Instead of making other builds viable for sorc, they destroyed them all

Instead of making other builds viable for sorc, they destroyed them all…
Not gonna bother playing the new season, time to uninstall and forget that i wasted money on this pile of …

The nerfs to the broken specs that could kill Lilith, also destroy the damage on all other weaker specs…
Like when you combined damage to burning enemy/immobilized with stun/vulnerable… (which was the only way to do some damage without the broken spec) you now do a LOT less damage, cause it no longer stacks… AND the % to burning/immobilized target been cut in half…

I also lost about 400 armor it seems, though didn’t see anything about that in the patch notes…
We did get a few more % damage reduction, but the amount of armor we can get is just way too low for that to be effective.


And besides that, they will keep on looking like belly dancers or confused crossdressers at Rio’s carnival.


Its entertaining thou, right?

Both entertaining and sad at the same time

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Welcome to Barb gang


Wait a bit, the sites with builds and exploits must update, and soon you will be able to copy new broken build.

The sad is only for people thinking somehow, what they were doing was intended and it was fixed… For the rest well.

I was using my own build, finally after a lot of hard work was able to clear t70ish with a lightning build… but also had to use burning target/immobilize to get the crits for elites, but now that does no damage lol.
And it’s just stupid they nerfing everything, instead of buffing the specs that can’t clear end game content.
If they don’t want me to play end game, i don’t wanna do tier60 forever cause only 1 boring build can get higher… so might as well quit then, i don’t mind working/farming hard to get my gear upgrades, but if it’s all pointless why would i waste my time…
No fun copying other peoples build to then faceroll content.


And I love that comment about coping other peoples builds as some sort of dig… Its so generic now, its totally pathetic.

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I have now logged in and I don´t have any taste to play. I expected the animation for the Unigue trousers I have to be fixed. No, not touched frost nova. Instead they made it make no sense now. That is really insane. I spent one month looking for a good weapon with good vulnerable and equipped it just yesterday and today I will log in and they just destroyed my build? I played for fun and wanted to try things myself, try what works but I don´t want to play 24/7. I also hate the changes of xp, the world monster levels and everything what goes with it. I was never strong as Druid I play with but now I will be like mob addition to him, like a pet . :smiley: I hate this game now. I am thinnking of never playing again and I feel sorry I wasted time with this. Thank you.


Some sort of dig? cause we should all play the exact same way even though we have 3 elements to choose from? and within that element, a few different ways you can play…
They should “all” be somewhat viable…
And if something is broken, fix it specifically… don’t nerf things other specs also use which are already not strong enough for Lilith or T100 nightmare.

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Ok tell me, what was your “own build” that got affected so badly by this patch? What skill was you using that, is causing you such an uproar, because it was clearly fixed?

Level 100 character should be able to clear tier 49 nightmare dungeons, anything after that is just additional challenge.

Yeah, it’s really sad… wanted to enjoy season 1 as well even though i didn’t have high expectations…
But this is just terrible… was hoping my build would have at least gotten a bit stronger after this patch, but instead it’s completely nerfed into the ground while it couldn’t even get Lilith to 75% lol… nor damage mobs at tier 80 nightmare

i thought at least lightning will get some buffs for the season. nope. also the new sorc unique and aspect look awful. total waste of time patch. gg.

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The random shrine effect looks cool but, you’ll never find that anyway…

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Almost all defensive stats and affixes nerfed?
Crit and Vulnerability nerfed when they are the core essence of every build because all synergies are based on one or the other?

Lightning has it worst because it’s based on Lucky Hit and Crit, so they nerfed one of the 2 aspects you are basically forced to push.

No buff to lightning damage affixes will compensate for that.
That is beside the fact that Sorcerers only have 1 access to Vulnerability and it’s basically already forced into each build somehow.

So what people are upset about, is that they basically turned sorcerers into wet noodles.


What did you really except? LIke seriously, huh?

Anything that makes more builds viable, so when I say “I wanna play Lightning in the endgame” people dont laugh at me saying that I need to play Ice Spikes because everything else sucks ass.


Wait few more patches. They will nerf so hard any skill will do same damage. So you will stop complaing oh my build is bad. All builds will be with maybe ±1% dmg

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