Hi any Idea as I am getting queued for login and it keeps going up is the server down?

same thing here … can you please after almost 4 hours of this issue , do something???

worked for me, still disgusting i had to use a vpn to play diablo 4 cause bnet cant solve the same problem with every game they launch :frowning:

I’m from Italy.

I cannot log on EU, using my vpn I tried every EU country. Connecting at New York made me log in, I played one dungeon with an insane lag.

I hope they will get us a BluPost asap, that’s very insane…

Same problem here.
Italy, PC.

Played 30 min in the afternoon, then enter the loop of rising queue.
Closed and restarded lot of times, always icreases
(20-25-30-35-40-53-60- now 65 after like 7th restart)
Friends of mine have no problems.

When I cancel connection a dialog window shows message “Disconnection” - Error 3000010

Doesn’t work at all, tried from spain, Uk and France

Edit: tried from EEUU and worked!

On xbox used second account work instant main account 57 minutes

Hey all,

Thanks again for the reports of this. Our developers are looking into this now, but need some more information to do so.

Can you folks please send us a copy of your FenrisDebug.txt file? This will be located in your Diablo IV install location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo IV by default.)

Once you find that file, you can email these with the following information:

To: techinfo@blizzard.com
Subject: Diablo IV EU Login Loop

Note: this inbox is used for file collection only. Messages will not receive a response.

We’ll get those over to the devs and hopefully get this fixed up for you all ASAP!

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Infinite login… how much launches you had? how much??? Ofc, with a totally different team but understandable i guess…

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on console it is a account based issue i have posted above that my fresh account no wait but main account has 1 hour. could it be my character is in a highly population server and why cant it be moved while i log in.

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What about console players!? I can’t even log a ticket because when you select console it fobs you off to the forums or the console manufacturer, and this is clearly an account issue of which Sony/Microsoft aren’t going to be able to resolve


try making a new gamertag or ps account to test.

Interesting enough some players can log in without any problems it’s just infnite quene for some, maybe a filter not working that shouldnt be used ? :slight_smile:

Hi Drakuloth, got the exact same issue but got it on the PS5 (not on a computer).

After reading dozens of posts, I kinda have the feeling it does have a connection with the PS-linking. The issue for me started around 17:30-17:40 CET. If you need any help or info from my side, let me know.

it didnt work, my friends ( about 4/5 km awhay) dont have any problem and login instantly and im waiting almoust 6h in que who goes 3 min down and 10 up… if i cant play tonight on my day off… tomorow i will ask for refound…

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bnet just downloaded the hotfix for d4. But still no luck. 44 minutes is better than 60, but you know, it doesn’t help. EDIT: okay, at least the timer is going down now. That’s promising. Still 37 minutes.

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i feel you bro, just be careful so its not late for a refund… (even though we both know you wont refund lool:D )

why not, get a refund today - buy the game with a discount in a year

I would totally understand, i can’t refund anymore sadly. 35 min quene at 0.45 am in middle europe imaginexdd

i just spend my las day off to play d4 and all for nothig…

I feel you, my fellow Nephalem :frowning: