Just saying and reminding people to vote with their wallet and now since they already paid, vote with their precious time.
Nobody has too much time. You want to say “No Blizz this isnt fun!”? Then dont play.
If you play, you are cool with what they are doing and promoting further changes in the same direction.
Take your choice and live with it.
It’s fine.
I bet you the second season 1 starts you’ll be logged in and in game 
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Well I play it I will make my own judgement about S1 … the patch is very bad let us be clear about that, but for the season itself i have to see for myself.
If i don’t like it not a very big deal.
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Agreed. On paper and eternal the patch looks awful. The main problem I think is people made their characters as powerful as they currently are by effectively just stacking one stat. Vulnerability. Now that’s been halved ofc people logged in to find they aren’t as strong anymore, but some of the other stats were buffed (40 damage buffs to elemental dmg, skill dmg etc) So I think they have simply just diversified the builds a lil more so that we don’t need to stack just Vuln.
I think once we start new chars and build around the new values it will be ok but ofc logging into a character that stacked only Vuln is just going to play 40% worse.
Yes, well… I think it’s fine, the patch is fine. So i’ll play.
And for everyone who is refunding, not playing or blabla, see you tonight in season 1 .
Hello all.
I’m saying “Its fine” to Blizzard and will see you tonight in season 1.
They buffed the additive base dmg types. But nerfed almost all multiplicative one. It’s like you have +25 dmg with -2500. Btw not the dmg is the problem, but the defense and CDR nerf. And the fact they altered our gear. I had a max rolled weapon, I farmed it for hours, spend like 30million gold, and it’s on min roll now.
Ya I don’t know if the math truly equals that, there’s a power nerf deffo but I’m sure it’s not going to be that noticeable on a new character. On your old max tuned, max rolled toons yea, ofc it sucks. Personally I’d rather these changing come now and effect Eternal chars from a pre-season than to do it in a few weeks and totally wreck season chars.
The problem is I already voted with my wallet when I bought the game 
Where did I say that I wont play?
My MO will be to observe how this shitshow evolves on YT and elsewhere on a another screen, while enjoying games that are fun.
When or If they revert the changes, I will happily log in and play. If the devs do nothing I will probably be curious and login on sunday for 1 or 2 hours and then return to games that are fun.
I was excited to play the game on release, payed the few bucks extra to start early on 2nd, but this season and the game doesnt excite at all anymore, if devs alter existing items and want to make a souls-like out of an ARPG.
Edit: In the end all that counts for Blizz is playernumbers and played time on a spreadsheet. They dont care about fun or sth. like that.
yes man those nerfs hit hard
yeah everyone complaints instead of testing, and the players complaining never killed lillith or reached level 100, they never experienced how to put a proper build together and actually play the game, its so sad. I call for way more nerfs still,
Its nice to see that the patch serves the 1%-Elite quite well in their pursuit of prolonging the grind to fill their day with.
Casuals still dont approve and make at least 90 % of playerpopulation.
You just just showed us the 3 broken builds (what you can achieve in 1000 hours) in the game. So what? There are 6 classes and 3-4 viable builds. Looks fun.
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Then i will be playing the crap out of S1, even buying some stuff from the store.
what are you even on about 1000?? i made a build like this in LESS than 60 hours… dont even spread misinformation