing else but the one crash.
It must be AMD thing because everybody seems to be playing with that and has the problems. Less so on others.

EDIT: Note that I play everything full maxed out in settings. Stable 75 fps all the time (Vsyncing my games because without vsync the CPU tends to heat up a bit too much and I dont have money to get new cooling system and my Samsung screen goes either 60 hertz or 75, I use 75)

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high reso is for 4k use, no need if not 4k.

It would have been so easy to just not type out any of this, lol. The issue persists for all types of hardware, not just AMD. It doesn’t happen to everyone, probably a small minority experience it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem - we’re all paying customers bro


So its been a week and not even a comment from blizz even though there are multiple posts about this issue. This is nice.

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Usually when I click on the chest it freezes… It’s stupid that I’m still trying to play. They managed to alienate even a Diablo enthusiast like me from the game. Now I’m waiting for path of exile 2 and titan quest 2. By the way, can we return the game? At least they should give us our money back. It seems like they have no intention of fixing the game. They defrauded us by selling a game that was constantly breaking. Diablo 4 was a big disappointment for me. I wonder what the situation is like in the non-seasonal game?

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to stop this from happening if your a PC user just turn cross play off, it happen because the consoles cant keep up with the pc’s. if your getting this issue on console then i guess u just have to live with it :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL what?! Yeah, the game is fundamentally broken, and that has nothing to do with low/mid/high end rig configs, you’re pulling that out of your ass. The game was fine on release and S1, and suddenly runs like crap in S2, and that is my rig configuration issue - HOW?!


You are wrong, it absolutely has something to do with the rigs people are having. How else would some have absolutely no issues what so ever (like myself) and then there are people who has constantly issues.
The game was in worse state in Season 1, thats where I had most freezing and other issues. Season 2 has been so far the smoothest gameplay ive had with diablo 4. Im not pulling this out of any ass.

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Either a troll or someone who plays a different game (or working for Bethesda, thinking that Starfield is pushing HW boundaries LOL). Just because the game worked for you on better rig doesn’t mean it’s always a better rig. My friend has a worse config than I do and he had no problems that I had. Not even the menu freezing besides lag. You came up with this conclusion based on your fresh install on a fresh system, henceforth it must be the low end peasants that are the problem, not the indie company making the game. BRUH

You’re actually pulling it straight out your ass, the deepest depths of your ass. Launch and S1 was smooth sailing for me. S2 is broken as all hell. I can’t open my inventory without freezing. How is that suddenly on my end and many others when it has been perfect for about 4 months? “Herpa derp get a new PC” isn’t a valid argument when the freezing problem has been a thing for other people since launch. It’s a problem that keeps on occurring for all kinds of hardware, not just older PC’s. Blizzard need to sort this out.


Same here, since the start of season 2 - reinstalled and did everything else trying to solve. Annoying! very very annoying!

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Its their servers, nothing more. They cant cope with the number of players back to tray s2 as well as those extra 2 or 3 from steam sales. I stopped playing today and wont be back because i got so fed up with freeze deaths but the game is still calculating i am in combat.

Installing the 4k version of the game doesn’t mean that the gfx card will use all of the features.
I.M.O can be some memory leak in some hardware config to cause “diablo 4 program not responding” after the screen freeze.
But i am all most 100% sure that is server issue in open world, because all works on other games.
And the funny part is i don’t hear any complain from USA players.
All ways as been a Europe servers issue.
Bloggers don’t talk about it, they just complain is about how easy the game is, how fast they lvl.
As i told before i loose CINDERS due freeze then die…so how can i lvl or progress ?
I need materials to craft etc etc.
Maybe in about 999999 seasons all the issues are fixed.
Allso i NEVER saw any comments from Blizzard about this issue, and there is plenty of people with the same problem… how come that no one cares ??

Still not fixed, eternal and season 1 ran smooth and now the game is barely playable, especially not in hardcore mode.

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hmm for me looks like is fixed, i didn’t change anything. Last 4 days i didn’t had any problems. Maybe the servers where updated here and not where you are ?
Is strange that :frowning: